Well, I just got off the phone with the guys at ADFG, and asked them a couple of questions about the predator control program, specific to unit 16, but also general for the state. Some of this is stuff I read in the regs already too.
Where I am at the program will start July 1st, as we already knew. The guy said that his office won't even get the paperwork until then, so he wouldn't even know some of the final details. The permits for predator control hunts are available in any ADFG office.
There is no limit on the amount of bears taken for residents, for non-residents the regular seasonal limit will apply.
Bears can be taken only by normal legal means. That means within the regular baiting season you can bait, not all the time. He said that there may be some special baiting times made with the program, but they wouldn't know exactly until they got the paperwork in the office. All baiting rules apply.
There are NO scent burns and NO trapping, as he said it, "no, none of that."
Though they did take the limit off, they didn't make it a free for all.
Untanned hides may be sold. Though they do have to be sealed first.
If you are interested in these hunts, don't take my word for it, stop by your local ADFG office on July 1st.