Does anyone weigh their cases? if so:
I used to years ago but kinda got away from it. For a long time I've just been sorting by headstamp since I found that, in the samples I've weighed anyway, there is a weight difference between them. i.e.: Winchester headstamp averages X gr. and WW averages Y gr.. Someday I'll do my own little test and see at what point case weight difference has a noticeable effect on velocity (pressure). I've got a new 30/06 that showed promise and got even better after I bedded it, plus I've got tons of '06 brass of various manufacture.
1. What kind of tolerance do you use, +/_ .5 gr, +/_ 1.0 gr, ?
This is the exact question I want to answer. But I probably wouldn't waste the time going under a gr, if that low.
2. If one trims to the same length then weighs the cases is it still important to sort by brand?
I shouldn't think so. The internal dimentions may vary, but I should think the volume would be the same under the circumstances you mention.
There is one important caviat here; Military brass. It is significantly heavier then commercial brass which has a definate impact on case volume. I cannot get within of 2 gr. of max published loads loading for my .308 (or .358 for that matter) using Lake City 7.62 brass. In that case size, uh, I mean weight, does matter.