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Power Grab Made comment...
« on: May 24, 2007, 12:35:43 AM » comment from El Presidente.
Unprecedented power grab quietly made into law and no comment from Senor Bush....huh..!?

Dot connecting required at this point......TM7

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #1 on: May 24, 2007, 03:49:32 AM »
That's what happens when you have a population of apathetic droolers sitting on their a$$es waiting for the gov'ment to take care of them.   

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #2 on: May 24, 2007, 03:54:46 AM »
Well TM, I know you probably think this is all part of this administration's plan to declare an emergency and suspend the next election.  The thing is, this President gets blamed if he does nothing and he gets blamed if he tries to make contingency plans.  If he asked the Congress to get involved in emergency planning, something might get accomplished in a couple of decades.

You go ahead and connect the dots and let us know what's up.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #3 on: May 24, 2007, 06:16:27 AM »
Well, as usual, when I see a seemingly unheard of piece of news first referenced on a website that features not only Ann Coulter but also Chuck Norris(!?!) I dig a bit.  In this case I suggest reading the directive itself:

Then if you're curious about Presidential Directives you could check out:

As best I can tell this whole thing is a restructuring of executive branch policies/people/jobs.  Despite the ominous "no mention of congress" talk I suspect that would be because the order only pertains to the executive branch.  Might also want to read section 11 of the order for a little insight here.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #4 on: May 24, 2007, 01:40:34 PM »
I am one who thought I would never agree with anything TM7 said but I do agree agree with the comment that he said that any one critizing the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES IS A TERRORIST and all they are doing is looking for something to get on their soap box and try to find follerers to join their agenda, If the president could over night reduce the cost of gas to $1.00 a gallon that wouldnt be enough for some, but it should be considered the greatest thing being done by anyone for the last 15 years, and should let him be president for the next 15 years, and while we are at trying to tear down this president just exactly what great thing did our last 2 fools do while in the office for 8 years??  If the wall to block was 15 feet tall overnight he would be critized because it wasnt 20 feet tall in 12 hours, and if the people in La. had a new home in 3 days he would have been critized because he didnt build them a weekend villa by the shore, after awhile some need to get their heads out of the darkest receses of their rears, have you been to the damages areas in La. and watched the people cleaning up on their own?  I have and it is vary little being done by the locals, and as some have said they arnt going to do anything as long as the Government will do it FOR them, that about all I have time for at this time as I already have my MOTOR HOME fueled up and going to the lake for a few days, and if TM7 dont like it he can call on the LIBERALS who have made this country go downhill.   >:(  JIM

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #5 on: May 24, 2007, 03:14:42 PM »
I keep thinking of "a lean and hungry look"---Think I will find an old, fat candidate to vote for.
Power mad people are, more and more, selling out for this power--too those who seem to be able to control this gift of power.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #6 on: May 25, 2007, 03:59:57 AM »
So TM7, you are able to be critical of anyone for any reason, but no one is allowed to be critical of your perceptions.  Tell me where I was wrong.  You do think it is all part of a scheme to assume dictatorship--right?  And I encouraged you to keep on connecting the dots.  SO, WHERE IS THE PROBLEM?


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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #7 on: May 25, 2007, 11:05:29 AM »
Why do i feel like a SUBJECT instead of a citizen after reading TM7
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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #8 on: May 25, 2007, 02:51:29 PM »
I hate to quote a certain goofball but " Are we startin to see a pattern here"

" In the beginning of change, the patriot is a brave and scarce man,hated and scorned. when the cause succeeds however,the timid join him...for then it cost nothing to be a patriot. "
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-- Thomas Jefferson to William Stephens Smith, 1787. ME 6:373, Papers 12:356

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #9 on: May 27, 2007, 04:18:56 AM »
So TM, what is your point?

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #10 on: May 27, 2007, 01:34:20 PM »
Politics has always been tweeked by the Corporations.  Eisenhower warned of this when  they tried to influence him.  Poor guy was an honest soldier when he got involved in politics.  They jurked him around so bad he retired and we never heard from him again.

The only change in the last few years is now that the world is global,  business policy wise, FORIEGN GOVERMENTS are now contributing so much money to campaigns, they are influencing elections here in this country.

I dont know for sure what this directive will change if anything, but I feel more and more that my "Representatives" are not for my best interests, and my VOTE will be harder to come by, unless things improve.  I'm  so busy trying to make a living and pay my taxes that the politics are becoming secondary and my indifference a coping mechinism.


