Author Topic: Urgent Alert -- Dingell, McCarthy, Working on 'Compromise' Gun Bill  (Read 1183 times)

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Offline Almtnman

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Dingell, McCarthy, Working on 'Compromise' Gun Bill

Gun Owners of America E-Mail Alert
8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151
Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408

"The Gun Owners of America [has] already launched a public campaign to block the legislation that the NRA supports, warning that the proposal could 'block millions of additional, honest gun owners from
buying firearms.'" -- Newsweek, April 24, 2007


1. It is imperative that you contact your Representative immediately and urge him to oppose the McCarthy/Dingell bill. A "compromise" [read: gun control] deal is in the works and all legislators --
especially those who are pro-gun -- need to hear from gun owner right away.

GOA members have received a mailing from us within the past week, asking them to send postcards to their U.S. Senators. It is IMPERATIVE that you mail those postcards in. We want to increase the
heat on these legislators by deluging them with thousands of postcards. Now, once you've sent in those postcards, we would ask you to e-mail the specially-tailored message that is included below
along with contact information.

2. Please circulate this alert to all your pro-gun friends and family, and encourage them to take action as well.

Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Anti-gun Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) continues his assault on American gun owners.

Dingell has been tapped by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to broker a compromise with Carolyn McCarthy (D-NY) on H.R. 297, a gun control bill being pushed in the wake of the Virginia Tech shooting.

The bill provides about $1 billion to the states to "provide the National Instant Criminal Background Check System [NICS] with all records concerning persons who are prohibited from possessing or
receiving a firearm... regardless of the elapsed time since the disqualifying event."

As GOA has pointed out in previous alerts, this could lead to millions more Americans being included in the FBI's database of prohibited persons.

Dingell, being a former NRA board member, is in a unique position in the Congress on Second Amendment issues. Despite the fact that he betrayed gun owners by supporting the Clinton semi-auto ban, he is still viewed on the Hill as one of the few pro-gun Democrats.

So his support gives the bill the appearance of having the support of gun owners, when actually it is the most massive expansion of gun control in over a decade.

McCarthy, of course, is the most notorious anti-gunner in the Congress. Her sitting down with Dingell to decide the fate of our gun rights is like two foxes deciding how to best guard the henhouse.

To make matters worse, Dingell is in negotiations with the NRA to come up with a 'compromise' as quickly as possible.

The NRA itself told Newsweek in an exclusive interview on April 24 that the group "backs [the] proposed new legislation" in the House.

Newsweek reported, "The NRA's position puts the group at odds with the Gun Owners of America, which has already launched a public campaign to block the legislation that the NRA supports, warning that the proposal could 'block millions of additional, honest gun owners from buying firearms.'"

Politicians always seek to pass laws in the aftermath of a tragedy, as if one more law will stop evil people from doing evil deeds. Instead of passing more and more laws that ultimately will snuff out our liberty, we should consider repealing gun control laws that prevent citizens from defending themselves when a madman strikes.

CONTACT INFORMATION: You can visit the Gun Owners Legislative Action Center at to send your Representative the pre-written e-mail message below. And, you can call your Representative at 202-225-3121 or toll-free at 1-877-762-8762.

----- Pre-written letter -----

Dear Representative:

Gun Owners of America informs me that H.R. 297, a colossal gun control bill, is on the fast track. I strongly urge you to oppose this bill.

The Virginia Tech tragedy, which Rep. Carolyn McCarthy is using to try to push this bill, highlights the failure, not success, of gun control.

Instead of passing yet more laws that restrict my Second Amendment rights, Congress should consider repealing the failed gun control laws already on the books -- laws that increasingly result in law-abiding adults being disarmed just when they need their guns the most.

Please oppose the McCarthy bill, H.R. 297, and let me know what you intend to do.

I have already sent the pre-written letter to Congressman Robert Aderholt who is my Representative and it only took about a minute of my time.
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline alsaqr

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"Anti-gun Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) continues his assault on American gun owners."

Dingell is not anti-gun. 

Offline Almtnman

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"Anti-gun Rep. John Dingell (D-MI) continues his assault on American gun owners."

Dingell is not anti-gun. 
Why did he support the Clinton semi-auto ban?
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline alsaqr

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Dingell voted no on the final passage of the AWB.   Dingell and the NRA fell out because Dingell wanted a vote on the bill.  It is good to google this stuff before you accuse a pro gunner of being an anti.

