Author Topic: Bore Cleaning on C&R Rifles  (Read 546 times)

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Offline ramaslama

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Bore Cleaning on C&R Rifles
« on: May 27, 2003, 04:25:57 PM »
Hey Y"all,   :D

I have a question about cleaning the bores of some of the rifles I buy.  Mostly I try to buy guns that are listed as having vg-exc bores and some arsenal rebuilds.  Problem is when I look down the barrels they are kinda dark.  Most have great rifling but only the lands have any shine to them.  So I scrub and scrub with every solvent known to man and no matter what I can't get a clean patch!  Believe me, it's not from a lack of elbow grease!  I have one rifle I'm working on now that was packed with grease.  I've completely worn out 3 brass and 2 stainless steel brushes! I'm using 30 cal brudhes on a 6.5mm.  I'd say on the order of a thousand strokes with Shooter's Choice, Hoppes, Butche's, and some home-made stuff with lots of carb cleaner in it.  I've tried soaking it too and every time I pass a patch thru it it's almost black.  You should see it after I brush!  I have to squirt carb cleaner down the bore just so I don't use so many patches!  Oh yeah, I've used over a hundred patches on this one gun too!  So am I trying to do the impossible??  I've got some new guns and after a bit of work I can get a clean patch so I guess I can clean a gun OK.  What do youall think??  I'd appreciate any help- my right arm is starting to look like Popeye's!   :wink:

Dave L

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Bore Cleaning on C&R Rifles
« Reply #1 on: May 28, 2003, 05:53:18 AM »
I can only offer a product I've used:
 1. Birchwood-Casey's Gun Scrubber Solvent/Degreaser aerosol spray worked well for me when cleaning up a Swedish Mauser
 2. Birchwood Casey's Bore Scrubber for lead/copper removal (Have not tried this)  I found the swede to be heavily contaminated w/ copper fouling and used Butch's Bore Shine w/ many, many patches!

Have you heated the barrel and receiver up with low heat from an oven or very hot/boiling water to loosen up the cosmoline first?  That's what you did in the Army.  The old trick about putting it into a closed up car or truck in the summer sun helps bleed out the cosmoline in the stocks too.  I swear, that cosmoline is the closest thing to indestructible as man has ever come up with!  Good Luck on the clean-up.
savageT........Have you hugged a '99 lately?

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Bore Cleaning on C&R Rifles
« Reply #2 on: May 28, 2003, 02:45:41 PM »
I use G.I. Rifle Bore Cleaner from colemans and have used it for years the Albanian and yugo sks's I just recieved were so bad the grease and cosmo inside the barrels was caked in there. But after a few dripping wet patches they were squeeky clean. The outside of the guns I just washed them in kerosene(recievers).  The gun stocks I use murphy's wood soap if there not too bad.  The last yugo I washed the wood with kerosene then just wiped it dry and it cleaned up nice then murphy's wood soap.  But one of my yugo's was oil soaked so bad it just looked black no wood grain to be seen, after cleaning it I decieded to refinish the stock and before using sandpaper which i really don't like to do, so I tried very coarse steelwool(the misses told me to try it) and it took a very thin layer of the oil soaked soft wood off to reveil a nice wood grain looking good again stock.  The very coarse steelwool left no marks and the wood looks evenly resurfaced you can't tell anything was done.  This stock was a little beat more than the others so this one is my shooter/camp gun or it would of stayed the way it looked orginal.                   BigBill

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Electronic bore cleaner
« Reply #3 on: May 28, 2003, 03:39:50 PM »
You guys need to try the the 50 cent electronic bore cleaner.  This is the homemade version of the $50 machine that Outer was selling.

Follow the instructions on the website.  You will not believe how well this works.

Just click on the link and you should be taken to the website.

This is mostly for cleaning out fouling but it gets caked on grease and rust also.

Offline ramaslama

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Bore Cleaning on C&R Rifles
« Reply #4 on: May 28, 2003, 04:31:35 PM »
Hey all,

Thanks for the suggestions!  I forgot to say I have the parts for that slick bore cleaner but I needed to see the power supply and what to use for fluid.  Now I know!  
For refinishing stocks, I just tried something I read about years ago and it works GREAT!  Hot water and oven cleaner!  No muss no sanding (well not much- just a light touch to get the raised grain off).  The stock was flat awful- it was in the junk pile because it was so oil-soaked and messy I just replaced it.  Anyway, it took about 30 min and this thing looks like new!  I would have never believed it if I hadn't done it myself.  So if you have a really lousy stock, try the oven cleaner before you go spend money on a new one- you'll be happy you did!  :-D

  Dave L