If you think its broke now, just wait till the Gubermint fixes it even more! As a disabled vet, I can attest that Gobermint supplied health care is nothing more than yet another poliical football at the mercy of the politicians and those who pay them off (via campaign support). I was on active duty and waited 3 years for knee surgery, just think if I was not in the "highest priority" group?
Even then, "they" wanted me to "wait and see" (one ACL was SEVERED!)
Remember when Canada shut down their hospitals due to budget problems??? (early 90s). Supposedly England has age limits on the major surgeries, if your "too" old the return isn't high enough for the Gubermint bean counters/ Or look at Germany's system, also going broke.
Yes, our system has problems. Things like uniformity MAY be good, direct Gobermint involvement is almost NEVER good!
Just remember that famous IRS saying "We are from the Gobermint, we are here to help you!" Or how they have "solved" gun violence by passing more laws on those who follow the laws, driving small dealers out of business, attacking big dealers for such "admin problems" as abbreviating the names of states.........
NO, NO, and even more NO!
As for those places where prices are controlled..........just how many have private companies doing research at their own expense? How much stock would YOU buy in company that did stuff non-profit? Is that the way you invest your extra sheckles?