Author Topic: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?  (Read 914 times)

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Offline rockbilly

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Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« on: May 16, 2007, 04:26:37 PM »
Bet you $20 you did not hear this on the national news.

The animals  below; car-jacked, then raped Christopher Newsom, cut off his (censored word), then set him on fire and fatally shot him several times while they forced his girlfriend, Channon Christian, to watch. An even more cruel fate awaited her!

Channon Christian, was beaten and gang-raped in many ways for four days by all of them, while they took turns urinating on her. Then they cut  off her breast and put chemicals in her mouth ... and then murdered her.

Dozens of New Charges in Double Murder Case Announced Posted: 5:05 PM Feb 1, 2007. Last Updated: 11:40 AM Feb 8, 2007.

Reporter: Whitney Daniel, WVLT Staff Knoxville (WVLT) - The District Attorney General of Knox County announced the list of charges facing now five suspects in the double murder of Channon Christian and Christopher Newsom.

The District Attorney General Randy Nichols is not saying whether or not he will seek the death penalty, but he does say the State will seek conviction for all charges filed in a 24-page indictment from the Knox County Grand Jury.

Lemaricus Davidson, 25, faces a total of 46 charges. Davidson was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Letalvis Cobbins, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Cobbins was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated k! idnappi ng of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

George Thomas, 24, faces a total of 46 charges. Thomas was indicted on 16 counts of Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 2 counts premeditated murder of Christian and Newsom, 2 counts especially aggravated robberies from Christian and Newsom, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christian and Newsom, 20 counts aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom, and 2 counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Just last night, police in Lebanon , Kentucky , arrested 18-year-old Vanessa Coleman. She faces 40 Tennessee state charges.  Coleman was indicted on 12 counts Felony Murder growing out of rape, robbery kidnapping and theft of Channon Christian and Chris Newsom, 1 count Premeditated Murder of Christian only, 1 count Especially Aggravated Robbery of Newsom only, 4 counts especially aggravated kidnapping of Christia n and Newsom, 20 counts of aggravated rape of Christian and Newsom and 2 Counts of theft from Christian and Newsom.

Eric Boyd, 24, also arrested in connection with the fatal carjacking, only faces federal charges as an accessory after the fact. He was not indicted by Knox county grand jury.

Felony Murder carries a possibility of death, life without the possibility of parole and life with parole. Especially Aggravated Robbery is a Class A felony that carries a possibility of 15 to 60 years in prison. Aggravated Rape is a Class A felony that >carries a possibility of 15 to 60 years of prison.

At a news conference Thursday, Nichols commended the cooperative efforts between several departments and credits that
cooperation for the fast pace this case is moving through the court system.

Nichols says he hopes to move the case to trial on the first day it's set.

The four are expected to make their first court appearance within ten to fifteen days.

This is certainly a case garnering a lot of public interest, Nichols recognizes that and says he expects all kinds of requests filed in this case, including a change of venue in order to receive a fair trial. But he says he does hope 12 Knox County jurors will be able to determine the guilt or innocence of these suspects.

Where be the Revs Al and Jesse? Are they providing counsel and help to the families of the victims?

Of course not - the victims were white

Why hasn't this received National coverage by the news media like the Duke "rape" case?

Oh, that's right - the victims were white

Why hasn't the NAACP, ACLU, New York Times etc., called for an investigation?

Must be cause the victims were white

Why hasn't the FBI been called in to investigate this as a hate crime?
Oh, that's right - the victims were white"

So, if a white news radio jock uses the phrase "Nappy headed", it gets 2 weeks of constant news coverage.

If two white people are tortured, raped, and murdered by a group of black people, it barely gets a blip in the news.

Pass this around, and maybe, just maybe, it will land in the hands of someone in the media or politics, that has the guts to stand up for the white people!!!

Offline ironglow

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #1 on: June 06, 2007, 08:13:09 PM »

    I got that news item from a friend via e-mail a couple days ago !
  That is EXACTLY the same question I asked myself when I first saw it !

   Of course, we're still waiting for an abject apology from Al over that whole, fraudulent  Tawana Brawley episode !
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Offline williamlayton

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #2 on: June 07, 2007, 12:57:16 AM »
HUMMM-Lota things going on here!
Why were four black males so intent with raping a whit man??
Seems they are more dysfunctional than the image they want to portray.
Seems Al and Jessie would be wanting help for these dysfunctional MEN.
S&M is supposedly a disposition related to folks that are rather confused about their lack of manhood and in need of therapy.
I am wondering why they have not offered such assistance??
The girl ???
We are preaching too the choir though.

Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #3 on: June 07, 2007, 01:14:04 PM »
It's receiving very little air time or print here in Tennessee.

In other local news, Mary Winkler, the wife of a Church of Christ minister, who shot him in the back with a 12 gauge shot gun while he lay sleeping has filed for a new trial.

Mary was acquitted of murder and convicted of involuntary manslaughter and faces a maximum 6 year sentence.  Anyway, she has filed for a new trial hoping to get off scott free.  The trial was broadcast live on the internet.  I watched almost all of it.  She's lucky I wasn't on the jury, which consisted of 10 women and 2 men.

