Author Topic: Professional ethics...?  (Read 732 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Professional ethics...?
« on: April 19, 2007, 02:13:12 AM »
    We expect MDs to heal rather than kill (abortionists + Dutch doctors excluded)..  We expect to get $100 worth of groceries from the supermarket for exactly $100..
     We expect 4 quarts of gasoline for every gallon we pay for...The butcher had better give us 16 oz of product for every pound of steak we buy..

    In New Jersey the other day, their governor..being chauffered by a state policeman, was probably not wearing his seat belt (as was his habit) and his vehicle was going 91 mph in a 65 mph zone.

   It has become more apparent recently that laws are selectively applied...can this state policeman be defended ?
  Isn't he obligated to either ticket the gov..or at the least, refrain from ignoring seat belt laws and desist from breaking the speed laws himself ?
   Doesn't the governor have the obligation to obey the laws he insists his state policemen enforce ?
   Do professional ethics demand this ?       ....just wondering ...
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Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 05:04:43 AM »
In a ideal world, that is the way it would work BUT do you notice that with any laws or restrictions that are passed, the house and senate's first move is to exempt themselves from them.
It is indeed a psycological thing where they (politicians, rock stars, sports millionaires, etc ) show they are above us common folks and laws do not apply to them.

Offline Hooker

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #2 on: April 19, 2007, 08:22:31 AM »
Government at all levels is guilty of ignoring or otherwise excluding them selves from the laws or regs that they force us to adhere to.
The word ethics' is not in their vocabulary unless it applies to someone else. I for one think that our officials should be held to a higher standard than those they serve. But these are things that everyone complains about yet we do nothing to stop it. So they grow bolder as time passes,and now we are ruled instead of served. Ruled by criminals who have placed them selves above the law.
I fear that the ballot box will not fix this problem either. The majority of us have become to easily satisfied by trinkets that they occasionally toss our way. It's no small wonder they treat us like little children and tell us that they know what is best for us.
It's a shame that the majority of us have become so ignorant and lazy that we no longer even question what is right or wrong.
And once again when it comes time to throw the tyrants out there will only be a few who will stand against them.
But they will be in good company like those that stood on the green at Lexington.

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Offline David Carey

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #3 on: April 19, 2007, 08:58:44 AM »
Out here in Washington State we just had an ex State trooper arrested for DUI with a blood alcohol level of .47, she must have never seen what drinking and driving can do.

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Offline Savage .250

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #4 on: April 19, 2007, 09:31:41 AM »
                         Does that old saying," do as i say, not as i do ." seem to apply here? 
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #5 on: April 19, 2007, 10:56:05 PM »
  Thanks Folks;

   At least it heartens me to see that others agree with me on the subject..not that such will change it any !...LOL

  Frankly; I don't see any excuse for either the  Gov or the LEO...other than for the Gov..ARROGANCE and for the LEO...being a WHIPPED PUPPY.

    For that "officer of the law"..yeah right ! ...what he did is no different than if he were working for a food company and the shift leader told him to throw some tainted meat into the sausage mix..or working in a jewelry store and replacing customer's diamonds with rhinestones...

   For either one of them..their moral compass has a erratic magnetism..LOL 
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Offline wncchester

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #6 on: April 20, 2007, 01:27:18 PM »
To the rich and professional politicans "ethics", professional or private, only means not getting exposed in their hypocrisy. 

Gov. Corzine is professionally unethical, he got exposed.  Of course there won't be ANY professional (he IS a rich Democrat!) or legal penalty for him, or his driver, but he can't ignore or buy-off the pain.  And his injuries are PAINFUL!  But can't you image the media out rage if that "accident"  had happened to a Republican!
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2007, 02:29:14 AM »

   My point about the seat belt law wasn't about the correctness of the was only to point out that here is a man (?) whose police force every day, hands out tickets for non-use of the belts...ditto the speeding tickets..

   Yes, wncchester one could hear the wailing all over Manhattan (where the "big 3" news nets are located).

              I think the network news would improve a great deal if they would move their broadcast/editing offices to someplace such as Ponca City, Ok...Somerset, Ky... or Minot, ND..
  If they suddenly relocated in those places in what they snidely refer to as "flyover country" least half the fancy pants, self-centered little twits would sign off.
  Those that had the guts to remain, would get a good grounding in good old, down-to-earth..common sense !

