In a nutshell, DoubleTap ammo is 100% safe to use in your Glock. It is not loaded hot, it is loaded to SAAMI standards, but to the original 10mm Norma power ratings. I have shot DT, many thousands of them, in my G20 and my Delta. I bought my G20 in June '96, so I've had some time to figure out a few things about it. And I'm up around 41,000 rounds thru my ORIGINAL FACTORY barrel.
You DO NOT have to change the recoil spring to shoot hotter loads. The stock 17# spring works fine. A stiffer spring(I like 20#) and a metal recoil spring guide rod WILL make it handle better, though.
You CAN shoot lead out of a Glock with a factory barrel. If you are a cast bullet shooter, this is no challenge. Slug your barrel, choose your bullets sized according to your measurements, and use appropriate powders. I shoot primarily cast now, and get NO leading in my factory barrel.
Do the smart thing- call DoubleTap. Mike is a great guy to talk to, and he will answer all of your questions and tell you some things you didn't even know you needed to learn! And the phone call is the best free learning session to get BEFORE you spend money "improving" your Glock.