Author Topic: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?  (Read 23637 times)

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #60 on: June 28, 2007, 12:08:28 PM »
OK Graybeard, so you belong to the NRA, but you are the first to put them down every chance you get. I don't agree with everything the NRA does myself, but show me one pro-gun organization that has 100% of there member's happy with all the decisions made.

I spend a lot of time here in Delaware going to legislative hall and e-mailing my Senators and Representatives of gun rights issues, and thanks to the NRA giving me heads up of up coming gun issues. I don't see anyone else making us aware of gun Rights issues.

I won't beat a dead horse here, but I think the NRA is a great organization.
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #61 on: June 28, 2007, 04:46:24 PM »
I guess those of us that live in Southern states see no need for the NRA.  The money we donate is often just spent on a golf course and we have no clue as to where it goes.  Most of us in the South enjoy very littlle gun restrictions. This is because of Majority belongs to the Republicans.  Gun control in South Carolina is about as popular as an atheist running for governor.  In most circumstances, the Democrats are associated with gun control.  Most of the states that have democrats as a majority have more gun control.  Massachusetts, Illinois, NY, etc...I just vote Republican and save the $35 membership fee and buy more bullets.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #62 on: June 28, 2007, 05:15:49 PM »
30-30man, you might want to wake up and smell the coffee. What they can do to the boys up north, they can do to you.  Your post is a classic example of Phillip Wylie's "It can't happen here".  Look at the thousands and thousands of yankees that are flooding into your state every day. Those people vote. Probably something a lot of your folks don't.  Look at all the wild tracts that are now sub divisions, trailer parks, senior citizen retirement communities, golf courses.  All the snow birds don't make it to Florida.
Yeah, put your $35 in your pocket and laugh at the problems they have up north but when the same problems come to you (and they're coming), don't whine and ask them yankees for help.  And if you do, don't be surprised if they laugh at you and ask "where were you when we needed you?"

I don't know about "those of us that live in the south seeing no need for the NRA", I've live ind the south all my life and I see a vital need for the NRA and any organization that helps defend the 2nd amendment.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #63 on: June 28, 2007, 05:38:12 PM »
I have been sitting back biting my tongue. It is sickening to me to see people here down the NRA and make it out to be some kind of conspiracy.

Graybeard, please for everyone here, we know you don't belong to the NRA but you list alternatives to the NRA for gun rights, Who do you actually support and belong to? My guess is none of them. Also any of you that sit here a bash the NRA, exactly what have you done for our gun rights except wine and complain about everything. I belong to several organization that support gun rights as well as the NRA. I donate money and my time to support gun issues and gun rights. WHAT DO YOU DO?

I am a proud member of the NRA and will always be a proud member, I am just appalled at the real lack of support at a gun site such as this one.

Graybeard's a life member. That's funny right there. Guess you don't know as much as you think you know. Looks like you got
I call my legislators and whine to them. I post updates that GOA email me on most sites that I frequent. I go around telling folks to quit sending their money to the NRA and support the GOA. The only reason the NRA is as big as it is, is because of the $$ people keep sending them. This gives them cred with the politicians who see $$ every place they turn. If the members would abandon ship and go over to the GOA (the only no compromise group in Washington) the NRA would have to change. Then they may get back to where I would think about rejoining.

...You do not open your mouth without all the facts period...


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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #64 on: June 28, 2007, 06:28:53 PM »

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Offline Redhawk1

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #65 on: June 29, 2007, 01:03:57 AM »
I have been sitting back biting my tongue. It is sickening to me to see people here down the NRA and make it out to be some kind of conspiracy.

Graybeard, please for everyone here, we know you don't belong to the NRA but you list alternatives to the NRA for gun rights, Who do you actually support and belong to? My guess is none of them. Also any of you that sit here a bash the NRA, exactly what have you done for our gun rights except wine and complain about everything. I belong to several organization that support gun rights as well as the NRA. I donate money and my time to support gun issues and gun rights. WHAT DO YOU DO?

