Author Topic: Suvivor 45LC Sights  (Read 604 times)

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Offline jkir

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Suvivor 45LC Sights
« on: April 02, 2007, 09:33:04 AM »
Has anyone had success it putting some type of after market sight on this rifle? I know the bead would be OK overall (especailly if wing shooting), but I was thinking some type of ghost ring/peep.

My rifle comes in Wed, bought it sight (no pun intended) unseen. Have had other handi's, and assume this one has the mounting holes drilled and tapped for the scope base (?) which should facilitate some type of upgrade.

Perhaps the pictures I have don't do the rifle justice, maybe there is more that the bead from the factory?


Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #1 on: April 02, 2007, 10:17:20 AM »
The Survivor 45/410 barrel isn't drilled and tapped for a scope base, you may be thinking of the 45Colt Carbine barrel which is D&Td as are all rifle barrels, they aren't the same, two different barrels.

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Offline sachel.45

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #2 on: April 04, 2007, 06:21:27 AM »
if your talking about the .45LC/.410 marbles makes a tang sight that i think fits the nef survivor.
the item number is 134-246.
looks kinda neat just don't have the cash to try it out right now to many other thing to buy first
common sense is slowly becoming uncommon

Offline jkir

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #3 on: April 04, 2007, 08:26:18 AM »
Thanks, Sachel.

I too, may have to wait a bit, but if it fits, it may be the ticket (may also have to swap the bead for something a little less in size)

If I put one on, I be sure to post about it.

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #4 on: April 06, 2007, 05:41:53 AM »
The open sight is probably for the rifle calibers in the survivor.  What I did was have someone tap it for a scope.  In fact I have a nickle barreled one getting tapped right now.  Midway does sell a scope rail for about 6 bucks that is the right one for this gun.  You'll also need to get bullets that are in the .454 - .456 range to get good accuracy out of this gun.  I get 2" groups at 50yds with the above setup.

I have also heard of guys sending the barrel back to the factory and having them tap it.  There's plenty of barrel to do it.

I have a 45lc barrel getting fit right now too.  The suvivor in 45 LC is just plain fun to shoot, with zero recoil.  My wife like it for deer hunting, as she never shoots further than 50-75 yrds anyway

Offline jkir

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #5 on: April 07, 2007, 07:51:28 AM »
Finally picked it up yesterday, and what a cool little rifle.

For future consideration, I would say buy the 223 or 308 survivor, and send off for the 45LC/410 barrel, this way you have the SB2 receiver (which can handle heavy loads/pressures) and still put on the survivor barrel in 45/410.

Still a great little gun. I will probably have my local smith drill/tap for some type of sight or rail and put a low power scope (1-3) so it will still have some wing shooting capability with the scope.

Offline quickdtoo

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Re: Suvivor 45LC Sights
« Reply #6 on: April 07, 2007, 08:03:52 AM »
If you just want to shoot 45 Colt, get the 45 Colt Carbine barrel, it has sights, is drilled and tapped for a scope rail, and has a 45 Colt chamber instead of a .410 chamber with it's loooong throat, it's available as an accessory barrel or a complete rifle. ;)

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