Author Topic: A terrorist gang...  (Read 6727 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2007, 06:13:07 PM »
WmRoy; that !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline williamlayton

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2007, 01:17:34 AM »
You KNOW good and well, no one but one is going to save the world from evil.
I don't believe it is a concept of spinelessness that Americans are spineless. It is certainly divided on the issues and the plans.
If we had decent leadership--and we don't, we have puppets--a number of these issues would have been concluded prior to this stage.
That said, you really know it is all OK, in the end.

Offline WmRoy

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #32 on: April 03, 2007, 04:59:34 PM »

This was e-mailed to me by my cousin who is in his 5th or 6th trip to Iraq........... he's a Doctor and they only are there 90 days at a time.  He's been to Bosnia 3 times I believe.

Offline Echo4Lima

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #33 on: April 11, 2007, 05:27:47 AM »
AHHH WmRoy, ironglow. People who GET IT!!!


Offline deltecs

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #34 on: April 14, 2007, 01:35:42 PM »
Let's use our common sense.  On 9/11, it was apparent that our nation was being attacked by terrorists.  These terrorist were Muslim religious extremists and not concerned about the sleeping giant.  With the military and political disasters since the 50's, who outside of the USA would respect it?  We did nothing when Iran kidnapped our embassy personnel.  Cuba, Granada, Panama, and hosts of other military actions that failed certainly didn't warrant respect from the Muslim world.  All that happened after those, was a little negotiation and a bunch of saber rattling.  Hussein, who had used weapons of mass destruction, was still not in compliance with the UN sanctions from the previous Gulf War.  Now we have Afghan Al Queda that attacked our homeland.  Who's next to attack?  Why not Iraq with its host of Al Queda terrorists and its government leaders poised to provide aid and abet the terrorism with more weapons of mass destruction.  And had stated its intent by applauding the 9/11 actions publicly.  I find no fault with the war in Iraq. Our public and government found out just how ignorant it is with regard to intelligence reports about the area, the will of the Iraqi people, and sentiment of neighboring nations in the vicinity, all were grossly miscalculated.  This war is not the fault of Bush.  It is his response against acts of terrorism in order to protect the American homeland.  One doesn't blame the weapon or tool that injures others.  YOU BLAME THE PERSON HOLDING THE TOOL.   THE TERRORISTS CREATED THE RESPONSE.  Exterminate terrorists, terrorism, and terrorist governments.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline Echo4Lima

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #35 on: April 18, 2007, 05:58:18 AM »
del, you make very good points. Some here prefer to see a conspiracy of whatever all over the place to justify surrender to these people. No matter how much you explain the facts to them, their little minds cannot grasp the larger picture. They are incapable of long term logical thought.

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #36 on: April 18, 2007, 06:22:01 AM »
Echo4Lima, I agree with that. I would suggest that they get their thinking caps on and look at the big picture. It's not going to be much longer and they will be here, so it's would be good to be well prepared for their arrival. As a matter of fact some are already here, just waiting for the right time and place. Do a search on Bailey Crossroads, VA and see what's going on there.
The Mountain
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #37 on: April 18, 2007, 01:38:35 PM »
 Any muslime terrorist attack on America should be met with swift nuclear destruction of one of these animals "holy" cities. Tell em if your "god" is so powerful why don't he stop our missile's. ! Any way we go kills these dirty animals is fine with me.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline powderman

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #38 on: April 18, 2007, 03:46:25 PM »
BILLY. Agreed Sir, mecca is #1. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Echo4Lima

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #39 on: April 18, 2007, 05:25:23 PM »
Mtnman, take note of the reply after yours. Does it make my point for me or what?

They just cant help themselves can they?

