Newbee - haven't got a cannon (yet) but I will soon. This is the best site I have seen for ideas on everything. Good job Greybeard. I will order some of your recommended books but this site has tons of info and everyone is civil. Liked DD answered - anyday firing is a good day.
Anyway, after kissing up to everyone I would like to hear of any firings going on in the Southeast. I live in MS so LA, east TX, TN, AR, AL, FL, GA would be in range. Have seen them fired in Vicksburg at the Park but I would like to go to an event where I could look and discuss cannons with users. Take the wife and tell her its a mini-vacation. Would hate to hear of a meet the weekend after Easter I could have made.
Been blowing up stuff since I was a kid and spent four years in Naval Aviation Weapons so this looks like the perfect hobby. May lower my blood pressure a few points.