Author Topic: Dan Wesson Accuracy  (Read 1100 times)

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Offline DLEB

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Dan Wesson Accuracy
« on: April 19, 2007, 06:14:17 AM »
I had one of the early 1980s 357 6" interchangeable bull barrel. Someone broke into my home and stole it and a Browning rifle. I have had other revolvers since, but the accuracy of that particular revolver was simply amazing. In fact, it got to be kinda of a game with my brother to pick out targets that seemed way too difficult to hit. Each and every time I would make the hit and we would look at each other with this "I don't believe what I just saw look on our faces". I am a decent pistol shot, but that is all. I let others try shooting groups with it and they all were astonished. Sure wish I had it back. Damn thieves........ >:(

Offline RollTide

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Re: Dan Wesson Accuracy
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 01:06:05 PM »
That type of accuracy is the rule rather than the exception for Dan Wesson.  Unfortunately, you will have to pay a lot more to replace it these days, but you will still pay less for a Dan Wesson than for other guns that aren't nearly as accurate.  Get a good gun safe and join the NRA for the free gun insurance.  Anchor the safe, I know people who have had their entire safes, and of course all its contents, stolen.  That is a REAL heart breaker.  I have only had 2 guns stolen in Houston, got them both back in about 6 months when the police caught the 13 year olds who were breaking into homes. 

I would tell you where the rest were hidden, but then the word might get out and the next thief might find them.  PM me if you are really curious.

Roll Tide

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Re: Dan Wesson Accuracy
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2007, 12:47:24 PM »
I got hooked on DW's when my brother called me up several years ago to go shooting his new pistol.  We took it out of the box and loaded it up and proceeded to hit everything we aimed at; without even adjusting the adjustable sights, been hooked ever since and have only found one that needed a little tweaking.  Some have heavy trigger pull; easily fixed with a spring kit.  I think they are best for the price and certainly the most accurate out of the box.