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #40 on: April 19, 2007, 02:28:29 AM »
Let's DO put our thinking caps on. Let's talk about Iraq's part in 911. There were I believe 19 terrorists. 15 from Saudi Arabia, 2 from Jordan, 1 Egyptian, and I don't remember where the other was from. They were trained in Afganistan, funded by Saudi Arabia so we in response, invaded Afghanistan and Iraq. Afganistan, I agree with, but Hussian (a very bad man by the way) was no friend of Al Queda, they weren't in Iraq at the time, and our own government has admitted that he and Iraq had no part in 911. This has been public knowledge for the last several years, however people whom proclaim patriot status continually shout, better in Iraq, than here. Did he get a kick out of 911? Of course he did, as did every other muslim nation in the world. We invaded Iraq for what he MIGHT have, and what he MIGHT do. It was mentioned earlier that he held British school children hostage. Britian deployed 7000 troops in this foray, and are pulling out all but less than 2000. Apparently you guys are more upset about it than Britian.
If we were going after the true culprits of this mess, why then did we not go after Saudi Arabia, after we invaded Afghanistan? Could it be oil? Of course it is. Oil after all is more important than justice. It has been suggested that we are and should be the WORLD'S policeman. One must ask, how many are willing to serve, that feel this way. Some already have, I know, and I salute you, however, if we are to be the world's policeman, WHERE do we get our authority? From ourselves I suppose. We (or our government I should say) who has turned to pre-emptive strikes based on what another country MIGHT do. I support our troops and have a son over there for the third time. I served my country for 20 years and bear the scars to prove it. War is much talked about, but not usually by those whom have actually participated in one. I love my country, but refuse to ignore the facts. My opinion, know one has to agree, but I believe I have as good a handle on the facts as some of you claim to have. That's also my opinion.
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Offline Echo4Lima

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #41 on: April 19, 2007, 08:12:07 AM »

Dee...a large part of the hijackers were Saudi, and yes, the Saudis were involved financially with Al Qeda. Pakistan is the creator and was the main financier of the Taliban.  I'm a firm believer of "with us or against us". I think it should be across the board and we should be doing everything we can to get rid of these people. Whomever it is!!

Using your logic we would have never gone after Hitler.  After all, he didn't have any operational support of the attack on Pearl Harbor. The same is true of Saddam and 911. However, Saddam did support a lot of others that had interaction's with Al Qeda.

The Marines that went into Nasaria in the early invasion found components to make chemical weapons, but not the weapons themselves.  If they're not put together (weaponized) are they WMD's?

Zarqawi WAS in Iraq prior to the invasion.  Would he have been the ONLY one?  How about the Al Qeda camp in North Eastern Iraq? There BEFORE the invasion. Al Aqsa, Hamas, PLO, all were financially aided by Saddam.  There are even loose links to Hezbollah though they are Iranian based. Most had some sort of contact with each other AND Al Qeda.  "The enemy of my enemy"....

60+% of the US military as it stands now joined AFTER the Iraq invasion. Do you think they knew/know what they were getting into?   I think so and I also think they believe in what they are doing.

The U S is the larges, richest, country in the world founded on the basis of individual freedom.  That doesn't give us the "authority" it gives us the OBLIGATION to spread that freedom.

No military person "wants" to go to war because they have the most to loose.  But those that do, don't want to go and not finish the mission successfully! They DO NOT want the rug jerked out from under them.  Nor do they want rules of engagement that prevent them from getting the job done in as little time as possible. This concept of winning hearts and minds cant realistically be effective until the fight is done.  MacArthur was right!  In war there is no substitute for total victory.

I wear my service permanently on my shoulder and when not at work, I wear a hat that has a common Marine term embroidered on it.  When I am "Thanked" for my "service" I rarely acknowledge it anymore. I feel the expression has become the P C thing to do. Sure, some are sincere, but most aren't.

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #42 on: April 19, 2007, 11:47:44 AM »
Echo your synopsis of my logic is incorrect. Britain, France and others were BEGGING us for help. Iraq did not attack us. They are (Saddam was) what kept Iran in line so to speak. Now that is gone. I do not condone Hessian's behavior, but the truth is he hated Al Queda, and they hated him. They, Al Queda moved into Iraq when Saddam was moved out.
We as a nation,are to offer help when it is asked for, not when we decide to. We attacked a sovereign nation that had absolutely NOTHING to do with 911. With your attitude we should PRE EMPT ANY country for what they MIGHT DO. The Iraq goverment is threatening to walk out if a withdrawal date is not set for U.S. troops. THEY DO NOT WANT US THERE! THEY HAVE SAID SO.
As far as your description of the U.S. being the richest nation in the world, have you not been keeping up? We are the most EN-DEBTED nation in the world.
It is not our job, to go around jumping on countries because they are not conducting their business as we think they should.
As far as people signing up for the military after 911, this is true. However, they were not told the truth about Iraq, and now are getting out. Have you not read, or listened to the news that the military is not able to meet it's recruiting quotas. People whom have served their country are being RECALLED after leaving the military, soldiers are getting 4 and 5 days back in the states (my son and his bunch, one of them), ONLY TO  BE TOLD, "SORRY NO LEAVE WE'RE GOING BACK", the enlistment age has been moved up to FORTY TWO YEARS OLD. Over 72% of this entire country disagrees with you, because most remember government propaganda from the Viet Nam era, and recognize it for what it is. I seriously doubt you or any of the minority has a better information source than that 72%.
I would repeat my invitation to anyone 42 years old or younger that think we are keeping terrorism out of the U.S. by fighting in Iraq to join the depleted military and give more than an opinion for your convictions. The military will be happy to see you, and these young men and women that are actually doing the fighting, will get a much needed rest. Death and destruction are much easier to discuss in a positive way, when you are not standing in the midst of it. So I would say to you also, put the uniform on, and help my son and others fight for your beliefs in Iraq. TMO
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #43 on: April 19, 2007, 12:09:48 PM »
  They are all muslimes therefore they are all guilty of aiding and abetting. All muslimes want to force islime on the world whether they openly admit it or not. It is written in the koran to subjugate by the sword.

