Author Topic: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting  (Read 1084 times)

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Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« on: April 20, 2007, 01:05:02 PM »
So last night I was channel surfing and saw that Bill Clinton was on Larry King Live, I figured that I should tune in to see his spin on the Virginia Tech shooting.
Well as it turns out Old Bubba Clinton said the shooting had nothing at all to do with Gun Control, but it was more about the mental health problem in our country.
So this morning I searched high and low to see how media outlets would report what their “Favorite Son” had to say about the shooting, well there was nothing, nadah, anywhere; clearly CNN did not get the response they wanted so they buried it.
I was able to find the transcript to the show here is what Bill “Bubba” Clinton had to say and the media didn’t want us to hear.

KING: There are lots of questions today.

One, should we be showing him? NBC has pulled back a little.

What do you think?

B. CLINTON: I don't really -- I think that's something the media will have to decide on its own. I don't think we ought to do anything to glorify this young man, but I do think we ought to try to understand, number one, as nearly as we can, exactly what was wrong with him. And number two, since there were people who knew what was wrong, whether we need a change in law or policy that might have somehow either brought him some support or taken him out of the ordinary population before this occurred.

You know, each of these things you mentioned -- in Waco, in Oklahoma City, in Columbine -- there are things that you can say, well, if they had been done differently maybe you would have had a different result. And actually they were all quite different.

In this case, the issue here wasn't really the gun laws, for example. He cleared the Brady bill checks. But he had been identified as being profoundly troubled and having violent tendencies, at least, either toward himself or others as early as 2005.

So I think we really -- without recrimination, because nobody tried to have this happen, there ought to be some serious attempt to see whether there was some breakdown in the way the law works and the way the mental health systems works, to see if we can make some positive changes to avert this in the future.

KING: Would you change any gun laws?

B. CLINTON: Well, based on this case, I don't think that you can make that case, because he...

KING: He got a gun in a half hour.

B. CLINTON: He got a gun in a half hour, but he passed the background check. And, you know, one of the things that you might argue -- I like the three-day waiting period. But in order to get this -- the Brady Bill passed -- and then get it extended, we had to agree to allow that waiting period to be waived if you could do an automatic background check.

And, you know, that wasn't really the problem here. The problem was that if he had been committed, if it was clear that he was unstable, then he would not have -- if there was something in his record, he would not have passed the background check.

So we have to go back, I think, in this case, to the mental health care record. It's not like Columbine where you -- we needed to close the gun show loophole, which the voters of Colorado voted to do, 70 to 30 -- to do the background checks at the gun show, as well as other sale points.

It's not like Oklahoma City, where we needed, I think, to, you know, have taggants in chemicals that could be made into bombs so we could track them. There are lots of things -- all these cases are different.

This case gives us the obligation to look at how our mental health  system works.
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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #1 on: April 20, 2007, 04:03:20 PM »
Wow!  :o  Surprise, surprise!  Well he finally got one right.  It's too bad the media won't let the rest of the world see it.  ABC News ran a story on the gun control debate and how the libs are avoiding gun control.  they also aired a commercial funded by Mr. Fancypants NY Mayor pushing more gun control.  Talk about crappy journalism.   >:(

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #2 on: April 20, 2007, 05:01:58 PM »
Clinton's a centrist who doesn't change his underwear unless it gets a favorable indicator in the polls.

Interesting. So what's this tell us?

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #3 on: April 20, 2007, 05:25:33 PM »
Referring to Klinton as "bubba" is an insult to bubba's all over the country and indicates you don't have a clear grasp on what being a bubba is all about.

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #4 on: April 20, 2007, 06:01:03 PM »
  Ole Slick Willy must be trying to get some NRA contributions for his husband Hillary's campaign. Sad thing is ,is that there are some people so ignorant out there that they will fall for this prpaganda.
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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #5 on: April 20, 2007, 06:25:20 PM »
Referring to Klinton as "bubba" is an insult to bubba's all over the country and indicates you don't have a clear grasp on what being a bubba is all about.

Amen!!! I know alot of Bubba's here in AR, & he does not measure up!!!
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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #6 on: April 21, 2007, 03:21:16 AM »
Slick Willy isn't ever gong to say that his gun control policy is a failure! No matter what flaws it has.

His statement on the mental health issue is a silent scream to get his psycho wife committed.

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #7 on: April 21, 2007, 09:28:53 AM »
Referring to Klinton as "bubba" is an insult to bubba's all over the country and indicates you don't have a clear grasp on what being a bubba is all about.

LOL Graybeard, you are the best.  ;D

But I live way up North (not sure if a bubba is a regional thing or not) and I guess I'm not not aware of what to look for in a real bubba.

I would take your opinion as close to the holy grail, so please please give me the scoop of what is a true bubba.

I for one would not want to proclaim someone a "bubba"  if he/she was not deserving of the title. Please help me out here. ;)


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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #8 on: April 21, 2007, 10:30:00 AM »
Bubba is a good ole boy, a rough and tumble kinda guy. He's the one who's always first to take and chance and lead his companions into mischief of the innocent kind. He's the fellow who says "here, hold my beer and watch this...." He's the kinda fellow you love to be around and is always pro gun and pro hunting. He's the one who really has been there done that.

He is NOT a democrap ever, never PC in fact as far from it as night from day and he is NOT dishonest.

Bill aka the Graybeard
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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #9 on: April 21, 2007, 01:38:42 PM »
Well said GB. Bravo! Stand up for the Bubbas of this great country. They ARE the backbone of honesty and truth.
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Offline Skunk

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #10 on: April 21, 2007, 04:44:04 PM »
Graybeard, thanks for the nice description and definition of a "bubba."

I read a little bit about the name on an other website and they claimed, "Bubba is a relationship nickname formed from brother, given to boys to indicate their role in the family, especially the oldest male sibling. For some boys and men, bubba is used so pervasively it replaces the given name. The nickname may also be used outside the family by friends as a term of affection."

So I can easily see your definition coincide with the above. The article made it sound like "bubba" had its origin in the Southern United States.

I also found that, "Bubba has also developed into a proper noun, used as a term of endearment, to describe someone who is especially lovable, adorable, etc. Also used to identify someone's significant other (i.e "She's my Bubba".) It is said to have evolved from the word 'baby', but its origin is unknown."

I also see a little bit of your description in that.

All in all, your definition and description of a "bubba" makes him sound like a pretty credible fellow and a good guy to be around - a best friend who is like a beloved brother.

By your definition, I've been privileged to know a few "bubbas" in my life time too.



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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #11 on: April 27, 2007, 05:27:57 PM »
I must call slick willy on the "gun show loophole" comment though. At a gun show or elsewhere in some states private sales are exempt from NCIS, but for dealer sales (by far the majority at guns shows these days) a NCIS check is required.

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting
« Reply #12 on: April 28, 2007, 12:34:10 PM »
All D's are going to be wary of gun owners and the NRA this time around.  The D's have a majority in Congress again and they are running when there is no incumbent and President Bush is very low in popularity ratings.  So the D's best chance will come from not waking up gun owners.   Clinton saw Gore lose his home state of TN because of the NRA so like all D's this time around they will be wary of the gun issue.  Frankly, the media will help them this time by leaving the gun issue alone until (they hope) the anti-gun people have both Congress and the White House.  If we let that happen then shame on us.

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Re: Bill Clinton on Larry King, V Tech Shooting & his agenda
« Reply #13 on: April 28, 2007, 04:03:23 PM »
If Hillary is President tomorrow, will she be inviting Wayne LaPierre or Sarah Brady to dinner? If you want to keep your firearms, the answer is not a vote for Mrs. Hillary 'I want to take your guns, all of them - I want to socialize the health care system - I want my husband Bill to be the U. S. Ambassador-at-Large to the world' Clinton ---->  GET THE PICTURE YET!!! Never has a non choice been so easy to decide. Mrs. Clinton is not what this country needs, and certainly not what ANY firearms owners would ever want. (IMHO of course.) Mr. Clinton just wants what all politicians want: another term in office.