I was just talking to my wife about this, and we say good riddance, but more should go (to the great beyond) too. I don't know if you heard, but there was more at stake than the deaths of our dogs and cats. Chinese food and drug products were responsible for several human deaths in Panama due to tainted toothpaste. When our USDA inspectors were finally allowed to check out the factories, low and behold, they had been shut down and everyone had run away! To shoot the Chinese equal to the Director of the USDA, is a good start, but they need to track down the factory owners and administer justice too. But the real problem is why are we importing so much foreign food and drug material in the first place! In a country that always has a surplus of grain products, why do we import wheat gluten thru Canada from China? I read where the USDA had ramped up inspections and only found problems with the Chinese products. It smells fishy here! I've asked my wife not to buy any food product from China.