Read what the Brady Bunch says about Dingell:

"the Brady Campaign is endorsing H.R. 4757, which would also establish a nationwide grant program to state law enforcement agencies and state courts to automate and transmit records for inclusion in the federal instant background check database.

Barnes expressed some skepticism, however, at Rep. John Dingell's (D-Mich.) sudden interest in strengthening a so-called gun control measure.

"Given Dingell's extreme record against sensible gun laws, including voting against both the Brady Law and the Assault Weapons Ban, one has to be suspicious of his motives," said Barnes. "Is this sudden change of heart because Congressional re-districting has Mr. Dingell facing Congresswoman Lynn Rivers -- a supporter of common-sense gun policy -- in a competitive primary? Is this merely a thinly-veiled attempt by Dingell to appear moderate in a new district where polls indicate that the voters value sensible gun laws?

"Michigan voters beware: consistent action speaks louder than words. John Dingell has repeatedly opposed virtually every effort to strengthen our nation's gun laws. If Dingell is sincere in his support for this measure, then he should commit to, and work for, other strong gun violence prevention measures from this point forward." "

REPUBLICAN 38 137   1
DEMOCRATIC 177 77   2
TOTALS 216 214   3


--- YEAS    216 --- Abercrombie Greenwood Morella
Ackerman Gutierrez Nadler
Andrews (ME) Hall (OH) Neal
Andrews Hamburg Neal (NC)
Andrews (TX) Harman Olver
Applegate Hastings (FL) Owens
Bacchus (FL) Hoagland Pallone
Baesler Hochbrueckner Pastor
Barrett (WI) Horn Payne (NJ)
Bateman Houghton Pelosi
Becerra Hoyer Penny
Beilenson Huffington Pickle
Bereuter Hughes Pomeroy
Berman Hyde Porter
Bishop Inslee Price (NC)
Blackwell Jacobs Pryce
Blute Jefferson Quinn
Boehlert Johnson (CT) Rangel
Bonior Johnson (GA) Reed
Borski Johnson, E. B. Reynolds
Brown (CA) Johnston Ridge
Brown (FL) Kaptur Roemer
Brown (OH) Kasich Ros-Lehtinen
Bryant (TX) Kennedy (MA) Rostenkowski
Byrne Kennelly Roukema
Cantwell Kildee Roybal-Allard
Cardin King Rush
Carr Kleczka Sabo
Castle Klein Sanders
Clay Klug Sangmeister
Clayton Kreidler Sawyer
Clyburn LaFalce Saxton
Coleman Lambert Schenk
Collins (IL) Lantos Schroeder
Collins (MI) Lazio Schumer
Condit Leach Scott
Conyers Lehman Serrano
Coppersmith Levin Sharp
Coyne Levy Shaw
DeLauro Lewis (GA) Shays
Dellums Lipinski Shepherd
Derrick Lloyd Skaggs
Deutsch Lowey Slattery
Dicks Machtley Slaughter
Dixon Maloney Smith (NJ)
Dooley Mann Spratt
Durbin Manton Stark
Edwards (CA) Margolies-Mezvinsky Stokes
Edwards Markey Studds
Engel Martinez Swett
English (AZ) Matsui Swift
Eshoo Mazzoli Synar
Evans McCurdy Thompson
Farr McDade Torres
Fawell McDermott Torricelli
Fazio McHale Towns
Fields (LA) McKinney Traficant
Filner McNulty Tucker
Fingerhut Meehan Valentine
Flake Meek Velazquez
Foglietta Menendez Vento
Ford (MI) Meyers Visclosky
Ford Mfume Washington
Frank (MA) Michel Waters
Franks (NJ) Miller (CA) Watt (NC)
Furse Miller (FL) Waxman
Gejdenson Mineta Wheat
Gephardt Minge Woolsey
Gibbons Mink Wyden
Gilchrest Moakley Wynn
Glickman Molinari Yates
Gonzalez Moran Young (FL)