 The only problem I have with our current war is that we are not cleaning the earth of these murduous cult followers.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #44 on: April 19, 2007, 12:16:24 PM »
  They are all muslimes therefore they are all guilty of aiding and abetting. All muslimes want to force islime on the world whether they openly admit it or not. It is written in the koran to subjugate by the sword.

 The only problem I have with our current war is that we are not cleaning the earth of these murduous cult followers.

Then why not trade you computer for an M4, and go and help? You are under the age limit of 42, so your qualified.  As I have said, our troops need rest, and could use dedicated reinforcements such as yourself.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #45 on: April 19, 2007, 12:22:43 PM »
I would if I could! Unfortunately I have some issues that will not allow me to reenlist. My son is currently a member of the MN national guard and my daughter plans on enlisting also.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #46 on: April 19, 2007, 12:35:12 PM »
I have a friend whom was in Iraq, at the same time his son and nephew were there. TWICE. So relatives are not an issue. The military would welcome you and your family. With your convictions I don't think you should deprive yourself. I think you should not miss the opportunity, and should go. War after all is about sacrifices, and I'm sure your issues could wait until you got back. My son's are, as are others.  It would be beneficial to the present troops to have new blood, and educational as well.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #47 on: April 20, 2007, 12:17:43 AM »
   One of the major problems with the "War on Terror" is that many of us are still caught up in 18th to 20th century thinking patterns.
  Back then we thought of our adversaries as this country or that country..neatly defined by political (and physical) boundaries.
  Entities such as Al Queda and other Muslim terrorist groups pay no heed to national boundaries. If they can have bases in Afghanistan or anywhere else..with that nation's will or against it..they will be there.. Political boundaries mean NOTHING to them...

   They must be rooted out wherever they raise their venomous heads.

  Let's look at it a different way..the poison of Islamofacism is centered in the entire with your search engines pull up a map of the middle east...
   When you have a picture stretching to cover from Israel through Iran and Saudi Arabia up through Turkey..put your finger the it by geography or population or even influence....

   Note: It must land in ..or close to ..the general area of Iraq !

   If we are to assist in installing a more reasonable form of govt in the middle east..what is a better candidate ? If we did it in Bahrain or would be easy to ignore or subvert.

   Then too..the three major oil producers (goldmines for terrorism) are in Iran ( lost by Carter admin)..Saudi Arabia ( somewhat stable)  and Iraq (at that time, a training ground and financial assist to terrorism).  If you had been C in C...which one would you have chosen ?

   Remember; hard and fast political borders no longer count !

    The other alternative..let Al Queda keep Afghanistan, wax stronger and eventually take Saudi Arabia (most oil) then join forces with Iraq, Iran and other , perhaps less willing but still compliant oil states, in warring by terrorism and oil embargo, on the free world.

   What would your choice have been ?

   Oh ! the way...don't forget...Saddam ignored the sanctions, no-fly zones and surrender agreements he had signed after the first Gulf War..    
     Neither Saudi Arabia, Iran, Aden, Yemen, United Arab Emirates  or any other Gulf state signed any such solemn agreement...but then again, none of them invaded their neighbor Kuwait, in 1990...

