Author Topic: What's the best powder for the handi .223  (Read 533 times)

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Offline thelaw

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What's the best powder for the handi .223
« on: July 04, 2007, 09:36:26 AM »
I've been using H335 and W748, with 748 winning out in velocity and accuracy so far. still, my velocities are a little slower than i expected. 40gr. vmax i get 3350fps with 27.5-28gr. of W748. with the 50gr. bt and vmax i get about 3100fps with 26-27gr. of W748. my handi has the 22" standard barrel. i use wincherster brass and primers. i've been hoping to get closer to factory ammo velocity, but that may not be possible i guess. do you know of any other powders that might yield better velocity?

Offline handirifle

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #1 on: July 04, 2007, 11:21:14 AM »
Try BL-C2.  It is pretty good in most any 223.  Seems to be one of powders that wrings the most out of a cartridge.
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Offline Roudy

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 01:54:23 AM »
Boy, this is a tough question.  It is like watching models walking down the runway and asking which is the most is in the eye of the beholder. 

That being said, I have used BLC-2 and had some success with it, but I've also used IMR4198 and IMR 4895 and I suspect that there are a slew of people that have used other powders with great success.  I have an affinity for ball powders, especially if I'm using a powder measure to throw charges because it doesn't catch as much.

I think the only real answer is "whichever powder works best for you, in your rifle".  Probably sounds like a "cop out" answer, but I think it is the truest one.


Offline Dave Allen

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 03:42:58 AM »
sorry...i don't have a handi in 223..."however" i have used several powder's in 223...with benchmark & w-748 working the best for me...

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 04:21:55 AM »
There is a bunch of powders that work well in the 223. I have a bolt that loves a heavy load of VihtaVuori N133. I have not developed a real good load in the Handi yet, but H322 shows some promise. For the most part do not use heavy loads in the handi (there are exceptions to everything). They seem to shoot better with milder loads. The Hornady loading manual #6 list 12 powders for the 50 grain bullet. They range from IMR 4198 up to H380. This would not be a complete list, but it covers the extremes in burn rate pretty much. Everyone has a preferred load, because everyone gets different results based on their particular gun. If the powder you have on hand burn rate falls into the above category then that is where I would start. If I did not have any powder available, I think I would start with the middle of the burn rates around H335 or BLC2 for instance (I have had excellent results with BLC2 in a 222). Good Luck
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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 04:35:29 AM »
i agree with LaOtto... accuracy wise..i have had better luck with mid range type load's...

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 05:02:17 AM »
Oops my bad :o I thought you were asking what powder to use. Velocity should not be a big concern. Accuracy is the concern. 200 FPS is not going to make that big of a difference. Factory rounds often do not live up to what they say they get. They usually use a 24"+ barrel for one thing. If you take a factory load and check it in your gun, you may find that they do not do any better than your hand loads. There is a lot of open throat in a Handi that tends to drop velocity because pressures are down. If you really have to have more velocity then get a 22-250 or a 204. If you must try for higher velocities then I would give IMR 4198 for the 40 grainers (Hornady does not even list WW 748 for this light bullet) and H322 for the 50 guarantee and you might not be happy with the accuracy results. Good luck on your holly grail of accuracy + velocity. ;D
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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #7 on: July 05, 2007, 06:44:50 AM »
For me, I use Varget and X-Terminator and get good results from both. The X-term definitely meters better.

Offline LaOtto222

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #8 on: July 05, 2007, 07:04:24 AM »
thelaw - What is the twist rate of your barrel. I would think ??? that a 1-9" would give slightly lower velocities than a 1-12" every thing else being the same (slightly more barrel resistance).
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Offline thelaw

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Re: What's the best powder for the handi .223
« Reply #9 on: July 05, 2007, 08:22:43 AM »
the twist in my rifle is 1 in 12. i have shot some factory loads using 55 gr. bullets and when clocking them i get faster velociity than with my 50 gr. handloads, by about 200fps. i have a powder for accuracy and decent velocity, w748. i'm just trying to see if i can get a little more out of the rifle. i know from experience with the handi that once get above the rifles max, cases start sticking. i honestly feel that the handi just can't handle the pressures that a bolt rifle could. thanks for the info. i think i may try a couple of the powders you guys mentioned. thanks