I find that my Max is inconsistent with 38 spls. Most times I can keep three shots inside 2 inches at 50 yds... other times they are all over the target. Don't really know why that happens, but it happens enough that I don't trust it with 38s. My original idea was to be able use 38s for grouse/rabbit loads while deer hunting but I want more consistent accuracy than I'm getting.
Otherwise I don't see much accuracy difference between the Mag and the Max rounds when they are both loaded the same: 180 gr bullets, small rifle primers, and a middle of the road measure of Reloader 7. They are consistently able to produce groups around 1" at 50 yds. So far that is the only hunting type load I have tried. Other than that I've shot only plinking type loads with cast in all three brass sizes - and the erraticness of the 38s remains, and the acceptable accuracy of the Mag and Max is consistent.