I was at the Sawlex "Sawmill Shootout" 2007 in S.C. last weekend and the one thing the "Internet friends" i met there said to me was, "Post More Pictures!!".... So, here are some more picts.!
I'm harvesting and sawing some "decent" white pine right now, and here's one i harvested a week or so ago.
Once i had it on the ground and limbed, i skidded it out to where i could carry it to keep the dirt off it... Even a "little" dirt dulls a chain saw chain or band mill band quite fast so i try to keep my logs off the ground as much as possible... I have to be VERY carefull carrying a big log like this, because it's VERY easy to tip the tractor over sideways on uneven ground... Look at that rear tire...
Once i had the log to the "running gear", i loaded it up for the trip home...
Once loaded up it's time to get out on the road, and head to the mill. As you can see, sometimes i just carry a log or two on the forks too...
Once at the mill site, i loaded the log on the mill...
Here it is, ready to saw!!
At 16' 6" long and 30" in diameter, this log will make some nice 2x12's and maybe even a 6" x 10" beam or two!
It won't be too long and i'll be sawing this big boy up!!
Hope you like the picts.