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Offline .308sniper

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hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« on: May 19, 2007, 02:19:50 PM »
What is it like? How much upperbody strength does it take? What exercises  could I do to strengthen those muscles? Thanks to all!
have fun! get it done with a 308.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #1 on: May 19, 2007, 05:41:25 PM »
Why dont you exercise your mind and rethink partaking in this stupid stunt,there is no strength involved,you wait till the dogs bay the pig,walk over and stab it like a penned farm animal,i watched it on a hunting show and was one of the saddest things i have ever seen passed off as hunting.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #2 on: May 19, 2007, 06:52:11 PM »
I have to disagree.  I took part in a knife hog hunt on a deer trip once. I wasn't the one with the knife(  I had the coach gun with twin slugs)..  Some could argue that chasing a raccoon or fox or even cougar with dogs is a sad hunt, but it is more the tradition than the systle that matters.  Alot older now I wish I had taken the guides up on the offer to try for a pig.  If a pig could climb a tree to be shot out of would that then be an acceptable hunt? 

If legal in your area go for it and enjoy the hunt.  Then post the story here.
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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #3 on: May 23, 2007, 02:36:02 PM »
308sniper hunting hogs with dogs and a knife is the only or nearly the only way I will hunt hogs now. It does not take much strength as a good sharp well placed knife should harvest the hog quickly and humanly. Just be in good shape as far as walking or running to the bay.

As far as the other comment about it being a sad excuse for hunting. I guess I could say sitting in a tree, stand, or however waiting for a hog, deer, or the game your hunting to walk out to a feeder/clearing is hunting???? An go on about the evils of hunting that way, however I will not as I enjoy hunting that way for deer as well. Hunting with dogs is about watching the dogs work, and the thrill of not knowing what is caught till you get there. Just like with bird dogs it is a great enjoyment and pleasure to hunt behind well trained dogs.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 01:16:35 AM »
Here in Germany you can still buy a "saufeder" which is a thrusting spear for killing boars.  It is about 6 feet long with about a 12 inch blade.  It has a cross piece on the the shaft to keep the boar from running up it and getting to the hunter.  It's not used much any more but some still do and it's still legal.  I just checked out one the other day at an outdoors store here and it was 160 Euro ($200) with a really nice steel and wood shaft.  I really want one more to hang on the wall than to use.  What a conversation piece!  Oughta work good on burglars too...

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Offline Wynn

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 05:34:50 PM »
Why dont you exercise your mind and rethink partaking in this stupid stunt,there is no strength involved,you wait till the dogs bay the pig,walk over and stab it like a penned farm animal,i watched it on a hunting show and was one of the saddest things i have ever seen passed off as hunting.

Interesting statement considering that hunting wild boar and other game with dogs and a blade predates firearm hunting by several thousand years. Personally, I have hunted them with dogs and duct tape. Try it sometime.
American by birth; Southern by the Grace of God

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #6 on: May 24, 2007, 10:06:31 PM »
Stabbing a pig after dogs have cornered it and chewed on it for a while does not appeal to me,I dont see any level of enjoyable sport in it.Killing buffalo with a spear on foot predates modern hunting as well,lets see you do that,if you think your tough enough for that hunt I know a place that will let you try,cost ya about $600 and if you survive you will have one hell of a story to tell.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!


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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #7 on: May 24, 2007, 10:52:13 PM »
Stabbing a pig after dogs have cornered it and chewed on it for a while does not appeal to me,I dont see any level of enjoyable sport in it.Killing buffalo with a spear on foot predates modern hunting as well,lets see you do that,if you think your tough enough for that hunt I know a place that will let you try,cost ya about $600 and if you survive you will have one hell of a story to tell.

NOW thats a hunt I would love to try. As well as by taking one on horseback.

A good well trained catchdog worth feeding SHOULD not chew BUT HOLD. Your cur dogs chew some BUT usually just enough to stop the hog from running. Again you should try it before you knock it.

Offline Wynn

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2007, 11:09:00 AM »
I suppose on a high fence operation hunting a half starved domestic hog, you might be able to "walk over and just stab it".