If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #48 on: April 20, 2007, 02:35:39 AM »
Ironglow your points are noted however, Kuwait was guilty of angle drilling along the Iraqi border, in order to tap into Iraqi oil. This is a well publicized fact. Also, Saddam made known that he was going to invade Kuwait if they did not desist, and George senior gave the ok, by saying he had no interest in the situation. This also, is a well known, and published fact. The clamor from other countries, are what touched off the Gulf War causing the U.S. to step in and carry the LION'S SHARE of the troops and money. As soon as he was driven out of Kuwait, everyone except the U.S. was satisfied, and have effectively refused to help GW fight this little war. China and Russia (our alleged friends) are dealing under the table with all of our enemies and we continue to do business with them.
It is amazing to me that anyone could possibly claim knowledge of Islam and at the same time believe that we (the mighty U.S.) can set up a DEMOCRACY inside a THEOCRACY based nation. Whom gave us the right to set up ANY KIND of government in ANY country other than our own? A little IMPERIALISTIC don't you think?This is an IDEALISTIC notion not a REALISTIC one. There is not one democracy in ANY Muslim nation, nor will there ever be. The religion will not tolerate it, and the American people whom refuse to except this need to educate themselves on the subject of Islam.
I have repeatedly stated that Afghanistan needed to be done, and apparently the world agreed, as they helped. But! Even our so called friends saw the error of Iraq, and sent only courtesy numbers of troops and support, and many have since pulled that out, including England, whom is going to leave less than 2000 troops.
I am all about defending America against it's enemies, but Saudi Arabia and others had far more to do with the 911 attack than other countries, and Iraq was nothing more that a cheering section. 911 would have been very difficult to organize if Saudi Arabia had not funded the training in Afghanistan and the terrorists that performed the deed. Remember this, that the only planes allowed to fly following 911 were military, and the one getting the Bin Laden family out of the U.S. and back to Saudi Arabia. This is also a well published fact.
If we are going to fight our enemies so be it, but let us not attack countries on false pretenses, and later justify it on what they might have done, or we need the military basis there.
That Islamofacism is growing by leaps and bounds is a fact, but to suggest that we can stop it is unrealistic. It is here in the U.S. under the guise of FREEDOM OF RELIGION. With this in mind you and others are suggesting we hunt them down in other countries, and wipe them out, but allow it here?
I for one believe that if we are to shed the blood of our sons and daughters, and grandsons and granddaughters, we should be very careful to justify and find out, about what we are sending them in to accomplish, and where, and why.
I personally find it difficult to digest, when a president says; intell was bad, there were no WMDs, but, then shifts gears, and changes his reasons for being there, and a small percentage of Americans say OK, while over 70% of the population sees the hand writing on the wall. Our military is stretched, and good soldiers are choosing to get out, when their time is up, because they are also seeing what has been done. Unfortunately many are being called back because America has seen thru the smoke and there are no lines at the recruiting offices. I pray for our troops safety, and wisdom from Washington. JMO
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #49 on: April 20, 2007, 03:58:50 PM »
  I guess we should all just bury our heads and pretend that the murderous cult of Islime is not out to kill or convert us all!
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline powderman

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #50 on: April 20, 2007, 04:30:46 PM »
BILLY. Yep, sounds like some here would do just that. We are not at war with iraq, we are at war with ISLAM. It is a Godless cult founded by a murderering, child molesting, butcher named mohamed. It teaches hatred and death from birth, it must be dealt with extreme prejudice. Islam is a cancer, a boil on the butt of the entire world. POWDERMAN.  >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #51 on: April 20, 2007, 05:10:14 PM »
This has nothing to do with not recognizing the problem powderman. The fact of the matter is that Islamic fanaticism is allowed here in the U.S. under the guise of FREEDOM OF RELIGION. It is a double standard for you guys to want to wipe out Islam in other countries by invading them while your government AND YOU allows it to grow here. You and old Billy there are preaching war in Iraq, and while you and I are a little long in the tooth, ole Billy is still fightin age but he has issues he doesn't want to discuss as to why he isn't joinin in the fight he thinks should be fought. Your defending your politicians for killing the vermin in other countries and ignoring them here. You have not addressed the fact that they live among you, in full view. Do you want to kill them too?
You ignore the WELL KNOWN FACTS concerning the lie that was used to start the Iraq war, and center just on Islam. You say we are not at war with Iraq? We invaded Iraq and overthrew it's government. Were you asleep when that happened. Do you realistically think you can wipe out all muslims? It is the fastest growing religion in the world, and yes, it is a very dangerous cult. It is growing by leaps and bound in this country. We now have at least one muslim congressman, what about him Billy? You wanna kill him too?
As I have said before. I am all for defending my country and did so for 20 years, however, a spade is just another word for shovel, and the fact is Iraq had nothing to do with 911, and Iraq has never attacked the U.S. I am in full support for the Afghanistan invasion because it had evidential merit, but, come on. Saudi Arabia was behind 911, and everyone knows it. It's documented fact.
If we're gonna fight lets get the right country for gosh sakes.
If we're not at war with Iraq, then why the hell are we shootin Iraqis?
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline billy_56081