I am a proud member of the NRA and will always be a proud member, I am just appalled at the real lack of support at a gun site such as this one.

Graybeard's a life member. That's funny right there. Guess you don't know as much as you think you know. Looks like you got
I call my legislators and whine to them. I post updates that GOA email me on most sites that I frequent. I go around telling folks to quit sending their money to the NRA and support the GOA. The only reason the NRA is as big as it is, is because of the $$ people keep sending them. This gives them cred with the politicians who see $$ every place they turn. If the members would abandon ship and go over to the GOA (the only no compromise group in Washington) the NRA would have to change. Then they may get back to where I would think about rejoining.

Just because he is a life member does not mean anything at all. Actions speak louder than a title.   Look at 30-30man comments, now if that don't make you think, I guess you must be right next to him with his head in the sand.

dukkillr, I would not expect anything less from you.  :-*
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #66 on: June 29, 2007, 05:05:58 AM »
I don't think I would go as far as that! I support what I can and lately with the loss this year of a main income source for me,(lossed two turkey buildings due to storm damage) I've had to cut things that were not needed.  That included my NRA membership. I do care for the 2nd Amendment but I'm not going to line the pockets of the NRA when they do very little but lobby on golf courses. When money is tight, $35 is hard to let go when you know what the whole lobbying thing really is.  How much of the money actually goes to protect the 2nd Amendment?  We will never know.  How much of it is spent at golf courses, race tracks, and football games.  The majority of it.  It's called lobbying and the NRA is excessive.  I give to organizations that spend their money wisely not frivolously. Right now that only includes my church..  ....I'd rather keep the $35 and leave the NRA to fund itself with the magazines and what not they sell.  I guess what is important to some ain't for others.  I just don't see it to be very important right now.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #67 on: June 29, 2007, 08:22:08 AM »
I could live with the reason not being able to afford it, but to use another reason as an excuse to justify not supporting  them is not.

But that's OK, there is a lot of other people that ride on other peoples dimes and keep hoping the gun grabbers don't take there guns.

I find it amusing that there are some people that talk the gun rights talk, but won't walk the walk.

I'm out of here...    :-X
If  you're going to make a hole, make it a big one.
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Jesus Christ and the American G. I.
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #68 on: June 29, 2007, 09:27:17 AM »
You sure the horse is dead?.Im with GB,im a member but I am disgusted with the NRAs politics,they pay their reps way too much and play politics with the rights they are supposed to be protecting,when they started giving the antis any consideration they destroyed what they were supposed to stand for,I wont be a member after my grandfather passes.Just paying your NRA dues and preaching about it doesnt make you a more dedicated advocate of gun rights than anyone who isnt a member,the NRA may have brainwashed you into thinking you are on a pedestal above the non members with their nonstop barage of literature and money begging bs,im not falling for it,it goes straight into the trash where it belongs.
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #69 on: June 29, 2007, 09:56:55 AM »
I'll spare you the poor fellow can't afford it bit.  I have worked self-employed for the last 30 years.  I've managed to build one of the largest poultry farms in my state.  I have hauled grain, fertilizer, tractor parts, and even manure in an old 79 Chevette for years.  This was not because I had to but because I didn't need anything else.  I have recently bought new vehicles but I needed them.  I give to my church which gives to the YMCA, and even the UNited Way because they are more important to me.  I can see the goceries they buy families, the clothes they put on people's backs, and the medicine they purchase.  I vote Republican and that is all the gun lobbying I need.  In all my years I have lived debt free,  I don't even have credit.  I learned that this past weelk when I tried to rent a bull dozer...Anyway I have more than you would ever believe because I spend my money wisely.  I give to those that need it.  The NRA doesn't, they depend on scare tactics so you'll keep those checks coming.  To bad they don't kiss everyone who sends them one.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #70 on: June 29, 2007, 10:04:58 AM »
I was a life member of the NRA long before anyone even heard the name LaPierre and he is the one reason I feel as I do about the NRA. Those with eyes to see should open them and see what the NRA under LaPierre is doing TO NOT FOR us.

