Author Topic: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????  (Read 3509 times)

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Offline ironglow

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #60 on: June 04, 2007, 04:39:31 PM »
  "Political correctness" denies obvious truths..simply stated, it is liberal censorship !
   Political correctness keeps almost everyone from calling this war on "terror" what it is...which is a war in which the world  fights against the poison of Islam.
  Other religions are enlightened enough to know that murder, torture and mayhem...does not reflect well upon their "God"..

    The God I worship, doesn't need me to behead helpless captives for him !  Since he is "God Almighty" He can do his own work as he sees fit !
   The God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob..the one who sent Jesus, is not such a weakling that he needs mere mortals to terrorize, torture or do "stupid-cide" bombings for Him !
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)

Offline gypsyman

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #61 on: June 04, 2007, 04:48:56 PM »
Dee, let me first say, GW is far from being perfect. He hasn't addressed the border issue at all. He's spending money like a drunken sailor on a 48. Not a thing to straighten out the trade imbalance. But after watching part of the Democratic debate on CNN last night, he's an Einstein.(another post)
They had confirmed documentation and communication between Iraq,(Hussein) and Al Kida,(Ben Laud-en). Money from Saudi Arabia, absolutely correct! Except everybody seems to forget one thing. It's not the Saudi govt. It's the Saudi banking system. From what I've read about it, it's second to none, including the Swiss banks. The billions and billions of dollars that are stored here is phenomenal, and the terrorists had their own money. Ben Laud-en is a muti-millionare himself. I don't think their going to store the money in Isreal. Again, nationality has nothing to do with this war. These people are religion first, nationality second. They could be from any country, it's what they believe in.
I do believe that your right in what you say, about the decline of our country. It's headed down hill in a hurry.We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work !!Remember (12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman
We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman

Offline alsaqr

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #62 on: June 05, 2007, 01:51:34 AM »
"It's not the Saudi govt. It's the Saudi banking system."

It is the Saudi government and the banking system that they run.  The corrupt Saudi royals run everything in the country, even weather reporting-they lie about  the temperature.  My calibrated thermometer would read 137F and the weather folks would say it was 100F and "heart warming."   There are about 7,500 Saudi princes.  Every one of them is on the dole.  The senior Saudi royals appeal to the masses by claiming to be pious and sober leaders.  They hold power by force and by building lavish mosques all over the place.  The royals pay the putrid religious police, the Muttawah. 

The Saudi royals, like all of the country espouse Wahabbism:  The forced conversion of Jews, Christians and others to Islam.   It ain't ever going to change folks.   

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #63 on: June 05, 2007, 02:11:20 AM »
gypsyman, it would appear we are not that far apart on views. Yes, as idiotic as GW has performed he DOES look like a rocket scientist up next to the democratic stable of candidates. However he still is what HE is. I voted for him as governor down here in Texas, each time he ran, and he did a good job in my opinion, and I voted for him both times as president. The lesser of two evils if you will. However, would I do it again? Absolutely not. I have come to realize that accepting the lesser of two evils is what is wrong with this country. We have learned to expect less, and accept less, and that is what we get. Less!
My understanding concerning Hussien and al queda is nothing but pure hatred between the two. They represented interference to him concerning his reign as dictator and he had zero tolerance toward them.
The money from Saudi Arabia to fund terrorism has been documented as coming from government officials and this only goes back to my post concerning calling a nation friend when they are no such thing.
I am aware of the Bin Lauden wealth, including Osama's own wealth, and that in itself is another point to ponder. Though I am not one prone to conspiracy theories and such, there is a publicly known connection between families such as the Bin Laudins concerning oil field wealth and Washington politicians. They start at the White house and we all know what rolls down hill.
Hussien was undercutting oil prices to other countries, Saudi Arabia and the U.S. did not like it. So, the rest will be history.
And yes, we have stepped into a religious war that has been brewing for centuries, however, I do not believe that it is win-able in its' present format.
Issues must be confronted directly and identified for what they actually are, instead of Washington spin. Muslims are a peaceful lot in small groups and appear harmless however, when sufficient numbers are present, their demeanor changes. France, England, and other countries are testimony to this. Islam has way over stepped it's bounds in this country and in my opinion should be deported to a country where it is welcomed as THE religion. A little draconian? Perhaps, but a rattler never really makes a good pet, regardless of how you care for it. JMO
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett


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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #64 on: June 05, 2007, 02:17:54 AM »
DEE , short of more 9/11 events or a tea party looks like we are going down hill ! The path of making everyone feel all warm and fuzzy has destroyed the American way , you remember where a man could make something of himself with honesty and hard work ! Look a New Orleans at one time the people of that area would have climed out from under the wreackage and rebuilt , they either ran away or keep asking who will rebuild for them and that just ain't the old America !
But it is what we have become ! in many parts of this great land !
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Offline Dee

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #65 on: June 05, 2007, 02:46:09 AM »
DEE , short of more 9/11 events or a tea party looks like we are going down hill ! The path of making everyone feel all warm and fuzzy has destroyed the American way , you remember where a man could make something of himself with honesty and hard work ! Look a New Orleans at one time the people of that area would have climed out from under the wreackage and rebuilt , they either ran away or keep asking who will rebuild for them and that just ain't the old America !
But it is what we have become ! in many parts of this great land !

SHOOTALL, I go to New Orleans three times a week on business. It is difficult to find motivated people there. The billboards in the area of down town and the industrial area are filled with pictures of TRIAL LAWYERS wanting to sue the trucking industry which is all that is keeping the city alive at this point. TV commericals are no different. Other billboard advertize class action lawsuits against I suppose the government, and of course the Police Chief is advertising for police officers to join the most corrupt organization in New Orleans besides the trial lawyers. When talking to many citizens the blame the entire situation on the federal government, yet re-elected an idiot for mayor, whom ignored warnings from everyone. I have had to wake up employees to get them to assist me in my business, as they un-ashamedly sleep when they are supposed to be working.  Proof positive of your statement. Not all but many feel WE have failed them.
You may all go to hell, I will go to Texas. Davy Crockett


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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #66 on: June 05, 2007, 02:56:53 AM »
maybe a country with less lawyers would help !
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Online magooch

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #67 on: June 05, 2007, 03:34:41 AM »
gypsyman, it would appear we are not that far apart on views. Yes, as idiotic as GW has performed he DOES look like a rocket scientist up next to the democratic stable of candidates. However he still is what HE is. I voted for him as governor down here in Texas, each time he ran, and he did a good job in my opinion, and I voted for him both times as president. The lesser of two evils if you will. However, would I do it again? Absolutely not. I have come to realize that accepting the lesser of two evils is what is wrong with this country. We have learned to expect less, and accept less, and that is what we get. Less!
So we should vote for the more evil one.  Good plan.

Maybe I've been around longer than some of you guys--maybe not, but I've seen this country in a whole lot worse shape than it's in now.  Yes, we seem to be slipping toward socialism, but that's not entirely because of the leaders.  The citizens (some of them) seem to think that it is the government's responsibility to do everything.  A bit of help on some things is okay, but folks have got to help themselves too.

I don't agree with all of this President's policies, but there hasn't been a President yet and there probably never will be one that I have, or will agree with on everything.  This country is too big and too diverse for that to ever be the case. 

I'll continue to vote for the person whom I believe is the best choice of the those who in reality has a chance to win.  If that be the lesser of two evils---so be it.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #68 on: June 06, 2007, 02:55:29 AM »
   WMD...WMD...WMD..a straw man..set up by the left so they could knock it down ! Admittedly, WMD were a part of the decision to invade Iraq..but hardly the MAIN reason for the invasion..

   We have such short memories !
  1) Do you Remember: The UN imposed sanctions after Saddam's failed takeover of Kuwait called for "no fly" zones ?

   2) Remember: The UN sanctions also called for "unfettered inspections" of any possible sites where WMD of any kind of wmd could be manufactured, stored or prepared ?

  3) Remember: Saddam tried to shoot down our aircraft that were patrolling the "no fly" zones ?

  4) Remember: Saddam delayed or denied access to inspectors again,and again and again. (That tells any sane person that he was hiding something) ?

  5) Remember: The UN issued some 23 or so "final" warnings for Saddam to stop shooting at planes in the no fly zone..and to allow inspectors "unfettered access" ?

 6) Remember: When we first decided to go into Iraq, Turkey..led by a Muslim, fanatically loyal to Mohammed's expansion..delayed entry by Turkish air space to our forces that could have cut the supply road to Syria from Iraq ?

   Georges Sada, One of the rare Christians and Deputy Air Marshall under Saddam Hussein, has written several books about the  Hussein regieme and how it operated. He wrote these books from his, some of the most" inside knowledge" we have access to.
  He DOES know more about the pre-war conditions in Iraq than does Rosie O'Donnel, Katie Couric, Teddy Kennedy or even John Edwards...
   In his book, SADDAM'S SECRETS...Sada explains that yes, Iraq did have WMD   and they were smuggled out of Iraq to Syria during the Turkish delay ! They were hauled in regular trucks and also concealed under truckloads of farm supplies and crops.
  Saddam even gutted civilian airliners and flew WMD to Syria under the guise of "aiding flood victims" from a dam break in Syria...

