Well, I’m no mental giant, but it sounds like you’re going to do nothing more than cast cores, then swaging to whatever diameter. I know you want to make your own dies and press, and I know Corbin makes such dies for use with pure lead, but you won’t get lube grooves with his or any others that I’m aware of. The H dies should be strong enough to swage alloys to a point, if you have a large/strong enough press and you stay at 30 caliber, so if you make yours of like size, material and heat treating, they should work.
You might want to think about having a mold cut oversized to cast a larger diameter, then use progressively smaller sizing dies to draw down instead of swaging up to whatever diameter you need. That way you’ll still have lube grooves to do your lube testing with, though maybe not as deep unless you have the grooves cut deeper as well.
If you aren’t interested in changing the point (nose) or base style, what is the point in going to all that trouble? If you have to use enough pressure to form a point, the lube grooves will be swaged out to the die wall making a slick bullet, or at least very reduced lube grooves.
Send Dave an email after the end of the month (he’s out on a family emergency). He’s very good about letting you know what will work and what may not. He’ll probably tell you what you need to know about building the dies as well. Better yet, get his books first, and they will probably answer any questions you may have.
If I haven’t understood exactly what you are trying to accomplish, this probably didn’t help much, but I’ve never tried to swage a bullet without a jacket, though I don’t see a reason it can’t be done. It’s no different than swaging the cores I use for my bullets, except the core die has bleed holes so the weight stays the same, leaves slick sides, and doesn’t form a point.
I’ll give it a go in a couple of weeks to see how it works.