 I assure you it does not work that way in a thick nearly inpenatrable Tupelo, palmetto, cypress swamp with about 50 or 100 generations of "wild" bred into them like we get here. Picture this; Run (hard) through 10 foot high palmetto thicket for a couple of miles following the dogs. The hog bays, but the dogs can't hold it and takes off again. One or two dogs are cut up or wore out enough now that someone has to catch them and pull them off the hunt. Run another mile or so through briar and cactus uplands into another swamp. Don't forget the 90+ deg heat and 100% humidity. Hog backs into a wallow or under a downed log so that dogs can only come from the front. You show up and hog charges. You dive to the side and hope the dogs can stay locked on until you can flank and tackle it ever mindful of those popping/slashing jaws doing their best to open up any flesh that gets close. NOW you can just stab it IF you know where the jugular is on a hog and you can get to it and you have the right sticker to do it and you don't miss and the hog gets loose and gets you by the leg

I have spent several nights at the ER getting hunting buddies or myself stitched up, so if you believe you "just walk up and stab it", then keep watching your hunting shows cause hog doggin aint for you.
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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #9 on: May 25, 2007, 11:28:11 AM »
.308sniper, ask Warf73 what kind of training he did, I'm sure he'll share his personal experience and opinion on the subject since he's done it!! ;)

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #10 on: May 25, 2007, 05:19:32 PM »
Yhe thanx for the warning Il stay up in here in MT with the griz and mtn lions so the lil hogs dont get me down there,Ive seen wounded badgers that are more intimidating than a hog.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline Wynn

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #11 on: May 25, 2007, 06:07:24 PM »
Yhe thanx for the warning Il stay up in here in MT with the griz and mtn lions so the lil hogs dont get me down there,Ive seen wounded badgers that are more intimidating than a hog.

Well just let us know when you stick one of them lions or griz. I'll stick with the hogs among the rattlers, moccasins and gators.
American by birth; Southern by the Grace of God

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #12 on: May 25, 2007, 06:24:00 PM »
unlike your neck of the woods we dont take pleasure in killing farm animals with a knife after the dogs hold em for ya,i dont care how many generations of them run free,they are still pigs.I watched your dangerous hunt on another idiots hunting show,tred barta,the dogs chewed on the pig for a good 10 mns and then he walked over to it,bigbad hunter,rambo knife in hand and did a pisspoor job of killing it even after the dogs immobolized it,I dont care how you want to dress it up its rediculous,just a stunt for those who have an ego complex.Why not hunt them with a bow,or a crossbow,I will never understand the appeal.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline handi243

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #13 on: May 26, 2007, 08:55:31 AM »
Every man or woman has the right to hunt the way he/she likes as long as its legal. Hog hunting with a knife,spear,gun,bow,hammer (yes people have done it) is tough been there. Unless each person has tried it please don't put it down i think hunting whitetail with a 5,000,000 super hydro ultra mag is a little over kill. Man has hunted for the last million or so years why to stay alive with every thing from bare hands to machineguns so be open minded about it

Offline .308sniper

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #14 on: May 26, 2007, 09:29:55 AM »
Hey guys how about we agree to disagree on the subject of hunting hogs with a knife.
have fun! get it done with a 308.


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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #15 on: May 26, 2007, 03:41:44 PM »
Hey guys how about we agree to disagree on the subject of hunting hogs with a knife.

I have to agree with this. I was in Canada on a caribou hunt once and the guide needed to fill a tag for meat for his family, so he got in a johnboat and herded one towards shore and shot it in the water. Some of the guys were really upset about this but I was not. He was not on a pleasure trip, he was taking this animal for food for his family to survive.

 Another guide herded a group of caribou in the direction he knew some of the hunters were, I was more upset about this than the other situation.

I glassed mine coming down the side of a mountain, ran 150 yards over the rockiest terrain I have ever been on and took a 550 lb. bull at 310 yards with a 7mm rum. I know I hunted mine the way I would want and whatever anyone else does as long as it's not illegel is really none of my concern.

Moral of the story:

Hunt the way you want, for the reasons you want.