They've sold us out every chance they've had and agreed to accept every piece of antigun legislation that's passed since LaPierre took over I believe you'll find IF you'll just do the investigation. Had the NRA not told the good members of Congress that the NRA could live with that one then many of them would never have become law. If that's what kind of outfit you want on your side then go right ahead and send them your money. Me I don't want them representing me. The GOA is the single best outfit out there today if you are truly PRO not ANTI gun.

Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership is perhaps the next in line. If either or both of them had the financial backing the NRA does then not only would we NOT have had those antigun bills passed the ones that came before them would be getting repealed as well.

The NRA was formed not as a progun or gun rights organization but to train folks to shoot and that's the job they did for a long long time. They still do that job OK. Why and how they got into trying to be the do all end all pro gun group I dunno but they are not. Any organization is only as good as the folks who lead it and that is the sad thing about the NRA. Its leadership STINKS.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #71 on: June 29, 2007, 04:52:12 PM »
I could live with the reason not being able to afford it, but to use another reason as an excuse to justify not supporting  them is not.

But that's OK, there is a lot of other people that ride on other peoples dimes and keep hoping the gun grabbers don't take there guns.

I find it amusing that there are some people that talk the gun rights talk, but won't walk the walk.

I'm out of here...    :-X

Whose dime am I riding? I pay my dues but not to your Cult.

Cult: #

   1. Obsessive, especially faddish, devotion to or veneration for a person, principle, or thing.
   2. The object of such devotion.
   3. An exclusive group of persons sharing an esoteric, usually artistic or intellectual interest.

I could afford it. I could buy a lifetime membership right now if I wanted to. I don't buy lifetime memberships because organizations change and I may not want to be associated with them 15 yrs from now. Can you tell me why if you don't belong to the Gun Owners of America?
...You do not open your mouth without all the facts period...


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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #72 on: June 30, 2007, 07:10:38 AM »
Aaaahhhhhh Yeeeeesssssss.  Divide and conquer.  Get 'em squabbling amongst themselves.  I'm sure Ted and Sara are smilin' big right now.  Why is it some folks can't just tell you how good their outfit is, they've got to try and trash the other fellow's.

 I think the NRA kinda got drafted into defending the 2nd as it was the only organization of any size when the assault began on the 2nd.  But that's neither here nor there. They are an effective group and do have a lot of leverage.  Anyone reading a newspaper can see they are a lobbying group with which to be reckoned.  Lobbying is spreading the cash around. Whether its on a golf course or in a restaurant or a cocktail lounge makes no difference, it's how Wash DC works.  Anyone that doesn't believe that is stupid or naive.

Can someone tell me --without mentioning, even obliquely, the NRA-- why I should be a member of the Gun Owners of America?  I'm a old retired fart on a fixed income but I ain't gonna poor-mouth you that I can't afford 35 bucks.   

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #73 on: June 30, 2007, 07:56:47 AM »
I believe this thread is titled
Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
The question was posed why do some people not join the NRA. If the responses make you feel like the NRA is being trashed maybe you need to re-read the title. I did not jump on a "Who among us love the NRA and think it is the best thing since paper money thread" and bash the NRA. I stated my opinions on why I will not give a penny to the NRA. In the process some of us have mentioned the other organizations that are out there and why we support them.

As for the Gun Owners of America I will leave you with this. I joined the Gun Owners of America when I was sick and tired of the crap the NRA was doing. I decided that instead of being like the rest of the sheeple I would research and find a group that I felt represented me. I am not going to tell you why you should join the GOA. I am going to tell you to leave the herd and start looking for yourself. I know that can be scary at times but I promise there is greener grass on the other side of the hill.
...You do not open your mouth without all the facts period...