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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #11 on: May 28, 2007, 11:07:56 AM »
tonzuki ,
 yours and every ones vote is needed more now than ever , don't get beaten down !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #12 on: May 29, 2007, 12:37:33 AM »
 Sorry doom & gloomers, I just don't see it that way ! Pres Bush will not be Pres, come another18 months...but he is doing the proper thing.
   Perhaps the folks at the FBI and CIA know something we don't ! Perhaps there is something that all of us should realize..but don't !
  We are talking about continuity of govt here..not some thing like a hurricane, tidal wave or drought...

   Her is what we as alert citizens should know:
  1) With rogue states like Iran & N Korea having nuclear capability along with biological seems only a matter of WHEN we will get hit by some of these things.
  2) Today, in order do do any greatly effective thing, we need majority or super-majority vote..
  ..Just suppose a scenario where the halls of congress were to be hit with a super biological or radioactive substance that wipes out 2/3 of it's members in a day !
  3) As it is right now, the Pres can declare war  in an emergency....If the top of our chain of command is wiped out by a combination of this kind of attack plus assassinations..can the Speaker of the House declare war?
  If the Speaker is also dead..then who declares war ?  ..Ranking member of House of Rep ? Senior senator ? Who is even in charge ?

   If these bases aren't covered, the scenario I posted would be a great way to open a war against our nation..chop off it's head..then chop to bits, the helpless, writhing tiger..

   If the Pres were making a "power grab" for himself, would the Democrats be sitting on their hands right now ?

   If he were to somehow try to force his way into an extended term..millions of Americans, including myself, would be in the streets..

    We are talking about a world where greater destruction than we saw on 9/11 can be loosed on our nation's capital !

   Is it possible that our intelligence agencies know something that we, the general public don't yet have knowledge of ?

  If that were the case, this directive may be the most unselfish and proper thing the Pres has yet done !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #13 on: May 29, 2007, 03:18:19 AM »
Ironglow, you just don't get it; there is a conspiracy behind every rock and the President is an evil dictator just waiting for his chance to fully implement his diabolical plan to transform this country into his version of the Roman Empire.  It just isn't possible that he is trying to do a very tough job and make the decisions that he thinks will be best for this country that he loves and reveres.

Offline dukkillr

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #14 on: May 29, 2007, 06:04:16 AM »
Ironglow, you just don't get it; there is a conspiracy behind every rock and the President is an evil dictator just waiting for his chance to fully implement his diabolical plan to transform this country into his version of the Roman Empire.  It just isn't possible that he is trying to do a very tough job and make the decisions that he thinks will be best for this country that he loves and reveres.

Couldn't have said it better myself.


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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #15 on: May 29, 2007, 07:12:16 AM »
I just know he loves getting up in the morning , his party is hanging him out to dry , the polls are set up to make him look bad , the world is on his case , its one bad day after another , and in spite of it all  its his job to save the world and us , I know i would want 4 more years of that wouldn't you !
Building a government is like building a building , you have the money people , the planners , the buyers , and a bunch more but nothing happens if the people don't show up to build it piece by piece and thats why a conspiracy would be hard to make happen to many people involved and on site all the time ! Bill couldn't  add flavor to his smokes with out the world knowing ! They all should have learned from Regan , when he did something he would come on tv after it was done and tell us what and why , then it was over ! The news had less to do but that was ok !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

Online magooch

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #16 on: May 30, 2007, 03:19:25 AM »
Well, I guess there's nothing left to do but impeach the guy.  Wait a minute; that would mean Dick Cheney would become President.  Hhhnmmm, I could go for that.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #17 on: May 30, 2007, 06:26:50 AM »
TM7 you're assuming that all branches of government would be intact in the event of an attack.  You should also keep in mind that Americans, in general, are not involved in the political process.  Voter participation is shamefully low in this country.  "We the people..." haven't done our part - generally speaking.  Everyone running for office is "finally speaking out" because they are trying to worm their way into office by being politically correct and doing what they believe might be the popular thing.  I've said it before and I'll say it again; the 2008 election will come down to choosing the lesser of two evils.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #18 on: June 18, 2007, 11:57:54 AM »
IG,,,,your thesis may or may not be valid. But the continuity of government is already qualified in the Constitution. Discussions of gov continuity should be out in the open and not relegated to hidden 'directives' as I should think this is of paramount importance to We The People. There is something inherently corrupt with the way this was done no matter how anyone spins it. Intelligence agencies may or may not know 'something'---lets hope they are more on the ball then WMD, pre-911 threats, whereabouts of Bean Laden, etc., etc.  Meanwhile, keep in mind that these intell agencies deal half the time with misinformation and that 90% in this country!


If the d*** directive was "hidden", how in the "h***" did you ever find it?
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #19 on: June 18, 2007, 12:19:11 PM »

.Mr above dot connecting exercise is not is FACTS, and that is very sad. People that don't see the direction our gov is heading in and the saddness in this I wonder about. Perhaps we need a little more dot connecting , errr fact connecting, exercise.
Exercise #2.......Border Patrol Agents prosecuted and jailed.......gasoline prices skyrocket against claim of Iracqi fuel will pay for Iracqi war........nobody fired for 911 screwup.....american personal debt soars.............pre-emptive military strike now adopted as defense policy.....SS on the chopping block....monopolization of major industry nearing completion.....electronic voting to be normalized by next election.....etc.


Amazing how this president inherited many of our problems today.  Have you forgotten the abuse of power at Branch Dividian and BATF at Weavers residence in Idaho.  Were not these abuses of civil liberties, actions a dictator might do?  What about the perjuries committed that prevented an individuals right to fair and impartial trial for sexual harassment, another violation of federal law?  Aren't these enough for Anti conseratives to shut up and clean your own house first before blaming the Republicans on the weather and terrorists?  What about the firing of White House personal in contravention of federal employment policy?  What about the Whitewater scandal associated with Hitlery's and Willy's investments and why did James & Susan McDougal refuse to testify against them?  These were all done when Clinton was an elected official and promised to uphold the law.  So much for accusations from someone who refuses to recognize his own house is dirtier.
Greg lost his battle with cancer last week on April 2nd 2009. RIP Greg. We miss you.

Detente: An armed citizenry versus a liberal society
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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #20 on: June 19, 2007, 07:37:22 AM »
  "Have you forgotten the abuse of power at Branch Dividian and BATF at Weavers residence in Idaho."

The Weaver attack happened on the watch of Big Daddy Bush. 

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #21 on: June 19, 2007, 09:13:38 AM »
Abuse of power?

There has been much discussion about the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge.  The blame for these travesties has been placed on government and government officials.  While both incidents could possibly have been prevented, the root cause is two wimp thugs who elected to hide behind the skirts of women and children.

Both Randy Weave and David Koresh had been identified as criminals.  When law enforcement went out to arrest them why didn't’t they step forward like a man and face the music.  Guilty, or not, they would have been judged by a jury of their peers, and found according to the evidence against them.

While I don’t totally agree with the way these incidents were handled, any way you slice it, Weaver and Koresh had the power to prevent the loss of life by stepping forward and taking responsibility for their actions.

Place the blame where it belongs, on two losers that fail to conform to our legal system.  If you disagree, then the next time a cop attempts to stop you for speeding, rush home,  lock the door,  grab your gun, and place your wife and children in harms way while you try to avoid arrest.  What were they thinking?

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #22 on: June 19, 2007, 12:16:31 PM »
Nothing bush does will surprise me. after all it is HIS government. I'm just trying to figure out what party he is from because he sure isn't a republican. I'm just trying to figure out why 25% of Americans think he's doing a good job as a president.
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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #23 on: June 20, 2007, 02:03:19 AM »
rockabilly , randy Weaver refused to be part of a govt. sting , was set up , and given the wrong court date , then attacked ?
the other thug as you put it run , unarmed and could have been picked up anytime without a problem , not to mention he and friends went over and offered to help the govt. agents fix up the house they were watching from !

as far as hiding behind women , a sniper killed one woman who was holding the door open , a remote control vehicle with a shot gun was sent to the Weaver cabin and a tank to the other compound ?

i really don't see thugs , maybe a better way to describe them would be American citizens who stood their ground and paid a price for it , in the Weaver case it was found that the govt. was wrong in what it did .

history has seen abuse of power on many levels of our govt. by individuals and groups , yet our govt. always rights it self and goes on , due mainly to individuals that stand their ground !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #24 on: June 20, 2007, 03:18:21 AM »
"rockabilly , randy Weaver refused to be part of a govt. sting , was set up , and given the wrong court date , then attacked ?
the other thug as you put it run , unarmed and could have been picked up anytime without a problem , not to mention he and friends went over and offered to help the govt. agents fix up the house they were watching from !"

Bingo!!!!  It was important to those testosterone overdosed, egotistical feds to make their political statements. 

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #25 on: June 20, 2007, 10:05:50 AM »
I guess being from the "old School" of law and order, I am orientated to believe that Weaver and Koresh both had the power to prevent the incidents, but being cowards, chose to act other wise.

I have read extensively on both the incident at Waco, and Ruby Ridge.  The information is so confusing that you don't know who to believe.  The accounts by Weaver, his friend Kevin Harris, and LE all conflict.  Did they all witness different situations, or is their story convenient to make them look innocent?  Facts indicate strongly that the first shot was fired by Kevin Harris.  As an LE do you retreat, or do you return fire?  