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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #16 on: May 26, 2007, 07:29:27 PM »
To each his own but that doesnt change the fact that it is a stupid stunt,not hunting,have fun.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #17 on: May 27, 2007, 06:29:40 PM »
Ever read the book, "The Legend of Ben Lilly?"  Ben Lilly was born in the bayou country, and hunted the swamps until he was old enough to be hired as a government hunter.  He was assigned to Colorado, where he hunted rouge bear and cougar that were feasting on livestock.  According to the book, Ben killed numerous hogs and bear by running along beside them, reaching over and stabbing them with his Bowie knife.  In his older years, he tracked a bear that had part of it's foot cut off in a trap from near Denver down into Mexico before killing it.

Ben was not only a government hunter, he was also a guide, and took President Roosevelt on several hunts through the Rockies.

Another government hunter worth reading about is Shorty Lyons.  He is know for taking mountain lions by going in their dens and killing them with a knife.  In one of his tales, he said he had located three lions in a cave near Silver City, NM.  He went into the cave and killed all three,  Some news reported later asked him if he had been afraid to go in with the three lions, Shorty answered, the lions didn't bother me, but all them rattlesnakes in there scared the crap out of me.  Shorty says lion meat is the best meat available.  It was common during his time to kill a lion that had been killing sheep or goats, take the sheep/goat  and lion, grind it all up and make sausage.  Here, kitty, kitty.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #18 on: May 29, 2007, 03:38:07 PM »
To each his own but that doesnt change the fact that it is a stupid stunt,not hunting,have fun.

I have a buddy with a big scar down the back of his leg that might disagree with how easy it is. Two nights ago I had a boar run his head down the inside of my leg,,, luckily his toothe was broke off on that side. The other side had about a 2 1/2" cutter.

We had a friend's, wife's, brother come down from Colorado. He guides full time up there. He was telling us how we hunt all wrong down here over feeders and how the stalk animals and everything and how hunting with dogs was sooo easy. So we took him... ;D He respects the work it takes from the dogs and hunters now. He has been 3 times since then. Makes a point of it to come down once a year during grain season.

Tred barta's show was a joke and a poor showing of what hog hunting with dogs is really like. Judging what hunting is really like based off a TV show is a dead give away to your ignorance. You have probably been on a few Paid Big Game hunts and you think you are Grizzley Adams now. Any real hunter knows that you don't know jack about jack till you have experienced it first hand. THE END.  :-* 

Offline okla_hog_hunter

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #19 on: May 29, 2007, 05:27:42 PM »
Why dont you exercise your mind and rethink partaking in this stupid stunt,there is no strength involved,you wait till the dogs bay the pig,walk over and stab it like a penned farm animal,i watched it on a hunting show and was one of the saddest things i have ever seen passed off as hunting.

till you do it don't knock it,i do guieded hunts on free range,and till you have 10 to 20 hogs charge you i don't think you would stand like that deer in your picture its hard to shoot something that does not know your there.not trying to start nothin but till you no what your talkin about don;t knock it
Kenny Phelps
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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #20 on: May 29, 2007, 05:32:34 PM »
 I think all of our hearts start pumping when you go into brush that you can barely see your shoes and you can hear that big ole boar gunt'n OR you go running into a corn field where at best you can see 14" in front of you and you can hear the scrap. On top of that you can hear the other 15 hogs around you that were running with the one you have caught. That is the best kind of fear... and it never goes away no matter how long you have been doing it. :)

I quit deer hunting after I started hog hunting. I just go to watch now and let the little people in my family shoot what I need for meat.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #21 on: May 29, 2007, 05:45:39 PM »
same here brute i quit deer hunting after i started hunting hogs with dogs just not enough excitiment in it no more
Kenny Phelps
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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #22 on: May 30, 2007, 03:32:26 PM »
I think all of our hearts start pumping when you go into brush that you can barely see your shoes and you can hear that big ole boar gunt'n OR you go running into a corn field where at best you can see 14" in front of you and you can hear the scrap. On top of that you can hear the other 15 hogs around you that were running with the one you have caught. That is the best kind of fear... and it never goes away no matter how long you have been doing it. :)

I quit deer hunting after I started hog hunting. I just go to watch now and let the little people in my family shoot what I need for meat.