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #52 on: April 20, 2007, 05:53:15 PM »
  If I were eligible for REENLISTMENT. I would go to Iraq. But I am not! My children 16 and 18 are not so naive to think that if we don't go there the terrorists will leave us alone. (and they have good personal reasons for that) They know why there dad can't go. They "the muslimes" attacked us here. We need a base in the middle east for dispensing punishment to these rabid animals.

  While I do not agree with the presidents soft handed aproach to handling this cult. I do beleve we need to be at war with any and all of Islime. I wouls love to see all muslimes in america deported or imprisoned. The koran states there intentions. They are a cancer on the world not a religion.

 What was said of the American resolve when we pulled out of Somalia? And who did it embolden? The Serbs were not so naive about the islamofaciests.

  Why did the Iranians not grab an American crew in these "disputed waters" ever? It is because they knew the British would not retaliate. Even will President Bush's much too soft approach, the American approach would have been much different.

  I wish we never would have to go to war and our young men and women were sacrificed. But the sad reality is there is evil in this world and its name at this time is ISLAM.

  So everyone keep there heads in the sand, see if it goes away.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline Dee

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #53 on: April 20, 2007, 06:33:35 PM »
So your saying that by invading Iraq whom had done nothing more that ignore us, we are justified in invading them and over-throwing their government, because we needed a base in the middle east? How lame. What about the base in saudia arabia? No one disagrees with the danger of Islam, and I hardly think GW is soft handed. More of a conqueror I think. He wants to turn a country into a democracy that doesn't want to be one.
You have ignored all the facts concerning the Iraq war, and are concentrating on Islam. I believe the only ostrich here is you. While Islam is a threat, I don't see attacking the wrong country as the answer. Put the blame where it belongs and go after them, instead of a bystander. The saudies were left alone because they sell us oil. Iraq had quit playing ball by our rules, so we transferred the blame onto them, and people like you fell for it. You are still defending it more than a year after GW ADMITTED on national tv, they were wrong about the intelligence on Iraq. There are three muslim countries that were part of 911, and we haven't touched them. D.C. and GW claim they are allies. ::)
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #54 on: April 21, 2007, 05:40:33 AM »
   As I said earlier...but perhaps not succinctly enough...The enemy that attacked us on 9/11 was Al Queda.
   Al Queda has no borders and recognizes no we have to get them where we can..and i am not adverse to rooting them out here in the USA...we eventually will have to anyway if we are to win the war on terror and survive.

  I just wish the world leaders were honest enough to refrain from saying "war on terror" and finally come out honestly and say "war against nutsy Islam"..

   I agree that govt should not be catering to intl bankers and business....both parties do it...they just pick their favorite interests..

  Much as I would like it...can't see the breaking of the 2 party stranglehold..the 2 parties would have to vote in favor of it...fat chance !

   Now, your remark about the confluence of Islam and Christianity being stronger than that of Judaism and Christianity...I must heartily disagree..
   You will have to show, line and verse..

   To be absolutely frank...IMHO..Judaism and Christianity follow the true God...while Islam follows that other God...the "father of lies"..

  Christianity in some ways is the "child" of Judaism..the difference being the recognition of the Messiah ! IMHO..Islam is a false doctrine cooked up by a deranged camel driver in the African desert heat..based on the primitive Arab's animistic moon god..Illah ! 

