I just spent the last two Saturdays, haunting two of my favorite Sporting Goods Stores, nothing yet. I did see the KRB (Knight Rolling Block) at one of the places, looks like the Revolution. I am thinking that Knight might be having some KP1 production issues, plus this is their first entry into a 4473 firearm and chambered barrels.
The KRB I took off the rack and went to throw it up to see how it fit, the trigger group fell right out of it on the carpeted floor, thank goodness. At first I thought I would like that feature on the KP1 too, but one little bump (tree branch, bump the release button) in the trail could just leave you without a trigger group when that buck/bull of a lifetime presents itself. Not to mention, I'm sure it would not be cheap to replace. Maybe that is the very problem that is holding them back, time will tell.