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #4 on: June 07, 2007, 05:04:05 PM »
And the little piglet, Paris Hilton.gets drunk, breaks parole, drives drunk.. w/o a license   and she served a whole five days...
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline Heavy C

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #5 on: June 07, 2007, 06:14:03 PM »
And we wonder why our country is so messed up.   ??? ::)  It would be nice if Jesse and Al would on that story, but if they were somehow I would bet that those young men being so messed up is the fault of the white man. 

Boy Paris played the justice system in Kalifornia just how she wanted.  Shoot she ordered cup cakes from her favorite bakery this morning - poor baby.  It's called punishment for a reason people.  She was supposed to be uncomfortable and suffer!  Sure they extended her sentence back out to 45 days but credited her 5 days when she only served 3.  Asinine!!

Offline Brett

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #6 on: June 08, 2007, 03:29:19 AM »
And we wonder why our country is so messed up.   ??? ::)  It would be nice if Jesse and Al would on that story, but if they were somehow I would bet that those young men being so messed up is the fault of the white man. 

Of coarse it's whiteys fault... If those young boys' great grandmothers hadn't been sexually abused by their white slave masters over a hundred years ago they could have grown up to be doctors and lawyers.   ::)
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #7 on: June 08, 2007, 12:58:36 PM »
  Of course, IF these boy's great grandmother were abused by her "slave owner" and these  boys are descended from that slave owner..(and we are into blaming each other for what our ancestors did...then they themselves, are somewhat to blame for their own condition..with such a slave owner for a great grandfather.
    Surely, they are more to blame for their condition than most of us ; since most of us did not have a slave owning great grandfather !...LOL
   Sure sounds crazy & convoluted when we start using " lefty newspeak " and " Liberal logic " !..yeehaaww
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Offline Brett

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #8 on: June 08, 2007, 02:42:22 PM »
Of coarse what none of them will ever admit is that if their ancestors had not been dragged over here kicking and screaming it is possible that they would be chasing their next meal threw the bush with a pointy stick rather than chasing their next crime victim down the street.
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Offline ironglow

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #9 on: June 10, 2007, 02:55:55 AM »
  Walter Williams, black.. and a great authority on economics who sometimes sits in for Rush one said in answer to a young, angry black man said..

(very roughly paraphrased)..  "So you think you have it really rough because your ancestors were brought here as slaves, were mistreated and you are not wealthy today.
  Suppose your ancestors were left in Africa..would you be much better off in Ruwanda..fighting of your neighbors with machetes or somewhere in Africa, dying of AIDS in a mud hut or perhaps catching the Ebola virus"..etc.

   Strange, how so often we see the grass as being greener where we wish we were, or where we may have been..rather than where we are actually at ! 
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Offline Heavy C

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #10 on: June 11, 2007, 11:25:52 AM »
And we wonder why our country is so messed up.   ??? ::)  It would be nice if Jesse and Al would on that story, but if they were somehow I would bet that those young men being so messed up is the fault of the white man. 

Of coarse it's whiteys fault... If those young boys' great grandmothers hadn't been sexually abused by their white slave masters over a hundred years ago they could have grown up to be doctors and lawyers.   ::)

 ;D :D

The grass might be greener on the other side of the fence, but it's just as hard to mow. ;)

Offline lakota

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #11 on: June 12, 2007, 08:47:39 AM »
There is no way for monetary gain in this for Jesse and Al therefore they will not touch it
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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #12 on: June 13, 2007, 04:01:50 PM »
Read an article in the Chicago sun times that said the internet has corrupted the facts in this story. No one was mutilated before being killed and the girl was killed almost right away not raped for four days. This article was calling whomever changed the facts in this story a white supremacist. Of course the columnist Mary Mitchell is black and if half of what she says in her articles were said by a white person about a minority there would be riots in the streets,

Still even though the facts are a little less gruesome (as if the murder of two innocent bystanders could be) I don't understand why this is not a hate crime.




Offline ironglow

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #13 on: June 15, 2007, 02:29:03 PM »
  It's not called a hate crime because we have judges, prosecutors and politicians..who are perfect...

....perfect COWARDS !!!
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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #14 on: June 15, 2007, 05:54:16 PM »
Of coarse what none of them will ever admit is that if their ancestors had not been dragged over here kicking and screaming it is possible that they would be chasing their next meal threw the bush with a pointy stick rather than chasing their next crime victim down the street.

 ;D  ;D  ;D  ROTFL...............

I can't quit lauging........


Offline powderman

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #15 on: June 16, 2007, 03:13:08 AM »
In most all cases their own people sold them to the slavers. Sad. POWDERMAN.  :'( :'(
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
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Offline sturf

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Re: Wrere are Jessie and Al now?
« Reply #16 on: June 16, 2007, 03:45:38 AM »
They both came down here to Durham last year to try and make a racial issue out of the Duke case and stir up as much as the could.  As soon as the charges proved to be lies by a black street prostitute;  they very quietly slithered back to where they came from.  No more comments from either and not even one word from the liberal media.  Not even Fox.  Really makes a person angry.  From Eastern North Carolina.