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Offline Awf Hand

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Held interviews last night
« on: May 10, 2007, 02:44:43 AM »
So this is just a rant for me (until the last paragraph).  I'm not seeking advice.

Last night we (my bus. partner and I) held interviews for a summer technician position.  The Position Desc. had been posted at a nearby University and we have/had 4 interviews scheduled.  We held the interviews at my bus. part. house (which also serves as our base of operations).

The sky darkens.
The first guy shows up (10 minutes late) wearing a tee shirt, a thrown over (but not buttoned) longsleeve shirt and DEAD BUGS.  He interviews poorly -wimpy handshake, arms folded, few (and poor) questions for us, and limited, apothetic responses to our questions.  -His current employment is 15hrs/week at Dominoes.-  As he's leaving, I look at his motorcycle.  He "just picked up" his new Harley Davidson Road King last fall.  Nice night for a ride.

I'm scrimping and saving to buy a tire for my 17yr old motorcycle, and the wife (stay-at-home-mom of 2) and I just traded our 4 yr old car for a 6 yr old mini-van.  I'm working 60-80 hrs a week (and because its still a newer business, I'm only getting paid for about ½ of that.)  This kid shows up on a bike that cost more than ALL of my vehicles together are worth.  EFF-YEW buddy!!  My part. and I are dismayed.  This is what's out there?!?  That robot is looking better and better...

The clouds part.
The next guy who shows up is driving an older Dodge Caravan, answers well, asks ALL the right questions, is dressed nicely.  He had NO experience, but we were still ready to hire him on the spot.  He'll be a tough act to follow.  We have 2 more interviews remaining.
Just my Awf Hand comments...

Offline Questor

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #1 on: May 10, 2007, 03:19:04 AM »
I am equally amazed at how common candidates like your first one interviewed are today. I too prefer the sincere person that is willing to learn and provide good service.
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Offline Dusty Miller

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #2 on: May 10, 2007, 08:15:15 AM »
Ah, the joys of owning your own business!!  Capitalism is the small business owner's paradise, no?!!
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Offline Brett

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #3 on: May 10, 2007, 11:33:48 AM »
Ah, the joys of owning your own business!!  Capitalism is the small business owner's paradise, no?!!

Owning your own business as apposed to working for someone else is just trading one set of problems for another.   :-\
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Offline Questor

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #4 on: May 10, 2007, 11:57:28 AM »

There's a catch: our own ess aytch eye tee smells better than that of other peoples'. Owning your own business works a lot like that too.
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #5 on: May 10, 2007, 01:29:20 PM »
I was thinking of my first interviews and one or two later in life that did not go as I planned.
The art of an interview is a skill and it is learned by experience--not all come off well, but, you learn and go on.This young man probable had never interviewed for a real job before--certainly he did not have the same interview experience at the pizza place.
I hope he learned from the experience--he was obviously scared.
The motorcycle thing is a wonder too me from a point of view as too what this thought had too do with the job or the interview. Suppose he had arrived in his parents Mercedes. what would have been your reaction and why would you have any reaction too what his mode of transportation was.
He is a kid--learning--but a kid.
I remember getting a job when I was 25 years old, married, no children and we had bought a Buick Wildcat just after accepting the job. I liked the car, it was within our budget.
I attended a meeting before I was actually on the payroll at the request of my new boss. He arrived in a company car and I drove up in the Buick at the same time. I could tell from his manner and tone that he thought I was in over my head for driving such a fancy car. Turns out he was very conservative and would never dream of spending that kind of money so foolishly--$3900.00 new.
It took awhile for him too warm too me because of this car business and I don't know that he ever really thought I was the right material for his department because of it.
If I had it too do over again I would have given him a dime and asked him to call someone who cared.

Offline Brett

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #6 on: May 10, 2007, 04:41:01 PM »

There's a catch: our own ess aytch eye tee smells better than that of other peoples'. Owning your own business works a lot like that too.

Maybe so but there are times I wish someone else had my headaches.  I also sometimes long for those vacations and holidays off with pay again.  Or not having to send that check to Blue Cross & Blue Shield every month.     

Ah... buy it's great to be the boss right?  Then it sinks in that you have hundreds of bosses... you might call them clients or customers but when it comes down to it they are the ones providing you your pay checks and they can fire you at any time. 
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #7 on: May 10, 2007, 09:43:33 PM »
There are pro's and con's too small business.
Small business failures are very great. Not all that enter small business have thought thru the process and are often overwhelmed by the detail, boredom, responsibility and work involved.
It would seem that owning your own business would be easy but the easy is what often leads to the downfall. It is easy to take off when you should work, easy to lay off the responsibility of work on others who are not responsible and easy for employees to take advantage of an owner who does not accept responsibility for detail.
Knowing who to hire is a skill---usually learned at the foot of a hard taskmaster.
I would not be a very good small business owner.
I have a cousin in Amarillo whose husband made his living for over 40 years selling vacuum cleaners--door to door. I cannot imagine a more difficult job in the world and, yet, he made a good living for his family traveling over this panhandle area selling these vacuum cleaners. In the process he and his wife started a number of successful small businesses. He has done well and they have prospered. I would have been less successful.

