I have just begin working with mine, which I accidentally acquired. There is a link in FAQ's by John Taffin that has some load data, and I have found that 50/70 data will work. There is no way that I could or would afford to shoot factory loads, I immediately bought 100 brass and some Lee dies and mold, the 440 gr gc. I found that 14 gr of unique and a CCI 350 primer, magtech brass, gives me 1.6" groups at 50 yds. I do not have a chronograph but data suggests that it should be in the 1250 fps range. It is not unpleasant to shoot, but you know it goes off. I am using it here in Mo to deer hunt in the mornings. This load penetrated 5 2x4's and lodged in the 6th. That will certainly go through several deer. I may work up a "midrange" load with some XMP-5744, but I seriously doubt that I will ever shoot a full power load through it, there is just no need.I believe that over time my cost per shot will be around 10-12 cents.