A freind has convinced me to buy a basic lee loader and "pound"
out some 22 Hornet reloads. He is an avid Hornet reloader/shooter of many decades and while he has a quality bench set up, he reports they use them for field reloading on P-Dog hunts and keep them under the truck seat etc. He says they work very,very well and has done some comparisons to his bench reloads. He notes it's actually a simular set up to what bench rest shooters use while on the range to adjust and has some addvantages. The kit dipper is not made for 13 gr of Lil Gun. He makes his own for the Hornet and is mailing me one made for 13 gr Lil Gun that him and others use in the field. The standard dipper does hold 10.7 of H110,etc. I have about 650 rounds of brass saved up.
BTW- I tried some value S & B Hornet ammo ( 45 grain SP) recently and said I would give a report. The report is ........it's accuracy through my Handi Hornet reflected it's low cost. Accuracy was not very good, the Winchester 46 gr followed by the Hornady 35 factory loads were much better.
With a rise in ammo costs and the low cost to re-load a Hornet combined with the kits low cost and my foundness shooting the Hornet, it makes sence for this non reloader.
For $15-$20 bucks I will give it a try and let you know down the road.
Anyone else use it?