Author Topic: Let’s talk about immigration  (Read 852 times)

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Let’s talk about immigration
« on: July 05, 2007, 01:02:43 PM »
Let’s talk about immigration a little. Now I think most average Americans feel that there is a huge immigration problem in the US today.  We are even able to get some members of congress to agree that there is a problem we just can’t get them to do anything about it.

If you look at any of the purposed legislation you will find one common problem that makes every one of them flawed. They all require the US taxpayers to foot the bill for the purposed resolution to the problem. I personally do not see how this is even remotely fair to the US taxpayers.

From where I am sitting the US taxpayer/citizen is getting shafted all the way around on this deal.
a)   Taxpayers pay the medical expenses for the illegal immigrants.
b)   Taxpayers pay for the social services the illegal immigrants receive.
c)   Taxpayers pay for the illusion of border security to keep illegal immigrants out.
d)   Truly needy US citizens receive less because of illegal immigrants & others.

This also drives the demand for commonly needed items up as well as the price. Things such as gas, food, furniture, housing, clothing and most anything else one needs or has to buy. 

We can stop this fairly quick and without asking the US taxpayers to pick up the tab.  What we need is a bill that would fine a company found to employ illegal immigrants $5k per day for every day that person was employed. So if you have 5 workers and they work for 5 day you would be fined $125k. The person who signed off on the hiring of the illegal immigrant would also have to pay a fine of $5k per worker hired and 30days in jail for aiding and abetting illegal activity. If you cant show when the worker was hired then start from the first of the month or year if you want to be sure and get the attention of those doing the hiring.

The job of enforcing such a law should fall on the state and local governments to enforce and they should also be the ones who collect the revenue generated by the fines, after all they are the ones who suffer from illegal immigration and the company’s use of illegal immigrants in their workforce.

 I think every US citizen should stop supporting any other law or bill not structured to place the burden and expense on those who are creating the problem.

Here are some numbers for you…

121,309,275 is the estimated Total US Workforce for all 50 states
Illegal workers make up 15.3 percent of the US workforce

There are about 18.5 million illegal immigrants in the US workforce based on statistics from the US Census Bureau for 2006.

The extra 18.5 million workers cause everything to increase in price.

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #1 on: July 05, 2007, 01:17:35 PM »
I'm kind of torn on this issue. If I lived in Mexico and had a chance to come here and make a better life for my family I would be here also. I would try legally first though. The thing I don't like is the arrogance of a lot of these people. They don't come here wanting to become Americans, they just want to suck as much out of this country as they can, and flaunt the fact they are illegal on top of it. The ins is a joke. I like the fine idea, also I think we should start deporting as much as we can. There is a mexican illegal in a church here in Chicago. She was ordered to be deported and took frefuge in a church. Why hasn't the ins gone in after her? They say this country was built by immigrants. That's true, immigrants that wanted to become Americans, not turn this country into their country of origin.




Offline Almtnman

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #2 on: July 05, 2007, 01:38:22 PM »
They say this country was built by immigrants. That's true, immigrants that wanted to become Americans, not turn this country into their country of origin.

It was built by immigrants, only they came here legally and accepted the system, not illegally and wanting to transform it into something else.
The Mountain
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Offline victorcharlie

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #3 on: July 05, 2007, 01:58:08 PM »
Heck, I don't blame the illegals.....with the 86 amnesty, and the promise of another mass amnesty in the near future, well, I'd just have to be here to get it if I were Mexican.  Nothing to loose, and everything to gain for Mexicans IMO......
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Offline billy_56081

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #4 on: July 05, 2007, 02:30:34 PM »
  I'm just glad that the senate actually felt the heat and didn't pass this bill. Now we need to insist that the fence be built. While some of these people do actually come here for a better life there are many that come here for more insidious reasons.  The buisinesses hiring these criminals are also criminals themselves and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We do not need a new law we only need our existing laws enforced.    As said by the great Bart Simpson "Hey immigrants, countrys full go home".
99% of all Lawyers give the other 1% a bad name. What I find hilarious about this is they are such an arrogant bunch, that they all think they are in the 1%.

Offline beemanbeme

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #5 on: July 05, 2007, 02:35:05 PM »
Ask the Indians how they feel (now) about uncontrolled immigration?

Offline Heavy C

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #6 on: July 05, 2007, 05:52:16 PM »
You may be onto something.  I wonder how many Canadian illegals there are in this country?  I'd hate to be the fellow that accidentally hired an illegal Canadian who presented himself as a U.S. citizen.  I'm also glad that the most recent bill did not pass either.  We have the laws in place; just start enforcing them for a change.  Everybody is targeting the Mexican illegals, but I suspect there is a greater threat just to our north.

Offline rockbilly

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #7 on: July 06, 2007, 01:32:47 AM »
Looking for an answer to illegal immigration?  This may be the answer!

I have been watch, and listening Congressman Tom Tancredo for well over a year.  He has gained my respect, and I fully support his campaign.  His views on many of the important issues pertaining to the well being of America are in line with the thoughts and ideas many of you have expressed here.  Go to the above web site and read up on him, if you agree, and can afford a to make a contribution, then drop a few dollars in his campaign chest.  It will be awful hard to beat the big money front runners in either party, but if we truly want a change, this will be a very good investment.