--- NAYS    214 --- Allard Gilman Parker
Archer Gingrich Paxon
Armey Goodlatte Payne (VA)
Bachus Goodling Peterson (FL)
Baker (CA) Gordon Peterson (MN)
Baker (LA) Goss Petri
Ballenger Grams Pickett
Barca Grandy Pombo
Barcia Green Portman
Barlow Gunderson Poshard
Barrett (NE) Hall (TX) Quillen
Bartlett Hamilton Rahall
Barton Hancock Ramstad
Bentley Hansen Ravenel
Bevill Hastert Regula
Bilbray Hayes Richardson
Bilirakis Hefley Roberts
Bliley Hefner Rohrabacher
Boehner Herger Rose
Bonilla Hilliard Roth
Boucher Hinchey Rowland
Brewster Hobson Royce
Brooks Hoekstra Santorum
Browder Hoke Sarpalius
Bunning Holden Schaefer
Burton Hunter Schiff
Buyer Hutchinson Sensenbrenner
Callahan Hutto Shuster
Calvert Inglis Sisisky
Camp Inhofe Skeen
Canady Istook Skelton
Chapman Johnson (SD) Smith (IA)
Clement Johnson, Sam Smith (MI)
Clinger Kanjorski Smith (OR)
Coble Kim Smith (TX)
Collins (GA) Kingston Snowe
Combest Klink Solomon
Cooper Knollenberg Spence
Costello Kolbe Stearns
Cox Kopetski Stenholm
Cramer Kyl Strickland
Crane Lancaster Stump
Crapo LaRocco Stupak
Cunningham Laughlin Sundquist
Danner Lewis (CA) Talent
Darden Lewis (FL) Tanner
de la Garza Lightfoot Tauzin
Deal Linder Taylor (MS)
DeFazio Livingston Taylor (NC)
DeLay Manzullo Tejeda
Diaz-Balart McCandless Thomas
Dickey McCloskey Thomas (WY)
Dingell McCollum Thornton
Doolittle McCrery Thurman
Dornan McHugh Torkildsen
Dreier McInnis Unsoeld
Duncan McKeon Upton
Dunn McMillan Volkmer
Ehlers Mica Vucanovich
Emerson Mollohan Walker
Everett Montgomery Walsh
Ewing Moorhead Weldon (PA)
Fields (TX) Murphy Whitten
Fish Murtha Williams
Fowler Myers Wilson
Franks (CT) Nussle Wise
Frost Oberstar Wolf
Gallegly Obey Young (AK)
Gallo Ortiz Zeliff
Gekas Orton Zimmer
Geren Oxley 
Gillmor Packard 

--- NOT VOTING    3 --- Foley Long Rogers





Offline Almtnman

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Dingell voted no on the final passage of the AWB.   Dingell and the NRA fell out because Dingell wanted a vote on the bill.  It is good to google this stuff before you accuse a pro gunner of being an anti.

It would be even better if you had read my original post and notice that it was a email letter copied word for word and pasted here from GOA and their stance on Dingell.
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline alsaqr

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"It would be even better if you had read my original post and notice that it was a email letter copied word for word and pasted here from GOA and their stance on Dingell"

i did read it.  Neither the GOA, NRA or any other pro-gun organization is the final authority in determining who is or is not pro-gun.  All these organizations have their axes to grind and their political favorites who they have forgiven for their anti-gun sins.   You made the statement that Dingell supported the AWB.  He did not.  You made the statement that Dingell is an anti.  He is not.

BTW.  38 Republicans voted for the AWB and 77 Democrats opposed it.  No one ever thanks the Democrats who opposed it or condemns the Republicans who voted for it, the latter were allowed a pass. 

Offline Almtnman

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You made the statement that Dingell supported the AWB. You made the statement that Dingell is an anti.  He is not. 

I DID NOT make either of those statements that you mention. I posted an email alert on this forum that came directly from GOA, they made the statement's not me. You need to get your facts straight before posting replies here. And I will trust GOA's statement's more when it comes to gun control and gun rights, not somebody that wants to insinuate that I made a statement that I did not make. You need to eat a few more bran muffins!
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline alsaqr

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What is this?

"Why did he support the Clinton semi-auto ban?"

Offline Almtnman

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What is this?

"Why did he support the Clinton semi-auto ban?"

It's a question, care to give the answer?

Answer this if you can; you said that I made these statements.
You made the statement that Dingell supported the AWB. You made the statement that Dingell is an anti.

Where do you pull it out that a made any of that by asking why he supported Clinton semi-auto ban?  Man, you're so far off course that I don't even know why I went to the trouble of replying.
The Mountain
"The strongest reason for the people to retain the right to keep and bear arms is, as a last resort, to protect themselves against tyranny in government."~~Thomas Jefferson

Offline elmer

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Pro-gun representatives don't vote for must less co-sponsor legislation like this:

"The NICS Improvement Act of 2007 (H.R.297) is a gun control measure which was introduced in the House on January 5, 2007 by Carolyn McCarthy (D-N.Y.) with co-sponsor John Dingell (D-Mich.). It would amend the Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act of 1993."

In many articles he is referred to as a chamleon on the gun control issue.
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