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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #74 on: June 30, 2007, 01:09:18 PM »
Pills, are you saying you won't or can't?  I fully understand what the title of this thread is. And I will be the first to say it was argumentative. Or it quickly became argumentative.  And I will further state that I think my question, with its restrictions, is germaine.  I have no intentions of abandoning the NRA but I don't see any reason why I can't belong to two or more groups.  That's why I asked what does the GOA do?  If you feel I'm jackin' the thread, I'm sure GB wouldn't mind if you started a new one that reads "why I'm a member of GOA instead of some other outfit that spends their money on the golf course but shall remain nameless".  :D

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #75 on: June 30, 2007, 01:18:42 PM »
You can be a member of as many organizations as you want to. You could be a member of the NRA and the Hangun Control Inc if you wanted. I encourage all to research and make their own decision.

In case you are having trouble finding their website I offer you this.
...You do not open your mouth without all the facts period...


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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #76 on: July 02, 2007, 01:55:37 AM »
I have always had a problem with bribery and that's what lobbying is all about. $35 would cover the cost of about two drinks. We probably wouldn't have guns if it weren't for the NRA. Than again, the law makers do what ever they want to do without regard to what the people want. Why not just sit back and let all that easy money come in? The way the economy is going, only a few will be able to shoot one day. The gun clubs have really fallen off.

Always wondered how Wayne and his wife could afford to go hunting in Africa. Not bad for a non-profit organization.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #77 on: July 02, 2007, 07:13:41 AM »
It seems like those who put out the post as a QUESTION and got their answer in spades with honaroble reasons, just cant seem to respect the other peoples REASONS, If you dont want a answer contrary to your view dont ask the question, I dont feel anyone has to JUSTIFY their reason for being a member or for not being a member of the NRA, I used to be and for over 40+ years have seen alot come and go in the firearms business, yes I am older than 40 yrs. but have been involved in the business of guns for over 40, again my reasons are my reasons and I dont feel ashamed of it, nor do I apreciate ANY or ALL of the people or the NRAs atempt to trying to make someone feel guilty about NOT being a member, as far as riding on someone elses dime comment goes, I have MANY dimes of my OWN and a large asortment of the other paper moneys that I dont need anyone elses DIME, save yours and buy wayne a cup of coffee someday and Im sure he will TAKE it if offered.   JIM

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #78 on: July 02, 2007, 08:32:41 AM »
Well, I have read all these posts several times and have put off putting my 2cents in, but I'll go ahead anyway. I have been a member for years (over 30) and have always paid about 5 years at a time, never becoming a life member. Just for some reason in my gut, didn't fully trust someone to do my thinking for me.
Over the past several years, I have started seeing a barriage of mail from them wanting donations, trying to sell me insurance, credit cards, and on and on. I suppose they are trying to diversify, but shouldn't they be spending all that money they are spending on hawking to me for more money, on actually fighting gun control?
A few years ago I joined the Texas State Rifle Ass. and they tell me what they have accomplished in Texas, for gun owners, not just hunters.
When my NRA expires this time I will not re-new. I am finished with them and for the most part ALL other lobbiests groups other than TSRA. You see, at my age, I do not care what the government decides about my guns. They are mine, and I intend to keep them, even if there is a fight over them. I have grown tired of watching organizations grow fat promising to take care of my business for me, but not doing what was promised.
I have always told my boys when they were growing up, to take care of their business themselves if they wanted it done right. Well, now I am taking my own advise. So before you defenders of the NRA get all stirred up and tell me how much the NRA has done for me and how I am abandoning ship, remember this. I don't care what the NRA thinks about me dropping out, so why would you think I cared what you would think about it? I am not trying to be rude, it's just common sense. Enough is enough.
So let D.C. pass any damm thing they want to, and then sit back and watch them enforce it. There are a lot of gun owners out there that will damm sure fight. Perhaps it is time for one. JM2CW
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #79 on: July 02, 2007, 08:43:11 AM »
Dee, I would like to be at your front door when the Government shows up and asks for all your guns.  A lot of guys talk about fighting the Government for there guns. I doubt many people would. You would hand them over with out a peep.  ;)
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #80 on: July 02, 2007, 09:03:40 AM »
Dee, I would like to be at your front door when the Government shows up and asks for all your guns.  A lot of guys talk about fighting the Government for there guns. I doubt many people would. You would hand them over with out a peep.  ;)

