Author Topic: Who Makes They're Own Grips?  (Read 1602 times)

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Offline oo_buck

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Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« on: June 22, 2007, 02:48:21 AM »
Sittin' around last night playing with my Vaquero.......

Dawns on me that I'd like something different for the grips.......  I'd love to put real stags on it, but refuse to invest that kind of money into it right now....maybe later.

I started thinking of different wood grips I could put on it to give it more of the "one of a kind" look.

Then I thought, "I bet I could make a set".

What do I need to know as a first time grip maker, and overall ametuer woodworker???

I have a good supply of trees that for some reason I can't stop thinking of doing something with. 

Would Honey Locust be a suitable choice for grip material?  I have several small trees that need to come down anyway..... thorny little things, that are just a pain in the neck......

How long would I need to let the wood dry after cutting?

Any info is helpful, I was just thinking that it would be cool to have one a little different.


Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #1 on: June 22, 2007, 02:59:53 PM »
I make grips for my pistols SAA'S and S&W N frames mostly.
I like the magna grips on all my N frames and they are hard to come by (cheap)
So I make my own, they are the exact same size as the factory grips only without the checkering.
I also made a few grips for my single actions.
 Made a set for a Ruger out of cherry and put the nut for the screw on the inside of the rt grip panel not going all the way through.
It looks like a one piece grip like the old colts (till you look at the left grip panel) ;D
The cherry I used for the Ruger was from a gun rack I made back in high school.
 The S&W grips were made from walnut I cut from a tree in my back yard.
I let the wood sit for 2 years. It dried and cracked .(but it was dry) no problem with any grips I made from this wood ;)
 I made a set of grips from maple from a tree I cut down once and let sit for just short of a year.
The grips looked great
 the wood wasn't dried enough.
Alot of work down the drain.
So if I were you I would split the logs you cut and let them dry and warp split and what ever else they want to do before you start putting time into making anything out of em.

A quick run down of the steps I take to make grips is
2-. pick out a piece big and thick enough for your grips that is free of cracks ,knots or any other blemish
3-.split or cut this piece so both panels of your grips match.
4-.plane the wood down to size of widest part of finnished grip size leaving at least 1/8"over.
5-.lay old grips on wood for pattern, and trace outline of grips
6.-cut grips out
7.- look at old grips how they fit to frame(SAA and their clones need some wood cut out on the inside of the grips at the top to fit)take a little off at a time,,, JUST A LITTLE!!,,,keep checking till they fit .)
Also it's a good idea to press grip panels on frame at this point to mark where the pin on bottom frame fits in to them.
drill hole just big enough and deep enough for a tight fit.
once the grips fit like you want they should be tight enough that they will stay on frame without a screw holding them.
8-. Now drill hole with grips on gun for grip screw.( just big enough for the screw but not the eschun? --eschoen?--THE NUT       THAT THE BOLT GOES INTO-)(One of these days I 'm going to lern how ta spel)
9.-This is the hard part---put some masking tape on back strap and trigger to prevent scratching- then-- cut ,scrape, chisel and sand  off everything that don't look like a grip.
    This is easier to do with brass grip frame because you can buff out any scratches you might put on the frame.
10.-once you finnish shaping grips to shape ,drill hole in grip panels for eschun?-eschoen? (THE  NUT FOR GRIP SCREW!)
     ONLY drill deep enough for nut to fit flush with top of grip.
11. put screw in grips and tighten,finnish with final sanding
12.- put what ever finnish you want on them.
13.-Show em off.

BTW---------MAKE ---SURE WOOD IS COMPLETELY DRY------before starting
Hope this helps ,just take your time, because any hurrying along the way will ruin anything you did up to that point.

Good luck


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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #2 on: June 25, 2007, 04:01:44 AM »
You know you had better post some pictures Willy.,....
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Offline m-g Willy

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #3 on: June 25, 2007, 01:52:30 PM »
You know you had better post some pictures Willy.,....

