Why in the hell do things like this happen to good people? Have the doctors suggested what possibly it could have come from? Have you gotten any second opinions as to whether it could be reversed or not? That really p**sses me off. Hey, my girlfreind is always talking about some place down near San Diego that claims that they can cure a lot of things like that. I dont want to give you false hope or anything, but if you have been casting/shooting etc for a long many years...some people are more succeptible to things like this. Anyway...this place has something they do to remove 'heavy metals' from your body and other things that they do. It could be worth a try to check out some of these alternative approaches to merdicine. I dont really know much about it....could also be an expensive wild-goose chase, and just waste your precious time. If you are interested in any of this stuff, let me know, and I can try to find you a link or a phone number.
I might be interested in some of your stuff, I will check it out when you post the list. I still havent gotten any of your lube, and I still need iot, so please reserve a moderate amount for me. I am betting that a lot of the guys on here are hoping you will share the recipe if you are retiring.
Take good care of yourself my freind, make sure to take some time off and relax if you can. Try not to worry.
Sincerely, Your freind, Robert
See ya on line.