Redhawk I spent 20 years fighting phyically, not verbally, for other peoples rights, and would not hesitate fighting for my own. You have made a foolish statement about someone you nothing about, and that in the past has been proven to be a mistake. I am sure you are a smart man, but you ain't that smart.
With your judgemental attitude of people you do not know, I doubt you would be welcome at my front door regardless of the circumstances, and given the event you described in this post, would doubt that you would have the courage to be there in the first place. You would probably send someone in your place, to record the events that transpired there, for you. Like the NRA ::)
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #81 on: July 02, 2007, 09:07:56 AM »
I could live with the reason not being able to afford it, but to use another reason as an excuse to justify not supporting  them is not.

But that's OK, there is a lot of other people that ride on other peoples dimes and keep hoping the gun grabbers don't take there guns.

I find it amusing that there are some people that talk the gun rights talk, but won't walk the walk.

I'm out of here...    :-X

And while we're at it. You don't talk the talk and walk the walk. You pay the NRA to do it for you, and a damm poor job they are doing. That I find amusing.
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #82 on: July 02, 2007, 09:53:33 AM »
The accolades for this post are appreciated but the flood of dissatisfaction is disheartening.  Throughout this thread comparator organizations have been pointed to and the suggestion has been made to "go and find out for ourselves".  Not an unworthy request.  Not a "sales pitch".  Yet one that has not produced a first person recommendation.   Why?  That was the question asked.

NRA bashing aside, what is it about Gun Owners of America (GOA) that has drawn you to them?   And Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership (JPGO), what draws you to them? 

What stands out about their perspectives, activities, and capabilities?  Why should we join them too (asked as an existing NRA Life Member)?

How about extolling the virtues of membership in GOA and JPGO?  Anybody?  I've got room for more participation when it comes to the RKBA and preservation of the 2nd Amendment.  I am certainly PRO gun ownership and ANTI loosing perspective on this Board through this thread among ourselves.

I will say it again and again:  We are not the Enemy.  United we Stand; Divided we Fall.  There is room at this table for more than one perspective.  Let's not loose sight of that.  We're ALL still on the same page here.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #83 on: July 02, 2007, 10:10:20 AM »
Now Dee don't get all upset, I was talking generally, but if you take offense to it, them maybe I hit a nerve. I don't know many guys that would stand there and fight the Government if guns were going to be confiscated. Just ask the guys in Australia.

I have buddy's that spouts off about if the Government came to take there guns, they would put up a fight, hell they won't even speed so they won't get pulled over by a lonely cop.  LOL

Also you are not a good judge of a person either, I would be the one that showed up on your door step, never backed down from a dance.  ;) And just for the record, I am active in legislation here in Delaware on gun rights. I go to the meetings and I voice my opinion for others that don't have the balls to do it for themselves. I don't only belong to the NRA I also belong to many pro gun rights groups, such as the Delaware Sportsmans Association, the 50 Caliber Association and others. So I don't only talk the talk I most definitely walk the walk.

I have also spent my time fighting for all rights and I am not talking about gun rights either. I put my time in the Military as my father and my wife and son. But that does not mean a hill of beans to anyone but ME.

And as far as being welcome at your front door, don't worry, I doubt 99.5% of the people here will ever see one another. Also I don't come here looking for friends, don't need any.
 ;D ;)
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #84 on: July 02, 2007, 10:18:19 AM »
The accolades for this post are appreciated but the flood of dissatisfaction is disheartening.  Throughout this thread comparator organizations have been pointed to and the suggestion has been made to "go and find out for ourselves".  Not an unworthy request.  Not a "sales pitch".  Yet one that has not produced a first person recommendation.   Why?  That was the question asked.