There are several common denominators in both cases that lead to additional question as to motive of the "victims" at both locations.  Both were involved in Cult or Sect religious groups, both were anti-government.  Weaver was a racist, an active member of the KKK, Skinheads, and Neo-Nazi parties, he was anti government, and anti-authority for many years prior to the incident.  Koresh was hard core cult leader, child molester, and was in possession of illegal weapons.  Neither of the two were what I would refer to as stellar citizens.

As I said in my previous post, right, wrong, or indifferent, Koresh and Weaver had the power to stop the situation before it mushroomed to the point it did.  Our court system may not be perfect, but it is still among the best in the world, at least they would have had the opportunity to plea their case.  Perhaps, if they had fessed up like a man, rather than hide behind women and children like the cowards, all would be alive today.


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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #26 on: June 21, 2007, 02:11:08 AM »
Rockbilly , no illegal weapons were found at Waco , unless you count the army tank being used against US citizens , some old law says that ain't suppose to happen , LE and military !
at ruby ridge in court it was found the agent shot the dog first , he was dressed in clothing that did not Id him as LE .
most religious groups in this country could be called a cult by someone , and if being in a group that wishes to advance its agenda , be it the KKK or NAACP as long as you stay legal it is a freedom in this country !
many people in this country have been anti govt. , that's not in it self a problem , anyone who has had to deal with the IRS in a failure to pay case most likely has had some anti-govt feelings !
we the people are the govt. , we bind together for protection , both domestic and foreign ! now we elect people to adminster this . some excell others do not !
at both of these places was it necessary to force the issue ? were either of the cases a threat to the community ? could govt. backed off and cut off anyone coming or going and waited them out ? yes in one case children and women were being abused ! but was stopping the abuse worth causing their death ?
in the weaver case , he had not resisted arrest in the past ! so why the swat team to go and get him ? he was given the wrong court date , so he had no idea they were coming and would not have been in wait for them !
make no mistake , it is not my intention to defend either case that has been done , but to look at how our laws are enforced , in most cases i think we do a good job but in a few we make mistakes and should learn from them !
please try to remember , we are obligated to vote , and to question every decision the elected make ! they do not have a free hand to do as they wish but an obligation to do as we wish !
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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #27 on: June 21, 2007, 04:44:48 AM »
TM7 everything you have eluded is right ,we can only hope that it can be reversed.
many of our safeguards have systematically been removed in the guise of counter-terrorism .one by one our rights are being taking away.the new government is mega corporations who own senor bush.


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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #28 on: June 22, 2007, 02:15:48 AM »
do ya'll think the population in the USA is 3 part , the govt. employee , the people on the govt. bribe list , you know the special interest groups the ones that get a free ride like the immigrants are getting ready to join and the ones who work and support the country !
the first group will have control as long as they can keep enough votes in group 2 ! and if group 3 gets tired of it well !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Power Grab Made comment...
« Reply #29 on: July 07, 2007, 03:14:11 PM »
Abuse of power?

There has been much discussion about the incidents at Waco and Ruby Ridge.  The blame for these travesties has been placed on government and government officials.  While both incidents could possibly have been prevented, the root cause is two wimp thugs who elected to hide behind the skirts of women and children.

Both Randy Weave and David Koresh had been identified as criminals.  When law enforcement went out to arrest them why didn't’t they step forward like a man and face the music.  Guilty, or not, they would have been judged by a jury of their peers, and found according to the evidence against them.

Three points that you should consider about the Weaver case.

Your "wimp" is a former Green Beret.

Your "criminal" was found guilty ONLY of failure to appear -- he was acquitted of all other charges.

Lon Horiuchi was charged with manslaughter by the state of Idaho. The Clinton Mafia quashed those charges. I listened to the congressional testimony on Ruby Ridge. Did you? If you had, you might have noticed an interesting statement by Horiuchi's partner/spotter/ They were about 200 yards from the cabin, behind a tree. The spotter had his rifle resting on a limb. Horiuch was lying prone beneath the tree USING HIS BIPOD AS A REST. Horiuchi's story was that he had swung his rifle to follow Harris as he ran for the door, and fired as he got to the door. Perhaps you can explain how he managed to swing a rifle while lying on the ground, with one end of the rifle anchored by his shoulder and the other end on a bipod.
It's far more likely that he had the rifle already aligned on the door and waited for a target. If that is so, he knew that Vicki Weaver was there when he pulled the trigger.

You really should get your facts straight before you start a rant.
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