What barrel length are you using? You should give the 180gr SSP bullet a try, it's designed for handgun hunting and will open up nicely. I've used it in the .357 max and my XP-100 in .35 Remington. It's a pointed bullet with a better BC, it's never failed to open up and hold together on game out to 150yds with the Max. AA1680 with this bullet in my 14" TC will go 2000fps. H110 won't do that in my pistol. I like the H4227 better than H110/WW296 because the pressure seems to build in a more uniform manner. Have you tried Lil'Gun yet? I bought a big container of it a few weeks ago and am currently working up some loads for the 180SSP and my SAECO #356 (200gr FNGC). The burn rate of this powder is basically the same as H110/WW296, but is reputed to produce the same velocities with lower pressure. It won't match H110/WW296 in the 41 Mag with the data I have though.