How long does it take to reload one of these high power air rifles? What is the process of getting the compressed air into it?
Hey Cabin4,
All of the bigbore airguns are single-shot guns with the exception of the Career Ultra 9mm lever action repeater.
The reloading procedure depends on the make of rifle (or, in some cases, pistol). Both the DAQ and Bontrager bigbores have a bolt single-action that is loaded one shot at a time, and then a seperate bolt for the hammer is cocked back. The BGMF .452 Gargoyle rifle's bolt does double-duty by cocking the hammer while also allowing to load the slug.
The popular Korean bigbores are the SamYang 909 .454, Career Dragon Slayer, and Career Fire 201s 9mm. The SamYang909, and CareerFire201S both lload the same way. The breech sleeve is pushed forward, exposing the loading port. A slug is loaded into the port, and then usually seated into the throat with an allen wrench or something of the sort. The breech cap is closed, then the cocking lever on the side of the receiver is pulled back to cock the hammer (I know the 909 has two cocking positions, one for low, and the other for high power).
In the more powerful DAQ, Bontrager, and BGMF-type rifles one fill of air will generally give two good shots with a finishing shot or two in .45 caliber, and 5-6 full power shots in .308 keep in mind this is an over-all generalization when describing these rifles as a whole.
My SamYang 909 has been power-tuned by BGMF, and for dedicated big game hunting shoots 4 good powerful shots of 240grain slugs at 690-700fps. It doesn't have the absolute power of the full-custom guns but it does produce 4-5 consistent high-power shots (probably a few more on low power) for plinking and shooting nice groups, that could also kill any deer out to my self-imposed range limit (currently 50 yards) and will be my idea of the ideal gun for deep-woods predator calling. I'll be going after deer back east next year; hopefully in two maybe three of the several states that now have airguns included in their big game regulations.
To refill with air the easiest way is to use a scuba tank with special fittings. This way of filling the rifle with air takes only about 20 seconds or so to do so it is very convenient for extended shooting sessions.
I use my HillPump most of the time to fill my rifle, as I ride my mountain bike into the woods and would rather bring my take-down Hillpump with me than try carrying a scuba tank on my bike. I simply attach a foster female on the end of the pumps hose, to the male foster fitting on my rifles air reservoir, then pump my gun up to 2600-3000psi like I was pumping a bicycle tire. There is a nice little contraption on the side of the pump that removes the moisture from the air so it doesn't go into your guns air reservoir which is nice.
Once you buy a HillPump for your air rifle, there is the satisfaction of knowing you have invested in a lifetime of free propellant, and air independence. No more waiting until the scuba shop opens so you can purchase air for your rifle. Just grab your pump and go. If you cast your own .45Colt slugs, you are totally self-sufficient.