I guess being from the "old School" of law and order, I am orientated to believe that Weaver and Koresh both had the power to prevent the incidents, but being cowards, chose to act other wise.
I have read extensively on both the incident at Waco, and Ruby Ridge. The information is so confusing that you don't know who to believe. The accounts by Weaver, his friend Kevin Harris, and LE all conflict. Did they all witness different situations, or is their story convenient to make them look innocent? Facts indicate strongly that the first shot was fired by Kevin Harris. As an LE do you retreat, or do you return fire?
There are several common denominators in both cases that lead to additional question as to motive of the "victims" at both locations. Both were involved in Cult or Sect religious groups, both were anti-government. Weaver was a racist, an active member of the KKK, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazi parties, he was anti government, and anti-authority for many years prior to the incident. Koresh was hard core cult leader, child molester, and was in possession of illegal weapons. Neither of the two were what I would refer to as stellar citizens.
As I said in my previous post, right, wrong, or indifferent, Koresh and Weaver had the power to stop the situation before it mushroomed to the point it did. Our court system may not be perfect, but it is still among the best in the world, at least they would have had the opportunity to plea their case. Perhaps, if they had fessed up like a man, rather than hide behind women and children like the cowards, all would be alive today.