All I have to say to what you said is AMEN!! Finally somebody put into words what ALL hogdoggers feel.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #23 on: June 01, 2007, 03:18:36 PM »
Why dont you big,bad pig hunters spend an evening in the mountians with a pair of montana grizzlys while they try to take an elk from you or trek through the bush with a herd of cape buffalo in Zambia,or go along on a leapoard hunt with nothing more than a video camera and then tell me about dangerous game.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!


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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #24 on: June 02, 2007, 09:26:06 AM »
Why dont you big,bad pig hunters spend an evening in the mountians with a pair of montana grizzlys while they try to take an elk from you or trek through the bush with a herd of cape buffalo in Zambia,or go along on a leapoard hunt with nothing more than a video camera and then tell me about dangerous game.

I would love to do what you just said/suggested. How about you pay for my trips and I will do it. I am willing to try all that and more, BUT at least I am willing to do so. ALL I hear from you is BS, and not wanting to try something different. HOWEVER you sure can knock it, and trash talk those of us who do it.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #25 on: June 02, 2007, 06:59:00 PM »
I said to each his own and that I wouldnt want to do it,never said you shouldnt,you go stab alll the pigs you want but dont try to convince me its anything but a stupid stunt,every one of you who gets cut up doing it deserves it,for complete lack of common sense if nothing else.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!

Offline okla_hog_hunter

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #26 on: June 03, 2007, 06:09:04 AM »
Why dont you big,bad pig hunters spend an evening in the mountians with a pair of montana grizzlys while they try to take an elk from you or trek through the bush with a herd of cape buffalo in Zambia,or go along on a leapoard hunt with nothing more than a video camera and then tell me about dangerous game.

I would love to do what you just said/suggested. How about you pay for my trips and I will do it. I am willing to try all that and more, BUT at least I am willing to do so. ALL I hear from you is BS, and not wanting to try something different. HOWEVER you sure can knock it, and trash talk those of us who do it.

AMEN Shane,but its these kind of morons that try and trash talk something they know nothin about.i would gladly give this trash talker a free hunt to see what he would do with a 300 pound boar tossing dogs about and tell him to go in there and stick that farm animal for me lol
Kenny Phelps
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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #27 on: June 03, 2007, 10:31:47 AM »
Im not ignorant enough to partake in your "sport",like i said if your stupid enough to do this you deserve to get hurt,what the do you expect?
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!


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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #28 on: June 03, 2007, 11:18:52 AM »
NOPE you rather sit behind your keyboard, talk chit about us and the sport we enjoy due to its' many thrills, and hide in a blind or other type of concealment and shoot an animal from a distance so it does not know you are there. This is UP CLOSE and personal hunting. Much like a bow hunter who I have all the respect for as they MUST do all they can to get close and make a clean harvest. From what I am gathering your basing your "KNOWLEDGE" of this sport on what you saw on TV. An idiots show at that, that did not do the best to show the sport truthfully or tastefully. You call us morons or idiots for hunting this way etc...However again you have no first hand knowledge or experience of this type of hunting. How idiotic is that? Next time you take a bite out of a nice roasted corn on the cob, a chicken fed with milo, a steak from a steer fattened on corn, or various  vegies you can think us, the hog hunters, for protecting that product from the hog's. ANd in doing so keeping the farmers and ranchers' in bussiness to continue feeding folks who have no clue.

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Re: hunting pigs with a knife/spear
« Reply #29 on: June 03, 2007, 01:40:16 PM »
#1 i live in MT,I dont use blinds or tree stands,shows how little you really know.#2 we operate 2 cattle operations and raise our own alphafa to feed them, i have raised cattle,pigs ,sheep and poultry for freezer meat,I grew up on a ranch and you arnt going to tell me anything about raising livestock,any other Revelations you want to share?I do not need first hand knowledge to know I THINK its a stupid stunt,i KNOW I wouldnt partake in it and i KNOW i dont think its sporting AT ALL.I dont need dogs to hold down my game for me,I stalk it and kill it with a bow,muzzleloader,rifle or shotgun,im not going to take an idiotic risk to stab a pig that the dogs have cornered,Im sure you enjoy it immensely,have fun.There arnt any scary pigs up here for you to protect me from,thank GOD.
If it aint fair chase its FOUL,and illegal in my state!