In going through my regiment of topics, I was appalled at what I found here! 250 Savage anyone?
3 pages & 67, now 68 replies!
One would think with the enthusiasm for this cartridge, some firearms Mfg would take notice and start chambering the damn thing. But NO, you have to find a used rifle, preferably cheap, then have it rebarreled to the 250. Yet, still have more in it, usually, than the price of a new one.
Of course it has alot do do with the fact that you just can't have one off the dealers shelf, that puts it in that "I WANT ONE"category. About 15 years ago Savage chambered their youth model in the 250 and 300 savage. The 250 lasted 1 year and the 300 lasted for 2, with it being cambered in a synthetic stock the 2nd in an adult version. I bought my wife a 300 for Her 1st Black Bear hunt, She's used it every since. My sons (12 years old) 1st rifle was going to be a 250, but I found a used, like new, 260 (didnt even concider the .243, never will) and never felt the need (for him anyway) to go with the 250.
Me on the other hand want one real bad!!! Is Savage listening or reading this post and others like it?
Maybe because I read an article by John Taffin where he says Savage will produce, for you, a rifle of your liking, chambered for any cartridge compatible for there rifle, but, for which they have the reamer. Johns choice, the 250 savage. Be carefull on just rebarrelling a 243, 260 etc. owing to the fact that the 250 has a very tapered case some will and some won't feed.
As far as comparing this fine round to the next one down, the 6...metric... something or other? Come on now! We're better than that..............Crash87