Oh, come on now wncchester, we have to remember that the Socialist Democraps are the "working man's party", right?
Hypocrites,this group of Socialist Democraps in Congress has ALOT more millionaires than the other party, & they have several ! [/quote]
Oh, yeah. I've been told that. Right. Like H3LL they care for the working class!
I grew up with parents who were dirt poor during the depression, always heard the "FDR was the working man's friend, he saved the country", etc. And that Republicans only cared for the rich. Perhaps some of you have been told that too.
When I got old enough to do my own research and thinking I learned that FDR was elected in '32. By the time for the '36 election, after four years of massive deficit spending and expansion of the federal government, we were deeply in debt but the percentage of people without jobs was higher than when FDR started making things "better". Why? He massively taxed the "rich", taking the money they would have used to grow business and, eventually, provide real jobs and used it to make work for the feds instead! It is a fact, the only expansion of jobs during his reign was in the government. Only WWII changed that, by putting millions in uniform and expanding manufacturing to supply them.
Today's socialist/Democrats want to continue FDRs glorious record of killing the goose that lays the gold eggs. Our non-thinkers provide the voting base for them to do so. Voting Democrats are about half the population, I guess you know that half of our population are, by definition, below average intelligence?
And, NY Hunter, It will be a cold day in h3ll before I vote for ANY anti-2nd ammendment, or anti- any other amendment, politician.
OK, off my too well used soap box. (For you young whipper-snappers, that's a street politician's podium.)