On my mold, once it reaches temperature, the sprue usually separates as it cools. If it doesn't, a set of horseshoe nail cutters tales it off.
Then same as Blaster, a file cleans up anything needing cleaning up.
On the Do-it molds there is a little piece of flashing where the wire loop would have gone if used as a fishing sinker. It cuts off and smooths up pretty qucikly if it didn't fall off already.
A cardboard box makes a good target to dump them into. Take it out of the box and put it carfeully into a second box before you dump the next one or the balls will hit each other and, while hot, are very easily damaged.
If a ball is a bit stubborn about coming out, a wack with a 1 inch wooden dowl will juggle it free.
When casting, keep the sprue full untill you are sure it has solidified inside or you will have voids for sure. Try to avoid overfilling to the point where the excess runs all over the place and down the sides or you will have to pry the excess off.
The first few out of any mold are generally clutzy untill you get a routine down. Molds seem to all have their own "character". After 10-20 balls you will be able to start cranking.