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #8 on: July 06, 2007, 05:03:47 AM »
Yeah, but those Canadian Illegals are easy to spot, eh? :D
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Offline copilot001

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #9 on: July 06, 2007, 04:46:22 PM »
I,m a Canadian....
And quite happy to live in Canada...When the snow gets a little deep I come south and meet some realy great people and toast in the sun,but when I head north and cross that border I know I,m home.
The U.S.A. might be OK for americans but we Canadians prefer Canada.
Besides ...we don,t have to put up with Hillary, Obama, or any other loser runing for public office down there...we have enough losers of our own ;D

Offline jh45gun

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #10 on: July 06, 2007, 06:14:03 PM »
Since we defeated the immigration bill I think we ought to be concerned with this OSHA threat and defeat that the same way we did the immigration bill. !!!!
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Almtnman

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2007, 02:40:49 AM »
Since we defeated the immigration bill I think we ought to be concerned with this OSHA threat and defeat that the same way we did the immigration bill. !!!!

I have already sent OSHA my comments about this. Below is the info and a sample comment that you can use.

Proposed "Safety" Regulations
Would Dry Up Ammunition Sales

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) has proposed new rules that would have a dramatic effect on the storage and transportation of ammunition and handloading components such as primers or black and smokeless powder. The proposed rule indiscriminately treats ammunition, powder and primers as "explosives." Among many other provisions, the proposed rule would:
Prohibit possession of firearms in commercial "facilities containing explosives"—an obvious problem for your local gun store.
Prohibit delivery drivers from leaving explosives unattended—which would make it impossible for delivery services such as UPS to deliver ammunition or gun powder.
Require evacuation of all "facilities containing explosives"—even your local Wal-Mart—during any electrical storm.
Prohibit smoking within 50 feet of "facilities containing explosives."
It's important to remember this is only a proposed rule right now, so there's still time for concerned citizens to speak out before OSHA issues its final rule. The National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Association will all be commenting on these proposed regulations, based on the severe effect these regulations (if finalized) would have on the availability of ammunition and reloading supplies to safe and responsible shooters.
The public comment period ends July 12. To file your own comment, or to learn more about the OSHA proposal, go to and search for Docket Number OSHA-2007-0032"; you can read OSHA's proposal and learn how to submit comments electronically, or by fax or mail.
OSHA Docket Office Docket No. OSHA-2007-0032 U.S. Department of Labor, Room N-2625 200 Constitution Ave., N.W. Washington, DC 20210 Re.: Docket No. OSHA-2007-0032 (Explosives—Proposed Rule)

Dear Sir or Madam:
I am writing in strong opposition to OSHA's proposed rules on "explosives," which go far beyond regulating true explosives. These proposed rules would impose severe restrictions on the transportation and storage of small arms ammunition—both complete cartridges and handloading components such as black and smokeless powder, primers, and percussion caps. These restrictions go far beyond existing transportation and fire protection regulations.
As a person who uses ammunition and components, I am very concerned that these regulations will have a serious effect on my ability to obtain these products. OSHA's proposed rules would impose restrictions that very few gun stores, sporting goods stores, or ammunition dealers could comply with. (Prohibiting firearms in stores that sell ammunition, for example, is absurd—but would be required under the proposed rule.)
The proposed transportation regulations would also affect shooters' ability to buy these components by mail or online, because shipping companies would also have great difficulty complying with the proposed rules. For instance, the rules against leaving any vehicle containing "explosives" unattended would make it impossible for companies such as United Parcel Service to deliver ammunition to businesses or consumers without massive changes in their operations (such as putting a second driver on any truck that might happen to deliver a case of shotgun shells).
There is absolutely no evidence of any new safety hazard from storage or transportation of small arms ammunition or components that would justify these new rules. I also understand that organizations with expertise in this field, such as the National Rifle Association, National Shooting Sports Foundation, and Sporting Arms and Ammunition Manufacturers' Association, will be submitting detailed comments on this issue. I hope OSHA will listen to these organizations' comments as the agency develops a final rule on this issue.
The Mountain
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Offline Savage .250

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #12 on: July 07, 2007, 03:03:38 AM »
Ask the Indians how they feel (now) about uncontrolled immigration?

  I get your point but would like to add a little to it.
    They(Indians) got the shaft cause we( the settlers) came in droves and simply buried them with numbers.
     Does there seem to be a similarity here?   The Illegals (mostly Mexican)  are the "new" illegal settlers of this country. 
     They are a voting block to be reckoned with. Oh, I almost forgot, there is a fence being built on the border.
      In todays paper, there is a picture of the border-fence with a ladder placed against it every 20 feet.  Enough
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Offline jh45gun

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #13 on: July 07, 2007, 07:11:21 AM »
Altman I already called and gave my comments to  my US Senators and Rep  plus every Senator on the Subcommittee list. I also left a comment at the OSHA site.  Since they are on the OSHA sub committee I think they should be contacted all of them even the gun grabbers on the list at least to let them know how we feel about this. I even emailed Rush to get him working on this which he has though I am sure others have emailed him too.
Said I never had much use for one, never said I didn't know how to use it.

Offline Almtnman

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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #14 on: July 07, 2007, 07:59:44 AM »
jh45gun, I didn't think about emailing my senators and rep, I'll get that done. Thanks for bringing that to my attention. It sure would be bad if this UN backed regulation got passed and we couldn't buy reloading supplies or a box of 22 ammo, shotgun shells or such.
The Mountain
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Re: Let’s talk about immigration
« Reply #15 on: July 08, 2007, 06:41:19 AM »
Before a "imigration" bill will pass, they will convince the Masses we NEED a National ID card, the step before Microchipping or worse. Were playing with fire, and setting ourselves up for disaster. I always try to look at the big picture, and I can't figure out why the US Gov is allowing the illegals. Very few of them would vote if given the chance, Very few would side with the Gov in a SHTF situation. I don't believe they do anything by chance... What is the goal ? OR.. is it an Expendable workforce that has no Love for this country, and will work even if our rights and liberties are suspended ? ~Ace~