Ok there's a lot already up now. No names as of yet, and still more pics to upload. But for those who were there it's a start and I'll be working on naming them and should have them all finished by the end of the weekend. I went ahead and used the Photobucket account I establishred for the 2006 pics.
Here's how it's supposed to work. When the photobucket page opens at
www.photobucket.com , there'll be a place to sign in. (If you are already a current user, you may have to logout out of your present account) Login/sign in as pdshooter_2006, just underneath that use the password "2006hunt". Hit Enter. At the bottom left part of the screen that will come up there'll be a blue link that says "
The 2006 Shoot" right above where it says "Rename Selected Album" and right below where it says "New Sub-Album Name". Click on the words "
The 2006 Shoot" , then click
"the 2007 hunt" under "my sub albums". Pics from this year are there.