My craftsman experience seems to parallel what some of you others have had. I bought a circular saw, one with the laser on it to help you cut straight. I didn't use it right away, and it sat in the box for over a year. Then I had to do some repairs to the wall in my bathroom. I needed to replace about 1.5 sq ft of drywall due to water damage. I bought a sheet of that "hardi-back" stuff, and got my saw out to cut it with. Everything was ok for about the first 2" of the first cut, and the blade guard came off, got grabbed by the blade and shot little bits of aluminum all over the bathroom. So, I go over to Lowe's and get a jigsaw, a Black and Decker one on sale. It refuses to cut a straight line, the blade guide won't hold, it's broken! I took it back and borrowed a friend's 20 year old Bosch jigsaw that worked perfectly.
I do have one of the higher end Craftsman cordless drills and it's great, but I'm not buying any more Craftsman saws! I have a Craftsman drill press that seems to be pretty decent, I haven't used it much, but it seems solid, but crude.
I have a Milwaulkee Sawzall that I bought at a garage sale that needs a new switch, it's nearly new, so I think the saw deal is set for now anyway.