NRA bashing aside, what is it about Gun Owners of America (GOA) that has drawn you to them?   And Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership (JPGO), what draws you to them? 

What stands out about their perspectives, activities, and capabilities?  Why should we join them too (asked as an existing NRA Life Member)?

How about extolling the virtues of membership in GOA and JPGO?  Anybody?  I've got room for more participation when it comes to the RKBA and preservation of the 2nd Amendment.  I am certainly PRO gun ownership and ANTI loosing perspective on this Board through this thread among ourselves.

I will say it again and again:  We are not the Enemy.  United we Stand; Divided we Fall.  There is room at this table for more than one perspective.  Let's not loose sight of that.  We're ALL still on the same page here.

Land_Owner, I would like to know about these other groups also. I have been talking to a bunch of my friends and they never even heard of these groups. How are we to trust these groups if no one even knows about them, and exactly when was the last time you ever seen them in a pro-gun light.
I don't hear about them in the news and I don't see them fighting gun issues. So how are we to believe they are the best thing out there?? How big are these organizations? If they are so good, why have we all not heard about them?

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #85 on: July 02, 2007, 10:23:16 AM »
I would agree Land Owner. We are, in the same boat, but obviously not on the same page (not meaning you necessarily) . I do not condem you or anyone else for supporting the NRA. However, if I choose not to for my own reasons, some of the NRA camp, want to get personal. So be it, but it will accomplish nothing.
I endorse no one on the subject of gun rights, except my own belief in my rights, and the observation over the last 40 or so years, that people and organizations do not always do what they say they will do.
I believe that this whole matter of gun control will have to eventually come to a head, and be delt with then and only then, once and for all. Until then, it will be politics as usual.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #86 on: July 02, 2007, 10:26:00 AM »
NRA bashing aside, what is it about Gun Owners of America (GOA) that has drawn you to them?   And Jews for the Preservation of Gun Ownership (JPGO), what draws you to them?  

What stands out about their perspectives, activities, and capabilities?  Why should we join them too (asked as an existing NRA Life Member)?

How about extolling the virtues of membership in GOA and JPGO?  Anybody?  I've got room for more participation when it comes to the RKBA and preservation of the 2nd Amendment.  I am certainly PRO gun ownership and ANTI loosing perspective on this Board through this thread among ourselves.

Both are no nonsense, no compromise, no BS PRO GUN organizations that put their full financial and membership clout into exposing antigun efforts and schemes and to thwarting them. It is their SOLE purpose for being and the ONLY thing they do.

For the NRA protecting the rights of gun owners is at BEST a tertiary responsibilty and quite honestly one that IF YOU'LL LOOK BEHIND THEIR WORDS at the DEEDS you'll find they don't even do it very well. Again I challenge you to do a bit of research it shouldn't be that difficult to find the TRUTH if you'll look for it. Since LaPierre has taken over the NRA it's BS spewing outfit that is all mouth and no real action. They have kow-towed and agreed to accept EVERY SINGLE PIECE of antigun legislation that has passed since he took over to the best of my knowledge and research. Neal Knox was one of the ring leaders in the reformation of the NRA so long ago (I think it was in '77 at Cinncinati) when the members retook the organization and put it back on track. Until his death he was a tireless worker for gun rights in this country and a powerful force for the good in the NRA.

Search the records he was in line to be the next President of the NRA until LaPierre and his crew illegally and in volation of NRA Bylaws used the NRA publications to get their own crew of new board members elected and kicked Neal out of the line up and I think it was Marion Hammer who got the job instead. She later used her power as NRA president to over turn the vote of the board to fire LaPierre. In turn the NRA donated the sum of $100,000 per year to a club in her home state that in turn donated precisely $100,000 per year to her for the entire time she was NRA President. It stopped as best as I know when she stopped being President. What a coincident. By the way the bylaws specifically state no President of the NRA can accept one red cent for the job. To my knowledge no one else ever has.

