Author Topic: Win 94 BB Side Ejection  (Read 655 times)

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Offline fknipfer

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Win 94 BB Side Ejection
« on: July 21, 2007, 10:16:57 AM »
I just received Win 94 BB AE that looks brand new.  It doesn't seem to eject very well.  About three inches from the rifle and just falls to earth.  I have tried slow and then fast.  I have several Marlins that when they eject they throw the empty round away from rifle.  I think there is a problem!!!!  If any of you side eject guys can give me an answer I would appreciate it.  I don't think this is right.

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Re: Win 94 BB Side Ejection
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2007, 01:10:44 PM »
Are you trying this with loaded rounds or empty brass? Loaded rounds, especially my .307 and .356, will only go about that far, but empty brass should throw about a foot or more before they fall.  The rate at which you cycle the lever has a lot to do with it, but the ejector button and spring should be stiff enough to shuck an empty at least a foot, if it doesn't maybe it needs a good cleaning , or a trip to a gunsmith for disassemby and a new spring.

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Re: Win 94 BB Side Ejection
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2007, 04:48:32 AM »
I think I will dissamble the rifle and clean and deburr anything that needs to be done.  I think the good cleaning is just the option.  I clleaned the barrel but just poked around on everything else.  I think I will use this one as a long range thumper with a scope.  I have an open sighted .375 Winchester I will use for the woods and it works well.

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Re: Win 94 BB Side Ejection
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2007, 05:24:55 AM »
Yep, there's something about the .375 that just makes it a terrific woods rifle. I still have a Winchester catalog from 1979, all dog eared, pages falling out and taped together, that I used to keep under my pillow and looked at every night, as I saved my allowance to get my first Big Bore.  I finally got mine in the summer of 1980, and its the slickest and quickest handling of any of the others that followed it by far- and is still my favorite if I'm woods hunting. I'd have to say that .375 BB has cost me a lot of money in the last 27 years or so, and have had the "Big Bore 94 Fever" ever since. It's an affliction that wives just don't understand, mine just shakes her head every time I come home from a gunshow-