I will as soon as I can get my daughter to show me how ???
Not to good with these new fangled contraptions.( I'm just gettin use to push button phones!)

neandrathal Willy

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #4 on: June 25, 2007, 02:34:14 PM »
oo buck, e-mail me or private message me; I might be able to help you out with some wood-cherry, walnut, possibly cocobola or ebony.  Pat

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #5 on: June 26, 2007, 03:53:00 PM »
Thanks everyone....

Keep the help coming......


Offline oo_buck

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #6 on: June 29, 2007, 04:28:28 AM »
oo buck, e-mail me or private message me; I might be able to help you out with some wood-cherry, walnut, possibly cocobola or ebony.  Pat

sent you a pm, couldn't find your email addy......

my email has changed, but it's updated now.......

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2007, 02:53:39 AM »
I've done it using these instructions:

Offline flyboy

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #8 on: October 19, 2007, 03:51:10 PM »
Hot darn, and thank you for the instruction site.  I just finished a set of cocobolo  grips for my Mark II, and I think they turned out rather well for my first ever attempt.   

I have some really good looking wood grips on my Single Six, but with the usual problems of not fitting well.

I sanded them down to fit the frame better, narrowed the bottoms a bit  and refinished, which improved them, but I have wondered about gluing a thin piece of wood ~1/16 in. to the back side of the grips, to get more thickness at the top, and and thinning the bottoms more, sort of like what Eagle Grips does with their Gunfighter grips.

Of course, I do have several sets of scales  with  attractive (some say garish, but what do they know?)  figure that I can make into grips , and I think that is the way to  go.  One set is only 3/8 in. thick, though.  That is thicker than the top of a Ruger grip, but will it be thick enough to provide a rounded shape at the bottom, with no flat sides, or should I consider shimming it?

Where can I buy the escutcheons and screws?


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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #9 on: October 20, 2007, 03:51:54 AM »
Brownell's, and Dixie Gun Works. Probably Midway USA.

Offline walkingwolf

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #10 on: October 20, 2007, 05:43:52 AM »

 T think I have some black walnut.     E me
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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #11 on: October 21, 2007, 12:54:58 AM »
Sittin' around last night playing with my Vaquero.......

Dawns on me that I'd like something different for the grips.......  I'd love to put real stags on it, but refuse to invest that kind of money into it right now....maybe later.

I started thinking of different wood grips I could put on it to give it more of the "one of a kind" look.

Then I thought, "I bet I could make a set".

What do I need to know as a first time grip maker, and overall ametuer woodworker???

I have a good supply of trees that for some reason I can't stop thinking of doing something with. 

Would Honey Locust be a suitable choice for grip material?  I have several small trees that need to come down anyway..... thorny little things, that are just a pain in the neck......

How long would I need to let the wood dry after cutting?

Any info is helpful, I was just thinking that it would be cool to have one a little different.

Honey Locust is a soft wood. Notice how the branches bend down after a rain. The wood is quite soft and fibrous. Here is a link to a company that sells scrap pieces of all the woods they carry. I got some real good pieces of laminate from them for a reasonable price.
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Offline 44 Man

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #12 on: October 21, 2007, 01:56:08 AM »
I have never made my own grips but I have a friend who has.  He now has a pair on his Colt that he made from giraffe bone.  They are a beautiful, warm amber color and I feel they are more beautiful than even aged ivory.  I'll try to get a picture in the future.  44 Man
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Offline Horsefeathers

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Re: Who Makes They're Own Grips?
« Reply #13 on: November 04, 2007, 08:54:21 AM »
The easiest way to get started is to buy some slabs of the proper dimensions. You need a wood shop full of tools  to cut the wood from the  tree logs to dimensional stock.It needs time to age.   I  Made many knife handles from bought slabs and from home grown wood. I had a friend with a wood shop cut me some Walnut,curly maple and oak that I picked up free.  I just made my first handgun grips from Maple for a Star model B pistol.The light wood looks good on the blued gun. I was amazed at how easy it was.   Horsefeathers.