All that info came from Neal's site back in the day when he was alive and running it and that is my source for that info. I cannot know from first hand experience that it's factual but trust Neal as he was a true patriot and one of the strongest supporters of the Constitution we've ever had.

Other info I recall from his site is that the fellow who used to have a TV program on about him hunting all over the world and who's first name as I recall was Tony and who was a close personal friend of Wayne got the task of recruiting new members and solicting for money's for the NRA without bid. Again this info is what I recall from Neal's site. I wish now I'd copied it and had it to quote for you but I didn't realize he was so near the end of his fight and that the info wouldn't always be available, it may still be as I think his family still carries on the fight as best as they can without him. The contract as I understand it paid him not for results but for efforts. He was paid per phone call and per letter sent out whether it netted anything for the NRA or not. These actions as I understand it almost bankrupted the NRA and they had to sell out cheap life and higher class memberships at giveaway prices to recoup enough to keep the organization afloat. Just recently they were doing that again for upper class memberships. I wonder why?

These pieces of information are as accurate a respresentation of the facts as Neal stated them on his site when he was still alive as I can recall them and that is/was my source for this information but there were many other sites back in that day that had similar info readily available to those who would search for it. I strongly suspect it's still there if you care to look.

But if you'd rather just accept the NRA's word for what they do rather than to find out what's the truth go right ahead and believe as you will. But for me until LaPierre and his cronies are gone they'll not get one red cent of my money to take away my rights while claiming to be supporting them. They need to go back to training and conducting shooting matches and let someone else more qualified handle the protection of our gun rights. They've done a pretty pettiful job of it in my opinion.

How are we to trust these groups if no one even knows about them, and exactly when was the last time you ever seen them in a pro-gun light.
I don't hear about them in the news and I don't see them fighting gun issues. So how are we to believe they are the best thing out there?? How big are these organizations? If they are so good, why have we all not heard about them?

Because the media is 100% ANTIGUN and they KNOW that those organizations are no nonsense no compromise progun and they NOT the NRA are doing what is done for progun rights and they are NOT gonna make it clear for that reason. They make the NRA sound like the big guy on the block so you'll continue to waste your money there rather than with effective organizations. If the media really believed the NRA was what they say it is then they'd be just as quiet about it as they are the others.

Bill aka the Graybeard
President, Graybeard Outdoor Enterprises

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #87 on: July 02, 2007, 10:42:07 AM »
Well said, GB. ;)
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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #88 on: July 02, 2007, 11:02:21 AM »

I remember the flap about Knox, LaPierre, Hammer, bylaws change, "shake-up", et al.  I was a brand new Life Member then and not "in" on the collective workings of the NRA.  I went "Easy Pay Life" due to my fundamental beliefs in the organization and the mathematical projection of time and money that made it less costly to join for $500.00 once than pay for 45 years of $25.00, $35.00, and increasing annual fees.

However since that time I have observed, as I posted earlier, the transition of the organization from a collective of personalities to the personality of one individual.  It is a sign of organizational dysfunction when the perception becomes the individual rather than the organization. 

There is truth in what you say.  However, it has not stopped my underlying belief in the RKBA, 2nd Amendment, and the NRA as an effective organization.  Four million members can't be ALL gullible and ALL wrong.  The NRA is something worth working for and salvaging.

I will investigate GOA further.  I have for a long time gotten the GOA alerts and postings on the Internet through e-mail.  Superficially, they appear just as you have described.  I have several Jewish friends who forward JPGO materials and they too appear to be an equal to GOA.

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Re: Who among us are not NRA Members...and why?
« Reply #89 on: July 02, 2007, 11:28:48 AM »
Can someone post a link to the GOA site,i cant find it.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!