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #8 on: May 11, 2007, 04:59:31 AM »
I wouldn't have it any other way.  I love that I can put a big X on my calendar for the second week in November, the first week of turkey season, and the annual trip to Canada.  I don't have to ask permission from anyone when a huge cold front blows though and you *just know* new ducks are in. 

Could I make more money in a large firm?  Probably.  But my time and freedom is worth more to me than a little extra money.

Also, there will always be people who have for money than you, or me, or any of us.  If you concern yourself with that you'll never be happy.

Offline Questor

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #9 on: May 11, 2007, 06:15:12 AM »

Ha! You da man! Obviously you have the voice of experience. Especially the 500  bosses part.

Question for ya: If you have to tell how much you make, do you use the after tax number? I use that and remember people being shocked and asking "how can you live on that?". I then explain the concept to them and they look at their own pay checks and suddenly realize they make a lot less than they thought they did. Add the need to fund our own pensions and those fancy incomes aren't so fancy any more.

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Offline Awf Hand

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #10 on: May 11, 2007, 09:56:00 AM »
The motorcycle thing is a wonder too me from a point of view as too what this thought had too do with the job or the interview. Suppose he had arrived in his parents Mercedes. what would have been your reaction and why would you have any reaction too what his mode of transportation was.

A. ten minutes late,
B. Dirty
C. poor communicator with arms folded the whole time
D. The guy is a college senior.

This guy was discounted before I even saw how he got there.  He had the demeanor and attitude of a trust fund punk.
Just my Awf Hand comments...

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #11 on: May 11, 2007, 03:58:47 PM »
One of the first things my Dad taught me was you have to be a salesman.  In my lifetime, near 70 years, I never interviewed for a job I didn't get.  The first, and most important thing, you have to sell your self, you have to convince the person doing the hiring that you will be an asset to their business.  Dress is important,  I wouldn't wear a three piece suit to interview for a job as a heavy equipment operator, nor would I wear a pair of coveralls to interview for a job as Bank President.  One should always dress to suit the job they are applying for.  Be clean, neat in appearance, alert, and answer all questions as accurate as possible, never try to BS your way through an interview.  And don't forget the shoes, as my Dad, and an old First Sergeant use to say, "A man that doesn't shine his shoes doesn't wipe his (ask me, I will tell you)"

Personally, I don't see where an individuals mode of transportation would influence my thinking about hiring them.  A lot of folks today drive high dollar cars/motorcycles, but you will find most are in hock for 72 months in order to afford the ride.  By the time it is paid for, it is worn out.

Offline Brett

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #12 on: May 12, 2007, 03:20:27 AM »

Ha! You da man! Obviously you have the voice of experience. Especially the 500  bosses part.

Question for ya: If you have to tell how much you make, do you use the after tax number? I use that and remember people being shocked and asking "how can you live on that?". I then explain the concept to them and they look at their own pay checks and suddenly realize they make a lot less than they thought they did. Add the need to fund our own pensions and those fancy incomes aren't so fancy any more.

After taxes?  Take a look at your net income after All your business expenses such as insurances, rent, damaged/stolen inventory, vehicle maintenance, equipment maintenance, utilities, etc.   You will wounder how the heck you live on what's left.  It's not uncommon for a small business owner to take home less than his employees.  Think about it... when cash flow gets tight who doesn't get a pay check? 

Dukkillr who holds down the fort while you are enjoying all this time off?  I hope you found someone you can trust that won't let your business go into the toilet or worse actually help themselves to the till while you are enjoying all that "freedom".   I'm sure you have heard the old saying "The mice will play while the cat's away."   I found nobody takes care of your business like you do yourself. 
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Offline azshooter

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #13 on: May 12, 2007, 01:22:31 PM »
Every 3 months I am in an interview rotation to do phone technical screenings for people applying for jobs my company.  My company is a large multinational corporation.  The people have been reviewed by recruiters and have all the right things listed on their resume.  About 3 out of 4 have no where close to the level of knowledge or experience they claim to have.  I really wonder, what were they thinking when they applied for the job? - that no one would actually check their credentials.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #14 on: May 12, 2007, 02:54:30 PM »
  Awf Hand...Owning your own small business...Does that make you one of those "filthy rich" folks that the new congress wants to slap back  into a high tax bracket ?...LOL

  Rockbilly; That statement about shining shoes really brought back memories. I served in both the "black boot" and "brown boot" Army..and I thought the boot shining was areal waste of time ..LOL
   I used to spend an evening bringing my boots up to a real spit shine..then the next day I may very well have to clean  the gun tube bore on my tank or replace an end-connecter in a foot of mud.

