The Hilton's, Kennedy's, O'Donnel's, DuPont's and a whole bunch more. They know right from wrong, they just don't think it applies to them! Their elitist's, they don't think that the law is for them. Their above that. Their special. Everybody else is second class. Look at the 2 boys a few years ago that killed their parents. Spoiled rich kids. Sad part is, it's not just confined to New York or L.A. It's taking place all over. Parents too busy with making money, their own social life. I remember reading an article on Charlton Heston. Had his family on a fishing trip, and one of his kids spilled a drink or something of the like on the boat. The first mate went to clean it up, he told him, don't you dare. My kid made it, he can clean it up. I can respect that, bring your children up with the attitude of respect for other people, their possession's, the laws. Problem is, it's happening less and less. We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman