Author Topic: Over-sized Rubber grips that actually fit a SBH-H w/ rounded trigger guard  (Read 724 times)

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Offline petepaaz

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    Does anyone know of a Pachmayr/Hogue type of rubber grip that actually fits a Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter which has a rounded trigger Guard? I would also consider an easy to grip wooden set that is good for recoil control. The grip frame is standard...not a Bisley. I tried to install a Pachmayr Presentation Grip and it just doesn't fit right. The gun is a good one but not a joy to shoot w/o a good set of rubber grips for managing recoil comfortably.....Pete

Offline dave375hh

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I've had the Hoage rubber grip on my SBH-H since I bought it. It fits well and really soaks up recoil no matter what I'm shooting. It's not for small hands though, It's big.

Offline sidekick

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Before I purchased I called Hogue and asked if they made a rubber grip for the SBHH with the round trigger guard and was told they did not but the grip made for the SBH with the squared off trigger would fit, just leaving a small gap between the grip and guard that is hardly noticeable. I bought the grip and they were right, it is hardly noticeable and I like the grip so much better than the factory wood. However as previously stated, it is not a grip for one with small hands.

Offline Lloyd Smale

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I guess i just dont understand the purpose of them. None of the stock rugers even the 44s kick enough to hurt your hand unless your pushing 300s up hot in a 44 and even then its more of a mental thing then a physical thing. The grips on a single action like a blackhawk are designed to roll in your hand and once you get used to the fact that they do that and its not going to hurt you its actually beneifical. It allows the gun to recoil about the same way every time and gives you better accuracy. Rubber grips change the whole dynamics on a single action at least for me. A small differnce in grip pressure will more drastically effect point of aim with your bullet and really open up groups. A bisley will come back straighter into your hand but still roll enough to help recoil a blackhawk with rubbers just comes staight back and the grips dont really allow for any roll. If you want a real eye opener and think your rubber grips make a heavy recoiling gun more comfortable to shoot put a set on something that really recoils. Ive got a little blackhawk 45 that has an alloy grip frame and a ejector rod housing a 4 inch barrel and some ohter lightening done to it and it weights less then an small framed ruger and with 300s are 1200 its everything my .500 is in recoil. I put a set of pachmyrs on it one day just to try it to see if it tamed the gun down and let me tell you that gun would hurt you with rubber grips on it. After a cylinder full my had actually bled from being grabbed by that checkered rubber. Put the stag grips right back on it that moment. I guess to me if they really did reduce recoil maybe id use them at least for working up loads but they dont help me a bit and there uglier then sin to boot.
blue lives matter

Offline dave375hh

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I agree with your thinking about the "roll" mitigating recoil in single actions. I found that I got a better grip on the Hunter model with the Hoage's. I don't Know why Ruger thought they needed to put that bull barrel on the hunter models. That weight plus the scope I was having trouble holding it steady, comfortably. I seemed to be fighting the grip to steady it. The Hoage gave me a more comfortable grip to steady the up front weight of the gun. I never considered the recoil aspect as it's never bothered me.

Yes, they are ugly, but they work for me.

Offline petepaaz

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    Thanks guys for the feedback...however I'm no stranger to oversized rubber grips on a Ruger SBH....I once owned a Bicentenniel Model of the  SBH in 44mag...had Pachmayr Presentation grips on it that fit perfectly all around and greatly aided my control of the gun. But this latest SBH-H in 44mag wouldn't allow me to have a firm fit all around. The gap was noticeable and sloppy/loose  around the front strap of the grip frame, let alone the gap between the trigger guard which I didn't care about. My hands are above average in size.  Still in a quandry over this. The roll method doesn't work well w/me for whatever reason (ergonomical differences?)