I recently picked up a new EAA Biathlon Basic. It looked interesting due to it's straight pull toggle action and rather unique deep barrel crown. It has a large diameter barrel with hammer forging marks on it. The trigger is 2-stage and light. The price was right since it was in the shop for quite a while without any serious potential buyers. The only other one I ever saw was at the local Gander Mountain.
I put an available BSA 4x scope (a take-off from a rifle in the gun shop) on it and took it to a small quarry where I could only get a 40 yard range for initial sight-in. I was impressed! It handled several brands and types of ammo well considering the conditions.
Yesterday I had an opportunity to go to my club with it. I was shooting under 1" groups at 75 yards with the plated Winchester high-speed ammo, CCI SGB, and PMC Target. The great thing was they all shot to the same point of impact. I don't think I have ever had another rifle that did that. Usually the POI would change dramatically for different loads and brands.
The BSA scope also was impressive. Even though the crosshairs covered the bull of the small target that i was using at 100 yards, I was able to see the bullet holes that were outside the bull.
I hope to try the gun out with a high-power scope this summer to see what it is really capable of. I have a Chief AJ-modified 10-22 that shoots great, but is too heavy to tote around, so the EAA will be my new field .22. Is anybody interested in an AJ?
Has anyone else had any experience with the EAA Biathlon?