Could someone help me with the date of a Sears Model 53A? (which is a rebadged model 70) The serial number is U16257x. Is that a 1949-50 model 70? Is a pre-64 model 53 worth anything? local pawn shop has one.
You are correct about it being made by Winchester for Sears.
The following information may (or may not) help: Pre-64 model 70`s had controlled round feed. Cut checkering and
a 3 position wing type safety. Plus other features.
If yours (maybe) has these features, it might be a pre-64. If not, must be an a POST 64 model.
I know this doesn`t give you an exact year of manufacture but........
As far as "worth" of a 53A. Condition is everything. Plus it`s not a real Win model 70 ( no offense intended) Made by
a good company just doesn`t have the "name."
so i`m thinking if you like the rifle, dicker with the pawn shop people as they got it for next to nothing. You can bet on that!
Good luck.