  Visiting my Grandson and his friends in the Marines..I see they have boots that never are intended to be polished.

   That seems more logical to me..leaves more time for more useful and perhaps more important.. pursuits..

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2007, 06:34:05 PM »
Based on this...
Last night we (my bus. partner and I) held interviews for a summer technician position.  The Position Desc. had been posted at a nearby University and we have/had 4 interviews scheduled.  We held the interviews at my bus. part. house (which also serves as our base of operations).

The sky darkens.
The first guy shows up (10 minutes late) wearing a tee shirt, a thrown over (but not buttoned) longsleeve shirt and DEAD BUGS.  He interviews poorly -wimpy handshake, arms folded, few (and poor) questions for us, and limited, apothetic responses to our questions.
...And this...
A. ten minutes late,
B. Dirty
C. poor communicator with arms folded the whole time
D. The guy is a college senior.

This guy was discounted before I even saw how he got there.  He had the demeanor and attitude of a trust fund punk.
I wouldn't hiring him either.

But this...
As he's leaving, I look at his motorcycle.  He "just picked up" his new Harley Davidson Road King last fall.  Nice night for a ride.

I'm scrimping and saving to buy a tire for my 17yr old motorcycle, and the wife (stay-at-home-mom of 2) and I just traded our 4 yr old car for a 6 yr old mini-van.  I'm working 60-80 hrs a week (and because its still a newer business, I'm only getting paid for about ½ of that.)  This kid shows up on a bike that cost more than ALL of my vehicles together are worth.
And especially this...
EFF-YEW buddy!!
Seems like a bit of jealousy to me!

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Offline Awf Hand

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #16 on: May 14, 2007, 10:40:52 AM »
" Awf Hand...Owning your own small business...Does that make you one of those "filthy rich" folks that the new congress wants to slap back  into a high tax bracket ?...LOL"

No, not filthy rich, just filthy!!

"Seems like a bit of jealousy to me!"

Yes, you're right.  I had to bust my ass in college for 8 years.  I graduated with no debt in 1997.  I saw a lot of others having fun while I had to hurry to get to one of my 3 part-time jobs.  Jealousy??  I'm big enough to admit, hell yeah!!
Just my Awf Hand comments...

Offline Brett

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #17 on: May 14, 2007, 01:18:12 PM »
Awf Hand,

Some people are born with a silver spoon in their mouths, then there are folks like us who were born with a plastic spoon in our mouths.  Your not alone, I get irked too when I see these young kids with vehicles and toys that mommy and daddy got for them when I've had to work, scrimp, save, make do or plain do without my whole life.  My consolation is that those parents are probably absentee parents trying to buy their kids love. 
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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #18 on: May 14, 2007, 01:32:32 PM »
I had my own business for four years. I lost my job after being in a car accident and decided to give it a try. Thankfully my wife put up with the hours and feast or famine pay checks. I was finally getting to the point where while not always keeping my head above water, at least I could catch my breath every once in a while. Just as things were starting to go good the contractor I did most of my work for filed bankruptcy owing me over $4,000.00 While not a huge amount of money it forced me to close the doors and get a full time job. Honestly it felt like the weight of the world was lifted off my shoulders. Only 40 to 60 hours a week and a check every Friday! No more doing installations during the day, estimating in the evening, building cabinets and counter tops until two in the morning at the shop.

Owning your own business can be very rewarding if you do something you enjoy doing and can stick it out until the referrals start to come in and keep the cash flow moving. As mentioned earlier being able to schedule time off when you want is one of the better perks. I have a pretty good job now that lets me take the time I want when I want and pays pretty well too. It took me a long time to find a good place to work for. I may never get rich working for someone else but being rich doesn't matter to me as much as time with my family and time for myself to unwind.




Offline ironglow

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Re: Held interviews last night
« Reply #19 on: May 14, 2007, 01:48:52 PM »
  Awf Hand..
   Hey ! Guess I didn't word it right..sorry ...It wasn't meant as anything more than a bit of Irony.
  I am well aware that you worked hard and probably have sacrificed  much to get where you are .

  I was simply pointing out that some politicians, (who may well have been born with the silver spoon or have been trial lawyers and have gotten rich by suing their neighbors)..seem to think that folks like you are the "filthy rich" that did not deserve the tax break you may have gotten about 5 years ago...

   I'm on YOUR SIDE..not only do the hard working businessmen deserve a tax break..they also should be able to pass on to their kids...every dime they have earned by their hard work !!

                                                                   Sorry... if I sounded critical in my first post..Ironglow
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