   Just do a Google search of the name   Georges Sada  you will find out much about pre war Iraq that perhaps you did not know.
 You will also learm much about the tiny Christian community there that claim they were started by the apostle Thomas and ostensibly claim descent from the ancient Assyrians of Nineveh.

     Folks; we have just got to stop thinking along the geographical borders of nations..our adversary doesn't..Stop thinking about why we went into Iraq or Afghanistan..and remember this is a long haul.
   We have to go where the Al Queda hangs out ! Don't try to tell me that no Al Queda are in Iraq..perhaps ther are more now than there once were, but that just proves the point.

    Perhaps we have them busy enough there that their operations here are somewhat curtailed..perhaps we can destroy them there in groups rather than one by one here.
   In fact, we can see what happens when we catch one terrorist here..groups cry for them to get full constitutional rights..AND MORE..even if they are foreign terrorists
  So the terrorists are using our very freedoms.. pressed to the limit, to destroy us...and the Libs are helping them as much as they can..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #69 on: June 06, 2007, 04:18:26 AM »
Al-Queda came looking for a fight and we started giving them one , i hope we have the drive to finish it !
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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #70 on: June 06, 2007, 04:31:24 AM »
IRONGLOW. Well said Sir. POWDERMAN.  ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Mr. Charles Glenn “Charlie” Nelson, age 73, of Payneville, KY passed away Thursday, October 14, 2021 at his residence. RIP Charlie, we'll will all miss you. GB

Only half the people leave an abortion clinic alive.
What part of ILLEGAL is so hard to understand???
I learned everything about islam I need to know on 9-11-01.

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #71 on: June 06, 2007, 01:52:29 PM »
Quote from TM7: "IG...I didn't realize you were such a supporter of the UN... ;)

If I were to use this same logic my comment would be: TM7...I didn't realize you were such a supporter of radical Muslims... ;)

But you were just kidding & so am I.
You will not make peace with the Bluecoats, you are free to go.

Offline ironglow

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #72 on: June 06, 2007, 07:27:58 PM »

   How is it you echoed my thoughts so well ?  No..I don't support the UN any more that TM7 is likely to be an Al Queda operative..LOL
    I will also grudgingly admit I am not the Bush fan I once was...but that is a FAR CRY from saying there is any Dem~Lib that I would support.  They are just too anti God, anti freedom and anti American to consider..
   The only Dem on the national scene that made ANY sense, was Joe lieberman..but the looney left dumped him for it , so he's an Independant now. 
   Our hope has to lie with a viable candidate showing far that seems to be Fred Thompson..
If you don't want the truth, don't ask me.  If you want something sugar coated...go eat a donut !  (anon)


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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #73 on: June 07, 2007, 01:50:43 AM »
TM-7, as i recall they found the trucks to make WMD , found shells with poison gas war heads and other parts and pieces also video of them using gas against their own people and Iran , Now no they did not find a big red box with WMD on the packing slip , it must be pure hell to try and fight a multi front war when the biggest battle is at home , i have no problem with asking good questions of our govt. but when every move any president makes is assumed to be to cover some wrong he is doing , it has gotten out of hand ! he gets rid of some attorneys and the country has spent millions to see why , so far its because they would not work cases Bush wanted worked , now if i had people on my payroll not doing what i wanted they would get fired also ! So far everyone says they can be fired at the presidents leisure , so why are they spending so much money and time to hurt a lame duck president in the first place ! We the people need to demand term limits and the abandoning of seniority of elected officials ! Every decision made in govt. must be in the best interest of the country as a whole not to get reelected or for special interest groups ! We blame our govt. for everything  the govt. is US !
some don't vote , as far as I'm concerned they have no right to complain , most vote then forget about it until next time ,
as far as I'm concerned they are almost as much of the problem as the non voter , they elect someone then turn them loose to rule our lives and not keep check on them ! The watch dog is the court system , and most don't want to serve on jury duty ! The jury is our last say so and we don't want to do it ! the problem is not the president , or elected officials or judges , its most of the lazy people in this country ! If it were not so sad it would be funny , they say we fight over seas so we won't have to fight here , many say that is BS , that they won't follow us home . Its hard to believe but most must have forgotten 9/11 and the fact we followed them home , they were here ! why would anyone think they wouldn't come back ?
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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #74 on: June 07, 2007, 03:30:24 AM »
some of the film i saw was Iroc troops led by was it uncle or brother-in law using gas on curd's in Iroc  !
the truck was Russian as was the label on gas canisters that were shown on the news shows , we store in secure buildings others do not always , look at Russia and its nuclear power plants no containment dome !
My biggest gripe is why we haven't leveled Saudi Arabia most of the plane jacker's came from there on 9/11 !
FDR spent much money and time getting the USA involved in WW-2 and became a hero , WE get attacked and bush is put down for defending us , times do change ! shame ain't it !
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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #75 on: June 07, 2007, 05:11:07 AM »
Here is a fine interview with an Egyptian "doctor"  on the re-surgence of female circumcision in Saudi Arabia.  That sick pedophile who wrote their Koran would surely approve. 

"Doctor Muzaffar-I have a medical practice in Jizan, Saudi Arabia which I practice female circumcision. I am a Egyptian and still spend much time there, but spend much time at my clinic in the Kingdom. My husband travels with me. Female circumcision is well established in Egypt and is now spreading in the Kingdom from the Tihama region of the Arabian peninsula. The locals have practiced in for many years and now the Saudi religious police have encouraged its spread in the Kingdom."

"RZ-Why did you pick there to set up your practice if female Circumcision is easily available. "

"Doctor Muzaffar- I was recruited in my homeland, Egypt by the religious police as circumcising the young may be done by midwives, there was few trained female Doctors in the kingdom that Had experience in circumcising grown women."

"RZ- Religious police?"

"Doctor Muzaffar- Yes, this is the new more tolerant religious police, where in the past Prostitution or Adultery was punishable by stoning, now sometimes they simply have the accused circumcised and/or infibulated. They bring them to my clinic and they are my guest for a day or two. I also Train nurses for the religious police to preform female circumcision. after a training period they are moved to female hospitals in other Kingdom cities. Clitoridectomy is not not a hard thing to learn for the average nurse.The religious police feel that female circumcision has many positive benefits. It calms women, ends lesbian activities, discourages adultery and prostitution. It allows women to concentrate on being good wives and mothers."

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #76 on: June 07, 2007, 12:44:48 PM »
When will the decent people of the world see the plain and simple truth that Islam is a cancerous growth on the world and needs removal by irradiation.
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.


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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #77 on: June 08, 2007, 02:15:25 AM »
Billy  look around , decent people are hard to find ! at least in numbers large enough to make a difference !
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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #78 on: June 08, 2007, 03:17:51 AM »
Billy  look around , decent people are hard to find ! at least in numbers large enough to make a difference !

I don't agree with that statement Shootall.  I think that there are plenty of decent people left.  Unfortunately decent people tend to not want to rock the boat even to stand up for what is right or to put down what is wrong.  So I think a better statement would be decent people need to get of their butts and start making noise like all the minorities. 

Here's a good example for you.  Seems like every time you turn on the TV or open a newspaper some celebrity type or a group of fa... are holding a rally and crying that the government needs to do more about aids research, when the last I heard hart disease, cancer and drunk drivers each take more innocent lives than Aids does.   When was the last time you saw a group of cancer victims or heart disease victors march on Washington?  I haven't even herd much from MADD (Mothers Against Drunk Driving) lately but here is rock star Bono in the news again just this morning bashing the world leaders saying that they are not doing enough about Aids. 

Okay, I'll turn the soap box over to someone else now.  ;D
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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #79 on: June 08, 2007, 04:19:32 AM »
Brett , i should have added what you did for me , thank you !
i in no way wanted to offend good people ( old term silent majority ) !
But if good people stand by and watch our society destroy itself then how good are we ?
The idea of not getting involved is as much a sin and a shame as the disregard of decent behavior is in the first place !
The infatuation with minorities that our political system has will in fact be the down fall of our country . At best it is going to be the the largest hurdle to jump if and when the religious war in the middle east finds its way to our shores . With all the safe guards in place between religious freedom and minority protection i have to wonder if we will Be able to defend ourselves with out offending some minority or infinging on someones religous rights !
As far as stars yelling for support on some issue , how much have the donated to the cause , time doesn't count since they get the publicity they seek anyway ! most times that they would not get any other way !
If ya can see it ya can hit it !

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Re: Shouldn't We Be taking Heed...?????
« Reply #80 on: June 08, 2007, 04:43:10 AM »
Now that I can agree with.  We have placed ourselves in the straight jacket of political correctness.   The government, politicians, the business community, law enforcement and even decent citizens are afraid to say or do anything for the fear of being attacked for being bigoted, backward, religious fanatics or homophobes, etc.     
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