   Sorry, folks in Ponca City, Somerset or Minot...I didn't mean to pollute your towns, but I'm sure you would have the minor mess cleaned up and "put right" in short order...LOL
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Offline Dee

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2007, 03:04:42 AM »
Government at all levels is guilty of ignoring or otherwise excluding them selves from the laws or regs that they force us to adhere to.
The word ethics' is not in their vocabulary unless it applies to someone else. I for one think that our officials should be held to a higher standard than those they serve. But these are things that everyone complains about yet we do nothing to stop it. So they grow bolder as time passes,and now we are ruled instead of served. Ruled by criminals who have placed them selves above the law.
I fear that the ballot box will not fix this problem either. The majority of us have become to easily satisfied by trinkets that they occasionally toss our way. It's no small wonder they treat us like little children and tell us that they know what is best for us.
It's a shame that the majority of us have become so ignorant and lazy that we no longer even question what is right or wrong.
And once again when it comes time to throw the tyrants out there will only be a few who will stand against them.
But they will be in good company like those that stood on the green at Lexington.

Well said hooker.

Now I would like to weigh in on this seat belt issue. Having served as a Police Officer for 20 years in Texas I am very familiar with the law. The state of Texas issues grants to police dept.s and most generally, attach the stipulation that they enforce the seat belt law as part of the agreement in obtaining many (not all) of these grants. Why you ask? REVENUE! That's why. For every citation issued by ANY law enforcement agency in Texas, the State of Texas gets a cut of the fine, regardless of what the citation was for. However, the seat belt law is one that everyone violates occasionally. Am I being critical? Of course. I never wrote a seat belt violation. EVER!
Here is one of my reasons. My wife drives an 07 Chrysler 300 Limited. In my opinion a very safe automobile. If she pulls up at a stop light, and stops beside a teenager on a street legal dirt bike, wearing nothing but shorts, and flip-flops, (helmets aren't required for motorcycles in Texas), and she isn't wearing a seat belt, guess who the officer who is watching that intersection stops? Her of course! Reason? Safety issue! No seat belt! Never mind the teenager riding the motorcycle was half naked and wasn't wearing a helmet.
I would give other examples however, I think my point should be made. Ourgovernmentt officials aren't interested in logic and common sense because there is no money in it.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

Offline ironglow

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2007, 06:13:01 AM »


   Indeed, I have noticed that here...we have a state trooper station in our minute little town. They are great at handing out traffic tickets and set up roadblocks to catch any expired inspections etc.
    ...But have your car broken in to or your kids bike stolen and they can hardly be bothered. Obviously, there is no profit to the state  in catching crooks..especially if the crook is going to use a "public defender" taxpayer's expense.
  People with their wages in their pockets..are better "pickings" I presume

   My point was the hypocrisy of the gov and state police in that particular case...why don't they just quit "pretending" ?

   A few months ago, we had an outlaw from a reservation in our county running through the woods around here. He had an extensive criminal record and had shot a law officer.
   Millions were spent to apprehend him before he was finally caught.
   During that period, cars full of LEO were parked up and down the roads...guess they were waiting for him to come out and deal with them..LOL

   BTW :...Don't know if it is this way where you folks live...but around here, if I were to show up in a "traffic check" with an exhaust system 2 decibels louder than's $100 please...

  ....But that same trooper will sit beside the highway and watch a parade of Harleys go by...splitting eardrums... and won't even bat an eyelash....HOWCUM ??
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Offline deltecs

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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2007, 03:33:53 PM »
The question and position of this post is "Professional ethics"  This is not a criticism of the post but what an oxymoron term.  It just goes to show that the media has brainwashed us again.  What happened to ETHICS?  Professional has nothing to do with it.  The ethics of our government people are just held to same standard that we apply to ourselves.  If we got caught and knew we are guilty, what happens?  Why, we plead innocent, naturally.  It is someone else fault that I drove drunk.  Maybe the bartender or neighbor that supplied the alcohol.  Maybe the cops, he should be doing something more important.  The point I'm attempting to make is that we have read and heard these politically correct terms so long that we believe some meaning different than the truth.  The truth is ethics is just that.  Professional, political, or not, we should expect the same standards of law apply to everyone.
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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2007, 07:45:47 AM »
Professional ethics depends on what department you are working for at the time !
If the Chief or Sheriff is Ethical, The officers working for them better be too..
One chief I worked for would fire an officer on the spot for accepting an "officer" discount
on Anything. He would also tell the store or restaurant owner never to offer his officers
BRIBES or GRATUITIES again ! You walked a straight line in that department.
Other Departments are so lax in policy that it is a Joke to even call them law enforcement.
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Re: Professional ethics...?
« Reply #12 on: April 27, 2007, 10:21:21 AM »
I hear in New York family members of police officers get an ID card that when shown during a traffic stop gets them off with a warnning , in North Carolina if you have a state trooper in the family you are to have a picture of them in uniform next to your drivers lic. and in Tenn they work things out ! In Va . things get worked out if ya know someone !
ethics ?
If ya can see it ya can hit it !