I just got my shortly about three weeks ago and I love the Lil’gun. I also put a sling on it, but if I had to do it again I would use a barrel band swivel for the front swivel. My shorty jumps when you fire the 3” 20 gauge magmuns out of her. The front swivel catches my finger and it’s smarts. My has a TDC butt stock and a TJC forearm, both are walnut and I also like the traditional wood stocks. I’m planning on ordering a plan walnut stock set from Gunstock, Inc. along with a recoil pad. I feel I need the butt stock about 1 inch shorter. The other stocks will go back on the .410. The other thing I am going to do is get a better front sight post. I’m looking at the Marble's fiber optic orange sight. This is going to be my little carry gun, but I can’t just walk out the back door with it, that would probably have the man come visit me.
Good Luck!