Author Topic: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt  (Read 736 times)

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460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« on: July 17, 2007, 04:49:53 PM »
I know there are the Hornaday lever-revolution pointed bullet available, but what about the 460 S&W? Several authors have stated that the .454 Casual and .45 Long Colt can be fired from the revolver, what about loading up the .45s with the pointed ballistically superior bullets of the Smith cartridge?Anyone put a micrometer to them?In the Handy and other single-shots such as a Sharps replica this should work great ,,,I hope.. MISSEDSHOT....

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Re: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« Reply #1 on: July 17, 2007, 04:56:55 PM »
Been there, gonna do it in the 45 Colt carbine. The 45-70 uses .458"-.459" bullets, the 460/45col uses .452-.454" bullets. .452" bullets will drop right thru a couple of my 45-70 bores.

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Re: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« Reply #2 on: July 17, 2007, 05:04:00 PM »
Quick is right..the dia of the 45-70 is .458 while the 454, 45LC and 460 are all .452 .  So no it wouldn't be a good idea.

 I have another comment/question... I noticed SPEER is offering a 300gr 45 cal bullet expressly designed for the 460/454 casull. Any one tried that?? I tried to order some...but they are out of stock.

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Re: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« Reply #3 on: July 17, 2007, 05:12:03 PM »
Too dumb and too slow, I just got off Midway's site and saw that 45-70 was .458 and .459 and tried to get back here but didn't make it in time, anyway the .460 is .451 and Barnes offers their XPB in 200 and 275 grain pointed bullets, thanks for the replies and I'll look at the info provided.MISSEDSHOT...

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Re: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« Reply #5 on: July 18, 2007, 01:33:56 PM »
Below is the response I got from Barnes about using their 460 bullet in 454 Casull and 45 colt.

"The 454 Casul will get them to expand but you will have some distance
limitations. The .451 cal 200gr XPB requires a minimum impact velocity of
1700fps for expansion and the 275gr XPB requires a minimum impact velocity
of 1400fps.

This will allow you to shoot only about 25 to 50 yds depending on the bullet
used and still get bullet expansion.

I recommend the .451 cal 250gr XPB in the 454 Casul. This bullet only
requires an impact of 1050fps- this will allow you to shoot about 200yds and
still achieve bullet expansion.

The .451 cal 200gr and 275gr XPB's that were developed for the 460 S&W have
very high impact requirements for bullet expansion- much higher than the 45
Colt is capable of. Consequently you won't get any bullet expansion at the
lower 45 Colt velocities. With this said, you may as well buy cheap Full
Metal Jacketed bullets and accomplish the same task. I don't recommend them
for use in the 45 Colt."

Thanks,  Ty

Thanks,  Ty

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Re: 460 S&W Bullets in 45-70 and .45 Long Colt
« Reply #6 on: July 18, 2007, 01:58:31 PM »
Sounds to me like this guy hasn't spent much time behind the loading bench!!

 I get 1300fps from 300 gr bullets in my 7.5" Bisley!!!! Haven't really fiddled with the 200 gr's but will venture a guess that 1/3 less weight could net me some thing in the neighborhood of 17 -1800fps from that same 7.5" barrel.

 I don't remember for sure, but think I was almost 2000fps (muzzle) from my Marlin with 300gr hand-loads and a 20" barrel. That being the case, 24-2500 shouldn't be unattainable...trouble is the BS of such light bullets doesn't lend itself to any kind of long range...  Maybe being a all copper bullet will raise the BC a bit.....

Any how, there are many good bullets out there besides Barnes.

I have always been more of a heavy for caliber guy.
Speed like horsepower is nice...but retained energy and torque get it done in my book!!

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