My first powder measure was a Lyman, that had a knocker on the front. Use to tap it up every throw. Now I use a Redding BR3, and when I'm loading fine powder,(H110-296-4227) the measure has a built in micometer on the front, and I can usually get it pretty close to whatever charge I want to use. I tap the back of the measure with my finger tips after I dump the powder, this, I think settles the powder in the column, and makes sure all the powder drops into the case. I'm not to worried about the fine stuff bridging across, but it was a habit I got into when I was loading 4895 or 3031. And then I would set the measure to throw about 1 to 1.5 grs. light, and finish up the charge on my electronic scale, with a trickler It was a rythem I would get in. I was weighing every charge, and still get 300-400 rounds loaded in one evening with out pushing myself. We keep trying peace, it usually doesn't work!!Remember(12/7/41)(9/11/01) gypsyman