It seems like most hunt hogs with typical Deer calibers, so I was just wondering if any of you hunt them with Big Bores. I dont buy into the "Bulletproof" myth, although I had a nasty time stopping one with a 44mag in a 14 inch Contender, but that was totally my fault for using the wrong bullets. On that same trip my buddies boar charged me and at 5 feet in fell like it was hit my the hand of God! My mistake was believing the Media crap about "Black Talons" and thinking they would work on Hogs.
So this seems like as good an excuse as any to "shop" for alternatives. Do any of you use anything exotic or outside the "Whitetail"range. I was thinking about the Ruger No.1 in 9.3x74 or 450-400. Ive been thinking about rechambering my No1 in 45-70 to 450#2. Im still in the planning stages for a Paradox or Bore Rifle.
I seen some of your posts that mention 375H&H, so I guessing there must be a few of us that like the idea.
I was reading your post, about using the 375H&H. Are these hogs as tough, and big as elephants,rino,hippo,or water buffalo ? Nope.
All in shot placement.A part of this, is the bullet choice.Although, those hogs can get pretty large.
The hype of "the magic bullet",guess, they in media, put blinders on, and don't consider the non-jacketed bullets as worthy of consideration.
I'm not downing the jacketed bullets.They have their place, just the same as cast bullets.I use both.
For the 45 Colt,in the "Ruger,T/C ONLY (etc)", for a general deer,boar,black bear,I'd consider Bear Creek 265gr SWC moly coated.I'd drive them to around 1050-1100 FPS. We're not trying to "magnumize" the 45 Colt.
The 44 mag,sure, the 265gr Hornady's to the 270gr Speer will work.I have some in 320gr JDJ's.These are hardcast.And will work.
It's the gristle plate that's the armor.
Usually, a 30-30,.308,30-06,yes, 44 mag,45 Colt,(these,44 mag and 45 Colt,with 265gr,or255gr on up hardcast SWC's,454 Casull (260gr),will do the job.
The SWC's will penetrate much better than a soft point will. What can come close to SWC's are the Sierra Silhouette (44 mag,other calibers)
And,yes, the old 45-70 will do the job as well.Just the same, those old BP/sub loads-they are powerful.I prefer BP/sub powder loads, as your shoulder takes the recoil better.A difference between a shove or getting hit with a baseball bat.The "bat" meaning smokeless powder.
I'll admit,I haven't used the low end velociity smokeless loads.
I wouldn't hesitate to take my handguns and rifles bear, or boar hunting.
If it meant handgun,it's either my Ruger NMBH 45 Colt, or F.A. 454 Casull.
A back up-a Winchester 44 mag,or either 2 of my 45-70's.One,is an NEF.The other, an original 1884 Springfield Trapdoor.
I wish you luck.Your post was interesting.