Author Topic: Pastor Chuck Baldwin--When do Policies Become Treasonous..?  (Read 566 times)

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Re: Pastor Chuck Baldwin--When do Policies Become Treasonous..?
« Reply #1 on: April 19, 2007, 02:51:08 PM »
Well I'll tell ya what TM7, I been steaming for a real long time about the fact that our current president not only would not close up those boarders (a long with all of congress) but actually let illegal people off the hook as well. Not happy one bit. Of course all the previous administrations have been lax as well over many years.
As far as Iraq goes, my feelings are we were already blowing things up there in the eighties with special forces inside there borders for targeting and information purposes, in effect, we were at war with them then, regardless if congress signed anything or be continued into the next administration, in which we crushed the republican guard.  Then the cease fire happened...not the end, a cease fire according to the corrupt useless nations that is. Now Iraq was supposed to follow some resolutions, which they did not. Then more involvement yet from the next administration.
What I'm trying to say is we were in Iraq long before this administration.  So whatever happened has happened, and we are now at a time where there is not an easy way out...either win it the old fashioned way...or wind up throwing the towel in like Vietnam. In which case the fall of Iraq, and about 12,000,000 people that voted will remind me of the fall of Saigon.
In a pickle it's a question of how bad you want to win....bomb then into the stone age, and fight them everywhere, and make them lick their wounds, or continue to try to be careful not to hurt too many which case history shows us we'll lose.  The only time wars are won is when everything, I mean everything is under the rubble and we sift through that when it's done.  (not popular, but it ends things, at least for a long time)
Of course, the radicals we are fighting have been around a long time, as I remember, even in the 70's they were killing, kidnapping, and high jacking planes, so nothing new there either.


Tough choices now, but things have been in play for a long time before this administration, even though things escalated over a few administrations to a higher level in this one.
The blame could go back a ways, weather we blame someone for not going all the way and nipping it in the bud a long time ago, or not nipping it in the bud now....the longer we wait, the harder it will be down the road to I think.  As always, If I'm going to lay blame on anything or anyone....I need to think farther than yesterday and today, and farther than just one man. Those 500 plus people in Congress take take a large amount of the share in everything too.

When do policies become treasonous? The very first policy that would put any American at any kind of risk at all, which means open borders to me.
But there have been a lot of policies in the past that qualify also.

Take care TM7...good subject always you get me to thinkin out loud sometimes.



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Re: Pastor Chuck Baldwin--When do Policies Become Treasonous..?
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 01:13:31 PM »
Pastor Baldwin's article while enlightening has flaws.  The major flaw in his article is that Clinton was impeached over Monica Lewinsky.  NOT TRUE.  Lewinsky's blue dress is what caught the president in a lie.  But, it was the lie contained in a legal deposition.   A lie in court documents under oath is Perjury, a severe criminal act.  It doesn't matter why the lie was told.  Clinton was an officer of the Court as an attorney and as Chief Executive Officer of the land in charge of enforcing the laws and upholding the Constitution.  Any president that lies in court is not upholding the Constitution as charged by oath and deserves to be thrown from office.  The media brainwashed Pastor Baldwin just like the rest of Congress that the lie was justified since it was to protect the honor of Lewinsky and hide his extramarital affair.  When are we going to learn to see the facts instead of being mislead by what seems reasonable.  I do agree that more needs done to force our elected officials to rigidly enforce existing laws and stop unlawful immigration.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Offline deltecs

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Re: Pastor Chuck Baldwin--When do Policies Become Treasonous..?
« Reply #3 on: July 15, 2007, 09:37:55 AM »

"Any president that lies in court is not upholding the Constitution as charged by oath and deserves to be thrown from office. "

A lie is a lie is a lie....and that is a serious charge you make not upholding the Constitution--or use to be. I guess that principle should amply apply to staff, too.


Any lie in a courtroom is perjury and should be severely dealt with.  However, when the lie is committed by the President of the US, who is charged by the Constitution to uphold the law, he should be removed from office.   And I did not make the serious charge not upholding the Constitution, Congress did when it impeached Clinton.  Arkansas revoked his license to practice law for this action.  It was a serious enough violation to Arkansas and should have been just as serious under federal law.  Ample application to subordinates and staff is not the same culpability as violation of oath of office.  I agree that staff and subordinates should not lie and doing so in a legal action is subject to perjury.  If my employees lie to me regardless of the circumstances, this is grounds for immediate termination.  The same should apply to illegal immigration.  Entering this country illegally is a federal violation and those convicted should be deported AFTER serving sentence. 
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
Opinion(s) are expressly mine alone and do not necessarily agree with those of GB or GBO mgmt.