    See attached archaeological recovery of ancient "moon god"
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #55 on: April 21, 2007, 11:19:28 AM »
Ironglow, I believe that we agree for the most part on Islam. However, a smart fighter picks his fights right down to the location if he is smart, and above all else honest. I am not against fighting for for what is right, and have the scars to prove it. However, trumped up charges on a country does not make for winning fights when one is dealing off the bottom of the deck from the beginning. Leading a country is like raising a child. You can lie to the child when he is young or you can be honest and up front with him. Either way in the end, when he is grown, he will know you for a liar, or a square shooter. It's all up to you. The last few administrations would climb a telephone pole to tell a lie, when they could have sat in a chair and told the truth.
My son knows the truth, because he has been over there three times. He has participated in the fighting and talked to the people. He feels sorry for them because of what our government has caused, and they (the Iraqis) want us out of there. They are not interested in Democracy. They like their Theocracy.
If GW truly wants a war on terror why does he not shut our borders down? You put doors on your house, and locks on your doors because your common sense tells you if you don't someone will steal your stuff or worse. This whole thing is coming unraveled on GW and company, and the whole world is watching. I believe that your grandson's blood and my son's blood is worth more than fighting for a lie.
I spent twenty years participating in the so called war on drugs in this country. When the search and seizure laws came out, the real truth came out. There was no war on drugs. It was nothing more than a sales gimmick propagandized by the feds. When property is seized, it's not the property of the real pushers. It's the Americans whom property is seized. This drug situation could have been curtailed years ago, by shutting down the borders, and thought one cannot expect to stop all drug trafficking most of it would be.
Such wasteful programs as a naval reserve station in Amarillo Texas is another example of BS. Have you ever been to Amarillo Texas? There isn't enough water to float a canoe there. It's semi-arid, i.e. desert like almost.
Put our national guard where they belong. On the borders. Give them a full magazine, and the illegals, and terrorists crossing into the U.S. unmolested 24 hour notice.
One should clean one's own closet, before one starts to clean anothers. Don't you think?
And as for these Internet Rambo's. Trade that computer for an M16, and help wipe out these Islamic terrorists. Put your blood where your mouth is. Merle Haggard has a song out and a line in it is the absolute truth. Politicians do all the talking, and the soldiers pay the dues. That's what the Internet dogs of war remind me of. They stand in their own yard and bark, but won't go into the street where the real fight is.JM2CW
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #56 on: May 22, 2007, 11:23:55 AM »
Iron, your beating a dead horse....whatever you say, they will attack HOW you say it, not WHAT your saying.  They will not reason nor hear other than whats locked in their minds no matter what.

I was a young Marine Corporal at the end of Viet Nam. Most of us felt sold out. I believe "they" are selling us out again. Same folks, same attitude.

The "war in Iraq" was over when we ousted Saddam. We are now in  battle with Al Qeda, Jihadists, Bathists, Iranian/Syrian supported insurgents and dead-enders.  Simple as that!  As much as some of you would like to read all this conspiracy and anti U S and other B S into it, its THAT simple!!

BTW, we ARE gaining the upper hand as much as some dont want to admit.

Have you heard today's news about Iran's intent to invade Iraq after the US withdrawal?

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #57 on: May 22, 2007, 04:50:15 PM »

    Much to the dismay of the "choose to lose" politicians..the "surge" is working. I am getting word back from troops in the fight !

  Tribal leaders are starting to turn in (some say, rat out) gangs of terrorists..if not going to get them themselves. We have seen those kind of efforts recently..where tribal leaders are going after the terrorists themselves.

  There was a spike in the attacks on our troops (and casualties as well) right after there was talk by some cowardly congressmen abou  daedlines and pull out...and when the speaker of the house cozied up to the major terrorist sponsor ..Pres Hafaz of Syria.
 However, when the terrorists were "handed their heads" a couple times, the attacks tapered off.
   The terrorist attacks which were encouraged by some of our own "leaders".... quickly wore off !

   Must be doing some good..the Lebanese govt is encouraged enough, as we see on today's root out their own terrorist gangs harbored in Palestinian "refugee camps"...
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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #58 on: May 23, 2007, 04:04:57 AM »
I think that when the terrorist group robbed a bank, the Lebanese government thought it was time to take action.  Hopefully they'll wipe the bastards out. 

It's good to see that others are fighting terrorism; maybe it will catch on.

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Re: A terrorist gang...
« Reply #59 on: May 24, 2007, 08:47:34 AM »
Amen Magooch;

  The Lebanese govt is trying to keep a society where Christians can function as well as the Muslims...but the terrorists don't like such a country !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)