SHOOTALL, your exactly right. While I certainly don't like the idea of our young men and women being killed in war, this adversary makes it necessary. They have attacked us on so many fronts in the last 2 decade's, we finally have a leader who responded. He certainly has faults, and has screwed up. This war is not one of them. How many condemnm what he's done, but will be the first to yell and scream about what did the gov't do or didn't do, when we have another 9/11. We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
While I agree with all said, and have had my own opinions of Islam and what it is, which war are you talking about. Are you talking about the CORRECT decision of going into Afgansitan and clearing out the TRAINING CAMPS financed by Saudi Arabian kings and government officialls, that helped spawn 911? Or are you talking about the war where we invaded and overthrew a dictator the American government trained at the School of the Americas in Ft. Benning, Ga., and put into power with American backing, and whom had ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with 911? This country being of course, Iraq.
It is amazing to me, why some people march around in circles waving flags, and proclaiming what a righteous war (the one Iraq) this is, when they totally ignored whom was really behind 911, which were the SAUDI's. All of this is DOCUMENTED fact. Yes, al quade has MOVED into Iraq, but, ONLY after we threw the country into chaos, by overthrowing the government. Yes, Saddam was a bad man, but so is Poutin, the Kadfie, and many others.
We (as a country) started out in the right direction with Afganistan, but, how in the hell can people ignore facts, just because GW says so. We didn't go after the REAL CULPRITS because of oil interests in Saudi Arabia, and that also is an established fact.
So now people who are not doing the actual fighting are sitting in their living rooms saying we need to stamp out these evil muslims in Iraq.
We did not attact the RIGHT country, we attacked the WRONG country, and although I think TM7 IS in left field on many of his world views, especially concerning Islam, the truth of the matter is that OVER 70% of the U.S. DOES see thru this BS concerning Iraq. All the American government has really accomplished is they have SHOWN the rest of the world and 70+% of it's own population, that they will lie about their reason for attacking a country that HAD NOT attacked us. They in effect destroyed what little credibility they had.
I voted for Bush twice, but he has turned out to be a hard headed, eliteist, idiot.
Now for those of you, whom are gonna claim that I don't support the troops, BS! I served my country for 20 years, my sons have also, and one still is. This is about PROPERLY going after the REAL CULPRIT, not spinning it to fit an agenda, and going after some other country. Some people in this country are in the minority on this issue because they REFUSE to see the HANDWRITING ON THE WALL. They got lied to concerning Iraq! Everybody now recognizes that except them. It doesn't make them smarter and more in the know, because they are watching the SAME TV NEWS everyone else is. It makes them hardheaded, and incapable of accepting the facts that the other 70+% now see. This 70+% aren't weaklings. Their just not lemings.
Right now, my son is not sitting in a compound talking on the radio, or repairing equipment. He isn't sitting in an air conditioned office, making decisions for someone elso to carry out, nor is he sitting in his recliner at home. He is fighting house to house in Baghdad. He chose to serve his country, WILLINGLY, and he like many others agree, the fighting should have been done in another country, not Iraq.
Although I worried about him when he went to Afganistan on his first combat tour, I knew that we as a country were right. These last two tours in Iraq have been a nightmare, because the reasons for being there have been uncovered to the world as a lie, and THAT is why our support is diminishing WORLDWIDE. Not weakness from the rest of the world. They like we 70+% recognise BS when we see it. TTWISI