First upload the pic to one of the free photo websites, like Use the tools there, to reduce to pic to around 400 pixels width or less, to make them easy for dial-up users & small monitors to view.
Then "copy" (right click your mouse/choose copy/left click, hold down & sweep) the pics URL.(usually displayed under the uploaded pic)
"Paste" (right mouse click/choose paste/left click, and sweep) the URL, previously copied, into your new post, bracketed immediately before by "img" and after by "/img", with
both img's surrounded by the square brackets, on the lower case keys of your keyboard, located immediately to the right of the letter "P" key as in: [ xxx ] [/xxx].
Complete the post & the picture should popuate.
I'll omit the "/" in the trailing img bracket, below, so you can see what I mean. If
you copy the below url,and past it properly bracketed, you can see the pic I left.
In looking at your pic posting attempt, I see a misplaced leading bracket for the trailing "/img", and possibly an incomplete url for the pic - Did you upload it to a photo website, or just to your computer? Loading into your computer, only, won't work unless you're also running your own website off it.