The real bottom line is money...Hunters and Fisherman PAY the bill for Game management in America. Fisheries, wildlife officers and enforcement, education, and money to maintain reserves is paid for by HUNTERS and Fisherman, through tag and license fees and Wildlife management area fees.
Subsistance hunting nearly killed off alot of species in the US..Turkey, waterfowl and elk and deer were almost wiped out at some point in alot of areas due to subsistance hunting. Modern sport hunting, while also enjoying the benefit of harvesting game meat, isn't about feeding a family for survival.
Sport hunters who pay tags ARE conservationists, who also happen to support NON-Game animals as well as game animals through the money they spend. How much does PETA send to support the burrowing owl, the stickleback, or the black footed ferret? Probably nothing!!!!!!!! Hunters do.
While we are at it, conservationist hunters, let's not get too chummy or trust pure leftist leaning envirowacko conservation groups that want to LIMIT access to wild areas, and if they could would in fact STOP all sport hunting (remember Arizona anyone?). They also want your guns, yes, your shotguns, your bolt actions your .22's. Never forget that. Once they are successfull at getting the AR/black rifles lookalikes, they will start on the traditional hunting rifles.